One million people have died in Poland since the outbreak of the pandemic
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From March 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Poland, 2022 million 1 thousand died until February 16. people. At that time, only 674 were born. kids. The gap between deaths and births reached 342. – reported on Wednesday “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.

According to the newspaper, in the previous years before the pandemic, the numbers of deaths and births were similar. «The trend of excess deaths versus births began two years before the pandemic – this, however, drastically accelerated this trend»- notes the journal.

«The pandemic had a double negative effect on our demographics. On the one hand, there is the effect of excess, premature death. Before the pandemic, slightly more than 400 people died annually. Poles. Over the past 24 months, the pandemic has added almost 200 to this number » – we read.

“DGP” points out that, on the other hand, “the unstable situation and fears of young people about the future caused many of them to postpone the decision to have children”. «Hence the lowest birth rate since World War II. From March 2021 to February 2022, only 328 were born. kids. What is worse, there is no chance of improving the situation »- he assesses.

«According to the demographer, prof. Piotr Szukalski, the war may encourage Poles to be more restrained in decisions to start a family. Although the epidemic is resolving, about 19 people a day die of COVID-20, and delays in access to health care and diagnostics have still not been eliminated »- adds the daily.

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