My wife just loves peaches, and I decided to surprise her for our wedding anniversary, which will be in mid-September.
This year, the harvest of fragrant fruits was a success, the summer was hot, the peaches grew large and very sweet. Cooking jam is not a man’s business, she cooks it very well herself, so I decided to make peach liqueur.
Peach liqueur
I had no experience in preparing sweet, “lady’s” drinks. The “world wide web” came to my aid, where you can find and learn almost everything.
After painstakingly studying the process and stages of preparation, I settled on one of the recipes, which seemed to be the most successful. And, as it turned out later, I was not mistaken!
Peach liqueur on cognac
The story was shared by blog reader Michael.
I was a little doubtful whether I would be able to properly prepare the liquor, but in fact it turned out that it was not difficult at all.
Our crop
For the classic recipe, which is the basis of all other methods, I took:
- one kilogram of ripe peaches;
- one liter of vodka;
- 400 gram of sugar;
- a glass (150 ml) of water.
You can use cognac instead of vodka, which will give the drink a special flavor. In this case, add citrus zest. You can use lemon and orange together.
Cognac Recipe Ingredients
The cooking process
Ripe, sweet, fragrant peaches are needed to prepare the drink; unripe with dense pulp will not work.
I put them in a bowl, poured boiling water over them, covered them with a lid and waited a few minutes. Boiling water must be poured into another bowl, it will still be useful to us, and pour cold water over the peaches.
Cooking process – soaking stage
It is important! Do not neglect the soaking of fruits in cold water, this is necessary in order for the bitterness in the skin to go away.
Then I carefully peeled off the skin, removed the seeds and crushed the pulp well with a blender. 150 ml of boiling water was added to the resulting puree, stirred and squeezed the juice through several layers of gauze. The remaining pomace was no longer useful.
Cooking mashed potatoes
The resulting peach juice, I poured into a glass jar, added the entire norm of vodka and sugar to taste, mixed, tightly closed the lid and put a dark place. Storage temperature room. Every day for 10 days, the jar of liquor was thoroughly shaken.
This juice turned out
Two weeks later the drink was ready. The resulting liquor, I drained from the sediment, filtered through cotton wool and bottled.
Peach liqueur is ready
What did I end up with
Two weeks later I received a thick, viscous consistency, very sweet and aromatic drink. Due to the high pulp content, the liquor was slightly cloudy. For this reason, it had to be additionally filtered and removed from the sediment again.
Filtered peach liqueur
My wife was pleased with the taste of the amber liqueur, and my surprise was a success. It was in no way inferior to store-bought expensive peach liqueur.
The strength of my homemade alcohol was 27 degrees.
Final result
The liquor prepared by ourselves was also appreciated by our guests. Now we serve it on the table for all holidays, as it turned out to be exquisite, tasty, sweet and very fragrant.
How to serve and with what to use
Usually peach liqueur is served with dessert or ice cream after the main meal. You can add a little drink to hot tea or just have a cup after.
Original serving
Ice cubes added to the glass will give a refreshing effect, they will slightly remove the sweetness. Peach liqueur can be used to make cocktails, add it to other alcoholic drinks and confectionery. The calorie content of the drink is about 300 kcal per 100 grams.
Serve with ice
It is important! Peach liqueur with a long exposure has a rich aroma and a pronounced taste. The drink is stored for no more than three years in a hermetically sealed container.
What can be changed in the recipe
After trying the classic recipe for homemade liquor, I wanted to change something, try to make a special, unusual drink. I prepared a cream liqueur in which the alcohol base was whiskey, and in addition to peach, cow’s milk and condensed milk were present.
With condensed milk it turns out sweeter
Anise and cinnamon are added to give a spicy flavor to the liquor. Almond flavor will give the kernels of apricot kernels, citrus notes – lemon and orange zest. These flavor nuances will make the aroma even more intense.
My apricot liqueur
Peach pits can be added to the classic recipe. They give the drink an almond flavor. To do everything right, you need to split the bone into two parts, pour the kernels for five minutes, remove the peel from them and put everything in a container for cooking.
regular peach pits
How much money will we spend on the production of a drink
The price of one liter of finished peach liqueur is approximately 200 rubles, depending on the brand and manufacturer. If you make a drink at home, its cost will be much lower.
Shop peach liqueur
The total amount depends on which alcohol is used, plus the cost of all ingredients. If you buy fruits during the ripening season, when their price is low, the cost of the drink will be even lower.
Considering that I needed to buy only alcohol and sugar in the store, I spent about 200 rubles on the production of my liquor. Our peaches grew at home, so the drink turned out to be cheaper than the store one, since it came out almost 2 liters.
Peach liqueur is easy to make at home. They can surprise guests and delight loved ones. Have you had a similar experience in making liqueurs?