On the tradition of eating cognac with lemon

Having learned that in Russia lemon is considered a classic snack for cognac, foreign connoisseurs of this drink are shocked. They cannot understand how citrus, which interrupts even the most persistent taste, can be combined with a light, refined range of cognac. True, it must be taken into account that the quality of most domestic grape brandies is much lower than real French cognacs, and their taste can not always be enjoyed.

The custom of eating cognac with lemon was introduced by the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. There are several versions explaining his motives, consider the most plausible.

1. Cognac in the morning. In those days, court aristocrats liked to treat themselves to alcohol immediately after waking up, the emperor was among them. The wife of Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna, did not like such a “breakfast”, because of this, the emperor had to disguise himself.

He quietly poured cognac into the teapot, then with an air of importance poured it into a glass. Cognac and tea do not differ in color, it only remained to solve the problem with a snack. In order not to arouse the suspicion of his wife, the autocrat ate his “tea” with lemon sprinkled with sugar.

On the tradition of eating cognac with lemon
The world’s first lover to eat cognac with lemon

2. Support for the domestic manufacturer. Nicholas II tried to prove to the world that in the Russian Empire they could produce goods that were not inferior in quality to their overseas counterparts. During a secular reception, which was attended by the French ambassador, the manufacturer Shustov presented the emperor with a large glass of cognac of his own production.

Realizing that the brandy in front of him was of low quality, Nikolai asked for a slice of lemon. After drinking a glass and biting into a lemon, the monarch frowned, but explained this by the tart taste of lemon. Then he smiled, praised Shustov’s cognac and ordered that this wonderful drink be delivered to the imperial court. History is silent about the ambassador’s reaction.

3. Nobility above all. According to another version, Nicholas II hated cognac, but it was this drink that was considered the most noble for men and was served at all secular receptions. Drinking anything else was considered bad manners.

In order not to look stupid, the emperor ordered that a glass be brought to him along with a slice of lemon sprinkled with sugar and coffee. He attributed the change in facial expression to the lemon, not the cognac.

Attention! None of the versions has yet been confirmed.

Cognac with lemon: the origin and expediency of the tradition

Breakfast “Nikolashka”

In memory of the strange predilection of Nicholas II, a folk recipe appeared, named after him.


  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • powdered sugar – 100 grams;
  • ground coffee – 50 grams.


1. Lemon cut into thin slices.

2. Mix powdered sugar and coffee in a ratio of 2:1.

3. Sprinkle the mixture over the slices and serve on a silver platter with a glass of cognac.

In some recipes, coffee is replaced with chocolate chips, and sugar with melted honey.

On the tradition of eating cognac with lemon
Exotic dish “Nikolyashka” can also be served with vodka

Another original appetizer: put a thin slice of lemon between two slices of cheese, you get a “Hussar sandwich”.

PS You can snack on lemon with cheap grape brandies with a sharp taste. In all other cases, it is better not to throw money away.

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