Emin Agalarov gave a big interview to the project “Alena, damn it!”
The parting of Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova is a secret sealed with seven seals. That only the press did not write about the reasons for the upcoming divorce: they say, Emin is the most loving man and even in marriage could not resist flirting with other beauties, and now he has an affair with some famous young lady, whose name is kept secret.
Many suggested that Polina Gagarina became Agalarov’s secret beloved, since the divorce of the singer from her husband Dmitry Iskhakov became known the same week as Emin’s separation from Alena.
However, in a new interview with Alena Zhigalova in the show
“Many colleagues called me and asked: ‘Are you with Gagarina now?’ I said that if two people parted with their other halves in one week, this does not mean that they should be together,” Emin said.
“We are not together with Polina. I also read that I have already been married to my close friend Yulia Baranovskaya. We are friends. And all these names that appear in the press are all untrue, ”Emin said.
Emin Agalarov spoke about his personal life “Data-v-16fc2d4a =” “height =” 600 ″ width = “400 ″>
The singer and businessman also said that his heart, contrary to numerous rumors, is now free, and he is not in a relationship. Interestingly, Alena answered this like this: “Our mutual friends told me that you definitely have a relationship, but you will never tell.”
Emin was not taken aback and retorted: “Nobody knows anything but me.”
Alena Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov “Data-v-16fc2d4a =” “height =” 600 ″ width = “480 ″>
The musician refused to disclose the reason for parting with Alena, since this is still a very personal and sensitive question, however, he said that he in no way regretted marrying a girl, and clarified that they broke up even before the regime of self-isolation was introduced in Moscow. – and it happened at the end of March.
“We definitely parted on a good note with a full understanding that we have a child growing up, that we want to be good parents, so that the child does not feel that there is some kind of war, misunderstanding,” Emin admitted.
Alena Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov broke up
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Gavrilova’s posts on social networks that it is very difficult and painful for her, Emin explains by the fact that it is always difficult for a woman to discuss parting with her husband and attacks from Instagram users.
Photo: YouTube.com, @eminofficial, @ agavrilova777 / Instagram, Andrey Kalmykov / Healthy Food Near Me