OMF are organomineral fertilizers that are versatile and can be used to feed various fruit and berry, ornamental, vegetable and field crops. The basis of WMD is lowland peat. Manufacturers add to it all kinds of minerals, trace elements and nutrients that increase yields and help protect plants from many diseases and other threats. Instructions for use of universal OMU fertilizer states that the drug has no side effects and disadvantages.

Why is WMD feeding necessary?

Universal organomineral fertilizer is used for fertilizing fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. WMD helps to increase the yield and immunity of plants, making them more resistant to contaminated soil, cold, lack of moisture and other negative environmental factors. The drug stimulates the development of the root system, as it makes the soil loose and more permeable to air, water and nutrients. The elements that make up WMD are assimilated with minimal losses, not exceeding 5%.

WMD is a relatively new type of drugs that promote the rapid development of seedlings and the protection of various crops from adverse factors. The organic base is enriched with micro and macro elements, after which the fertilizer is dried and granulated.

Each particle of the drug contains a full range of nutrients that are absorbed by plants without loss. The effectiveness of WMD universal fertilizer has been proven through a large number of scientific studies and experiments.

OMU fertilizer composition

The composition of the universal complex includes organic substances of natural origin. The basis of this tool is low-lying peat. In rare cases, manufacturers use manure or droppings. In addition to peat, the composition of the universal preparation contains the following ingredients:

  • phosphorus – 7%;
  • nitrogen – 7%;
  • magnesium – 1,5%;
  • Potassium – 8%;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • zinc.

At the stage of preparation of raw materials, peat is cleaned with a magnetic separator, and then with a unit for grinding small parts of the soil. After drying in a special block, peat is reduced in volume up to 20%. In the second stage, the raw material is treated with H2O2resulting in the formation of humic acid. It is artificially enriched with potassium or sodium hydroxide. To create a liquid universal fertilizer, water is added to the humic reagent and the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

Granular fertilizer is obtained at the final stage of production by combining a humic reagent with dry and liquid ingredients

The mass is processed in the unit to create granules, after which it is cooled and packaged.

Pros and cons of WMF fertilizer

One of the main advantages of a universal fertilizer is that it practically does not wash out with water throughout the season. However, the list of positive qualities of WMD does not end here.


  • safety. The components of the universal fertilizer do not pose a threat to humans, plants and the environment;
  • protection against fungal diseases, frost and drought;
  • improving the composition of the soil;
  • increased stress resistance;
  • prolonged action;
  • stimulation of the development of the root system;
  • increasing the moisture capacity of the soil;
  • humins contained in WMD absorb a number of elements from the soil;
  • preventing soil salinity.

There are no downsides to the tool.

Types of WMD fertilizer

Universal WMD complexes are sold in garden stores in liquid and granular form. Liquids are produced in a concentrated form, therefore, before use, they are diluted with water according to the proportions indicated in the instructions. Plants are sprayed with the finished solution or applied by drip irrigation.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

The most common form of release is granules, which are popular due to the ease of preparation for use.

Fertilizer OMU Wagon

It is an organomineral universal granular preparation obtained on the basis of treated lowland peat. Designed to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and increase its moisture capacity.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

Fruit crops grown with this preparation have a low level of nitrates

Attention! WMD Universal is used from mid-spring to July.

The product contains cyanomide nitrogen (0,23%), which provides a pesticidal effect that reduces the ripening time by one and a half weeks. For growing seedlings, a mixture is prepared in the proportion of 10 g per liter of soil, when planting, from 20 to 60 g is added to each well.

OMU fertilizer For strawberries

The use of a universal mineral complex favorably affects the taste of the berry.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

WMD is used as the main fertilizer in the preparation of seedlings and soil

Differs in the prolonged action and the increased content of humates. When planting, make no more than 20 g (matchbox) per hole. The following year, the soil is loosened, and the dosage of the drug is increased to 110-150 g per m2.

OMU fertilizer Coniferous

The composition of the universal remedy for coniferous crops contains 40% of organic substances, which provide an increase in plant productivity and restore soil fertility. WMD Khvoynoye is a modified microbiological preparation with rhizospheric bacteria.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

The use of the product provides high yields, while the plants contain practically no nitrate nitrogen and demonstrate excellent resistance to various diseases.

Improves the agrophysical properties of the soil, its structure, as well as water and air permeability. The composition of this universal complex is characterized by a high content of potassium (11%) and a low content of phosphorus (4,2%) and nitrogen (4%). When planting coniferous trees and shrubs, 90 to 100 g of the drug is applied to each hole. In the case of top dressing WMD, Coniferous is applied with the onset of spring, then in July and early autumn at a dosage of 25 to 30 g per m2.

