One day fasting

Fasting for one day: what’s the benefit?

On the one hand, one day fasting gives a weaker effect than a long-term one. But, as experts say, with regular one-day fasting, you strengthen the body and still lose weight, albeit not so quickly and noticeably. Scientists studying fasting techniques recommend carrying out one-day fasting once a week regularly and a smooth entry and smooth exit from it is a prerequisite. They assure that with fatigue of internal organs, one-day fasting completely restores all functions of the body and has a healing effect.

Fasting for one day helps to restore normal metabolism, renew cells and rejuvenate the body as a whole. When you refuse food for a day, the body begins to use the energy that our organs spent on digesting food. Some even claim that diseases such as a common cold and acute respiratory viral infections disappear in a shorter period of time than with a daily diet. Moreover, drugs for one-day fasting during the period of illness are prohibited.

In the study, it was proved that with regular one-day fasting, the number of attacks in asthmatics decreases, the risk of heart and vascular problems decreases. Light stress, which the body experiences during a one-day fast, “invigorates” the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer.

You can not even starve all day, it is enough to skip lunch or dinner, but on one condition that must be observed with any type of fasting – drink water regularly and in small sips.

One day fasting: where to start and how to get out of it?

First of all, if you decide to try one-day fasting, you should assess your strength adequately and be prepared for difficulties, and, in addition, check with your doctor how useful such fasting days are for you. It is important to believe in achieving results and not succumb to the physical need for food.

The day before a one-day fast, do not drink alcohol, cut back on portions, do not eat a lot at night, and especially meat. For fasting, choose a day off. Firstly, there is a temptation to break loose and eat something very, very unhealthy, such as a chocolate bar or a sandwich, and secondly, at work you need concentration of attention, and slight malaise, headache and weakness can negatively affect your ability to work. If this is not the first time you return to the practice of one-day fasting, you can choose any day, but again, evaluate your strengths and capabilities.

Drink water whenever you think about food. You should drink at least 1,5-2 liters of water per day, green tea without sugar and a weak infusion of rose hips are also allowed. Starting at 18.00, start gradually getting out of fasting, make yourself a light salad of grated carrots or cabbage without adding spices, then you can eat bread or unsalted crackers, and before going to bed, cook yourself a small portion of porridge in water and without oil.

The next day, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice and 1/3 tsp to mineral water. honey, this drink helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, and increases the overall tone. Then you can make the same cabbage and carrot salad, but with the addition of lemon juice. By the evening you can already pamper yourself with boiled vegetables and herbs. You need to get out of a one-day fasting smoothly and not create even more stress for the body. Therefore, for 2 days after leaving it, do not eat acidic foods and give up meat, fish and nuts.

Remember that a person can live more than a week without food, but much less without water. Therefore, one-day fasting causes fear only among amateurs. At first, any diet is not as easy as it seemed. But in order to achieve the result, it is necessary to sacrifice something, and one day is enough for the body to rest and normalize all the processes that have failed in our frantic pace of life.

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