Is it true? Such a claim may be due to the fact that we are not able to correctly assess the changes in our body. Melanomas have many characteristics that help to recognize them. These features are determined using the ABCDE criteria. Meet the ABCDE of Melanoma! Be vigilant and don’t wait!

After finding that you are at a higher risk or that you have symptoms indicating the possibility of melanoma, you should see a specialist doctor. A visit to a dermatologist does not require a referral, a document confirming social insurance is enough.

To help the doctor make a diagnosis, it is worth answering the most important questions in advance:

  1. Do you sunbathe often?
  2. Do you use sunscreen when sunbathing?
  3. Have you ever been sunburned and was it when you were a child?
  4. Has anyone in your family ever had melanoma?
  5. Have you ever suffered a mechanical trauma to a birthmark?
  6. How long ago did the birthmark appear?
  7. Have any of the birthmarks changed recently?

The dermatological examination is non-invasive and painless. After collecting the necessary information, the dermatologist examines the skin changes using a dermoscope. This device allows the doctor to magnify 10-12 times and additionally illuminate the area of ​​the skin under observation, thanks to which the deeper structure of the mole can be visualized. After examining the most disturbing skin lesion, ask your doctor to see the rest of the moles as well.

After the examination, the dermatologist decides whether the skin changes are of concern. If so, he or she will order the mole removal along with a histopathological examination of the cut material. The results of the test will help to determine if the lesion is mild, melanoma or other skin cancer.

The removal of the birthmark is performed under local anesthesia and takes several minutes.

The material comes from the website:

  1. Dermatological centers in Poland
  2. Sentinel node biopsy – list of facilities
  3. Watch: Treatment of Melanoma
  4. ABCDE of melanoma

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