Onion and garlic 80% protect against colon cancer

Onion and garlic 80% protect against colon cancer

Even in the last century, onions were actively used to treat various diseases. Now people prefer to replace it with pharmacological agents. Research done in China may change the way we look at this odorous vegetable.

Earlier studies have shown that certain compounds in onions, including flavonoids and organosulfur compounds, are biologically active, and that some of them prevent cancer. [1].

But now, scientists from the Chinese Medical University decided to find out whether onions and garlic really have a unique ability to prevent the development of colon cancer. They studied the nutritional habits of 833 patients suffering from this pathology. They then compared their diets to those of an equal number of healthy people. This made it possible to establish one interesting pattern. It has been associated with the consumption of onions and garlic. Mathematical analysis helped clarify that people who included these foods in their diet had a 79% lower risk of developing bowel cancer.

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ajco.13133

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