One to one: 7-year-old girl quail Taylor Swift and became a star

Xia Vigor from Britain copied the singer’s image surprisingly accurately with her 2008 hit “You Belong With Me”.

The white uniform of the orchestra’s drummer, the blonde curls over the shoulders, the fateful look. She goes on stage – and the audience roars with delight. No, we are not about Britney Spears, not about Madonna and not even about Katy Perry, who suddenly became a blonde. And about a British schoolgirl, a seven-year-old girl named Xia Vigor.

Xia became a real star after performing on the show “Your face looks familiar. Children”. This is the Filipino version of our One-to-One. The little girl copied the image of Taylor Swift and her concert number with amazing accuracy and artistry when she sang the song “You Belong With Me”. In 2008, it was a real hit. By the way, it is curious that the girl chose a song that is older than herself.

Recall: in the middle of a performance with Taylor, her uniform is ripped off, and the singer remains in a sexy black mini dress. Xia has retained all the details: the drummer’s outfit is ripped off her in the same way, she looses her hair with the same gesture and continues to sing – already dressed in a black and silver dress.

Xia’s parents – Filipino Christie and British-born Alan – are incredibly proud of their daughter. She is not new to them in show business. Xia has already played the role of a princess in a popular family sitcom and won the grand prize at a children’s talent show. Then she parodied Selena Gomez.

– I just do what I like. And then the magic begins, – Xia herself says about her success.

The little star has a lot of fans on social networks: she herself maintains pages on Twitter and Facebook, on Instagram, Xia has more than 120 thousand subscribers. More than Nastya Volochkova, for example. There are also several dozen fan-pages dedicated to her.

“I don’t know where she got such talent. I played Xia on the guitar, sang to her when she was little. But nothing special. True, Xia’s mother comes from a very musical family, – told the girls dad.

He is now divorced from his daughter’s mother, but maintains a relationship with his ex-wife and children – which is why the British woman from Devon ended up in the Philippines.

In addition, the father told reporters that Xia not only speaks English, but also the language of the Philippines – Tagalog. He also knows a little Spanish.

– She said she would sing a song in Spanish on the show. Just because I liked the Spanish language, – Mr. Vigor confides. – Xia is not at all shy about performing in public and composes incredible stories on the go, live. Surely she will achieve a lot.

However, not everyone spoke about the girl’s performance with the same enthusiasm. One of the judges on the show, Pierce Morgan, considered Xia’s number “inappropriately sexy.”

“That’s not what a seven-year-old is supposed to do. My daughter is five years old, and if she did this in a couple of years, I would be very uncomfortable, – said Morgan.

And perhaps he is right – after all, the makeup is very adult, and the movements, and the song itself is by no means childish. Of course, many are touched when children sing songs about adult love, but …

Nevertheless, more than a million people have already watched the video of Xia’s performance. And most people who looked at it thought it was “incredibly cute.” What do you say?

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