One of a kind — schizophrenia! How does the disease develop and is it possible to get rid of it?

Schizophrenia is an insidious disease that «kills» a person imperceptibly, taking him away from the real world. Strange as it may seem, it can be inherited at the genetic level. Moreover, the opinion that schizophrenics are stupid people is not true. The intellect, as a rule, does not suffer from them and is quite consistent with the level that a diseased person would possess if he were healthy.

One of a kind — schizophrenia! How does the disease develop and is it possible to get rid of it?

Moreover, among those who suffered from this disease, there are many famous and talented people. Suffice it to name the beloved by many writer N.V. Gogol, who created amazing in its beauty and unusual perception of the work. World chess champion B. Fischer, who played unique games, and even Nobel laureate in mathematics D. Nash. Among world-famous schizophrenics are the artist Vincent Van Gogh, the Russian composer A. Scriabin, I. Newton, who needs no introduction, the philosopher F.V. Nietzsche.

How does the disease develop

Symptoms of the disease are not indicated immediately; everything happens gradually and even imperceptibly to others. And the patients themselves

· slowly fenced off from the real world;

their emotional perception of reality is dulled;

They become indifferent to the events of life.

Gradually, a different world, not connected with the real one, enters their life. During the period of exacerbations, they can hear voices, the perception of reality is disturbed by various visions, unusual sensations and smells that are heard only by them.

While maintaining the intellect, there is a gradual departure from the events of real life. The sick person loses all interest in life, at first he is limited from ordinary problems, and then he leaves the house less and less, withdraws into himself. In communication, it becomes passive, cold and indifferent, and then completely stops communicating with friends and acquaintances.

One of a kind — schizophrenia! How does the disease develop and is it possible to get rid of it?

Is it possible to get rid of schizophrenia

Practice shows that this disease is not a sentence. If you notice the curvature of consciousness in time, you can get rid of schizophrenia. The main thing is not to run, not to leave it unattended. It is worth noting that among schizophrenics there are many who try to commit suicide, and some of them bring the matter to a sad end. Therefore, the attention and help of loved ones is important. Signs of a «breakaway» from reality begin to appear at the age of 16-25.

What provokes the disease

Experts believe that the strongest stress caused by trauma, prolonged overstrain, exams can become a powerful impetus for the onset of the disease. Some

experts note an increase in the number of schizophrenics among school graduates. This should not be surprising. The procedure for passing the OGE in grade 9 and the exam in grade 11 is extremely cruel and nervous. If earlier they went to exams with flowers, with bated breath, but without fear, paralyzing the psyche, today the situation is different. Carrying out tests in unfamiliar premises, checks, metal detectors, inspections have a negative impact on the teenage psyche, which has not yet matured.

Men have a hard time with stress and depression. It is no coincidence that the number of schizophrenics among males exceeds the number of sick women.

Manifestations of the disease are different; it can be delusional conclusions and conclusions about current events, fears of persecution or fear of being killed by unusual weapons. He is disturbed by various hallucinations, often by nightmares. A person in this state often becomes distant, cold and cynical.

Salvation is possible, the main thing is to notice the changes taking place in time and turn to specialists.

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