On what, how to properly roll out the dough

On what, how to properly roll out the dough

The taste of the finished dish will largely depend on how thin you roll the dough, for example, for making dumplings. Therefore, the process must be treated with full responsibility. It is important to remember some of the features of how and how the dough is rolled out.

What to roll the dough on

How to roll the dough on dumplings or homemade noodles?

The dough for dumplings, dumplings or homemade noodles should be especially thin. This will make the dish cook faster and will be especially tasty. Often the question arises of what to roll out the dough on. In this process, it is worth adhering to the following sequence of actions:

  • prepare your work surface. It is best to roll out the dough on a large wooden board or on a clean table, which must first be wiped dry. Sprinkle the selected area with a thin layer of flour;
  • place the dough on the table. Form a ball out of it, divide it into two equal parts. If you have too little experience, then the cuts should be made smaller;
  • take one piece of dough and flatten it with your palm on the table surface. Using a rolling pin, gently start rolling it in different directions. Gradually, the dough should become thinner and thinner. If in the process of work the dough sticks to the table or to the rolling pin, add a small amount of flour;
  • leave the prepared product for 10 minutes. During this time, the dough will dry out a little, and it will be easy to cut it for further cooking.

Guided by these simple rules, you can quickly prepare the dough for your favorite dishes.

How to roll out puff pastry correctly

Puff pastry is great for making all kinds of buns and pies. But its preparation will require special efforts, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • place the dough kneaded without adding oil for a while in the refrigerator. So it will be easier to work with him;
  • then use a rolling pin to roll it out in the shape of a square. Place a small piece of butter in the center;
  • move the corners of the prepared square to the center so that you get an envelope. Roll it out again. The result should be a rectangle;
  • move the edges of the rectangle to the center. Then fold the piece in half again and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • then the dough should be rolled out and folded four times again. Then put it back in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this time, the dough will be ready.

Having rolled out the dough correctly, you can prepare delicious aromatic pastries for yourself and your family. Such dishes will become a real decoration of any table.

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