“On the set I was afraid to ask for a pad”: 20-year-old Stesha Malikova spoke about menstruation

“On the set I was afraid to ask for a pad”: 20-year-old Stesha Malikova spoke about menstruation

There are things that are not accepted in society to talk about. For example, about menstruation. Some believe that it should be so, because the topic is very intimate, and it is strange and inappropriate to discuss it in everyday conversation.

Others, on the other hand, are confident that it is time to stop hushing up what is a natural process that cannot be avoided. It turns out that Stesha Malikova adheres to the same opinion.

A 20-year-old girl wrote a candid post about “these” days.

“The theme of women’s health. Honestly, when I was younger, I was scared to discuss it, not only with my friends, even with my mother. When I first encountered menstruation, it was not easy for me to tell someone about it: I did not fully understand whether it was necessary to talk about it at all. And I was afraid of something incomprehensible. I want to say to all young girls: there is nothing wrong with that.

This topic should not be scary, but on the contrary should help us feel free.

Sometimes, due to embarrassment, we keep silent about our feelings of well-being, and I, too, are no exception. I myself have gone through this many times, even as an adult. For example, I found myself on the set with a lot of strangers and could not say that I had critical days, I was afraid to ask for a pad. Is it a shame to ask for this? I was afraid in vain, it’s just our physiology! There is nothing wrong with sharing (even with a stranger) your experiences and worries about this topic. For example, say: “I cannot come to the shooting because my stomach hurts and I am not active enough.” Sometimes we will even come up with excuses, so long as people do not know what is really happening, “- said Malikova.

“These” days: you were afraid to ask, but we will tell you what Russian women want to know about menstruation

The girl accompanied her post with the hashtag #StoriesInside Us, so it is quite possible that soon we will have a presentation of a new product for intimate hygiene or a program for women’s health. What do you think – is it worth talking about menstruation on the Internet?

Photo Shoot: eshasteshamalikova / Instagram, Persona Stars

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