Scientists from the Chinese Medical University in Shenyang examined more than 1600 people, analyzing their health and their usual diet. It turned out that the more a person ate onions and garlic, the lower the risk that he would get bowel cancer. And much lower. Those who avoided onions and garlic were 79 percent more likely to develop this type of cancer.
“The more onions, leeks, shallots, onions or green onions, as well as garlic, the higher the degree of protection against intestinal cancer,” – quoted
To reliably protect yourself from this type of cancer, you need to eat about 16 kilograms of garlic and onions per year. If you count on the daily rate, you get 40 grams per day. Not so much, you can be patient!
Dr. Li pointed out that the way you cook matters, too. To get the most out of onions, eat them raw, just like garlic. Boiling, frying, or braising will significantly reduce the nutrients in these vegetables.
By the way, a little earlier, scientists proved that biologically active substances contained in different types of onions also protect against breast and prostate cancer.
However, these vegetables are not the only ones that will help in the prevention of cancer. Scientists have already talked about the miraculous properties of ordinary plums and vegetables, which grow in our country literally in any garden.