On a skipping rope 5 minutes a day: what will happen in a month of jumps
An unpretentious form of fitness will bring unexpected results in the first 30 days.
Fitness at home is the best way to keep fit during self-isolation. This will take the right rope, the right technique, patience, and imagination. Yes, and a little more free space so that the rope does not damage the chandelier and the surrounding interior items. Do not forget also about comfortable clothes, in which it will be easy and comfortable to jump.
Little arithmetic
On average, when jumping rope, a person weighing 55-60 kg is able to lose up to 750 kcal in 60 minutes. Not everyone can jump for an hour on a rope, and it’s useless – just 5 minutes a day for a month will radically change your body.
Let’s calculate: if 750 kcal is one hour of jumping rope, then in 5 minutes you will lose about 60-65 kcal. At first glance, this is very little, because 100 g of toffee contains 355 kcal, and about 500 kcal in a chocolate bar. But we want to achieve the desired result in a month? We believe: at least 1800 kcal per month will disappear almost effortlessly, in pleasure. And then, you are not going to seize this little exercise minute with sweets?
Even 5 minutes of jumping rope requires a little preliminary warm-up. To do this, it is necessary to slightly warm up the feet and hands, paying special attention to the hands. For example, you can make 10 circular movements of each of the listed body parts in both directions. Then stretch a little, do bends, a few squats. Ready? Then we arm ourselves with a rope and proceed to the exercises.
We keep our back straight, we rotate the rope handles only with our hands, and do not twist them from the elbow. We land exclusively on toes, that is, the heels should not touch the floor. If you like to diversify your physical activity, you can dream up.
Jump options:
standard jumps on two legs;
jumps on one leg (on the right, on the left, and then alternately – for example, two jumps on each);
jumping back and forth, left and right;
running in place (through a rope);
performing a double turn with a rope in one jump.
How much to jump?
It is better to start with slow jumps, however, with each new minute, the pace needs to be increased slightly. How many times a minute to jump? It’s hard to say – it’s individual. In the norms for passing the TRP, for example, 11-graders are prescribed to jump about 140 times per minute in order to pass the required standard. By the way, to date, the world record belongs to the Japanese woman Magumi Suzuki, who jumps on the rope 30 times in 162 seconds (this is more than 320 times per minute).
What will happen to the body in a month?
One of the main advantages of jumping rope is that the most problematic parts of the body lose weight: the buttocks, abdomen, as well as the thighs and calves of the legs. On average, in one month, you can lose up to 5 kg, especially if you combine training with proper nutrition. By the way, PP along with jumping rope will also relieve you of cellulite. And all this in just 5 minutes of workouts a day.
Extra bonus
Recently British scientists (yes, don’t laugh) from Loboro University published the results of one experiment in the Journal for Bone and Mineral Research. The study involved 35 women, the youngest of whom was 55 years old, and the oldest – as much as 70. An important selection criterion was that each of them had already entered menopause. So, all of them had to jump rope every day for just a couple of minutes – normally it was supposed to do 50 jumps. But jumping was allowed only on one pre-selected leg. The second, meanwhile, had a rest for half a year.
Benchmarks were measured after 6 months. The state of the control leg (the one that was resting) changed not for the better during this time: the bone mineral density decreased, which is considered natural for those who have started menopause. But the trick is that on the jumping leg, the scores for the health of bones, joints and tendons not only did not worsen, but even improved! Thus, the bone density of the femoral neck increased by 3,2%, while on the control leg it decreased by 0,5–0,75%. So jumping rope is also a simple, but effective way to reduce the risk of fractures and the development of osteoarthritis with age.