OMU Fertilizer Growth

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

The universal remedy OMU Rost is intended for the proper nutrition of ornamental, fruit and field crops.

Sold in bags of 50 g. One bag is enough for 5-7 kg of soil. Prepared soil is great for planting seeds. The mixture is stirred and moistened before use.

OMU fertilizer Potato

OMU Potato is a balanced fertilizer for potatoes and other root crops. Contains a complex of macro- and micronutrients specially selected to increase the yield of potatoes and protect the crop from all sorts of threats, including bacterial diseases and parasitic fungal spores. Thanks to organomineral granules, nutrients are dosed.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

In the case of the systematic use of WMD Potato, the processes of humus formation are triggered, restoring the structure of the soil

When digging the soil, add 100 g per 1 m2 into each hole.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

OMU Potato – an excellent remedy for darkening of the pulp of tubers, preventing the development of wet rot

OMU fertilizer Tsvetik

The universal remedy OMU Tsvetik is used as the main dressing for the soil when transplanting balcony and indoor flowers, as well as for plant nutrition.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

Fertilizer OMU Tsvetik gives roses a bright, saturated color and improves their decorative qualities

Contains sulfur (3,9%), manganese (0,05%), zinc (0,01%), copper (0,01%), as well as iron, boron and magnesium. To feed indoor crops, from 5 to 15 g of the drug is scattered over the surface of the box, after which they are embedded in the ground and watered.

Fertilizer OMU Autumn

Intended for any horticultural, fruit and field crops, applied during the fruiting period in late summer or early autumn.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

High in magnesium and low in nitrogen

Attention! For feeding fruit and berry and ornamental crops, from 25 to 40 g per 1 m2.

During the autumn digging of the soil, from 20 to 30 g per m2, uncultivated soils will require from 40 to 50 g per 1 m2. OMU Autumn can be used in spring in combination with nitrogen fertilizers.

OMU lawn fertilizer

This universal fertilizer is used for compensatory landscaping.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

They are used when laying lawns, decorative and sports grass areas, as well as when filling the soil

Differs in the increased content of nitrogen (10%). During the preparation of the soil for the lawn, from 110 to 150 g per 1 m2. The next top dressing is performed 1,5-2 months after the lawn is formed. Top dressing in the amount of 20-30 g per 1 m2 evenly distributed over the surface of the lawn.

How to apply OMU organomineral universal fertilizer

The OMU fertilizer instruction states that the norm for preparing a mixture for top dressing is 3 kg per 1 m3. When used in greenhouses, the mixture is prepared in the proportion of 1000 kg of fertilizer per 1 ha. Organo-mineral fertilizers can be used both in spring and in autumn. Top dressing before the onset of winter strengthens the plant’s immunity and allows it to calmly survive frosts and temperature changes. In the spring, the drug is applied according to the following recommendations:

  • for fruit trees – 90 g per 1 m2;
  • for berry bushes – 60 g per 1 m2 during loosening of the soil;
  • for potatoes – 20 g per well.

In the case of summer top dressing, the recommended fertilizer dosages change as follows:

  • for potatoes and vegetables – 30 g per 1 m2;
  • for ornamental crops – 50 g per 1 m2;
  • strawberries are fed after the crop has been harvested, at the rate of 30 g per 1 m2.

The drug can be randomly scattered over the soil surface (no more than 150 g per 1 m2), after which it must be dug up.

Precautions when working with WMD fertilizer

When working with any fertilizer, certain precautions must be observed: use gloves and goggles, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after completing work.

OMU fertilizer: universal, coniferous, for strawberries and potatoes

In the case of foliar processing, it is recommended to use a respirator, as inhalation of sprayed fertilizer particles can cause intoxication

Important! If the liquid product has got inside the body, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and seek medical help.

Terms and conditions of storage of WMD fertilizer

Warranty period of storage of the universal WMD complex is 5 years from the date of manufacture. With proper storage, the shelf life is practically unlimited. Keep fertilizer away from animals and children.


Instructions for use of OMU universal fertilizer explains that the drug has no disadvantages and can be used for almost all fruit and berry, ornamental and field crops, as well as for creating lawns and grassy sports / playgrounds. WMD not only increases yields, but also protects plants from various threats.

OMU fertilizer reviews

Olga Vlasenko, 35 years old, Moscow region
Since the land in my garden plot is not very fertile, I use OMU Universal for growing potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. I buy universal fertilizer in granular form. Packing weighing 1,5 kg is enough for me for several years. I usually spread the granules over the surface of the soil, after which I loosen the soil. During the season, I fertilize a couple more times. The drug is very effective, as I managed to see for myself. Yields have become much higher, while tomatoes ripen earlier and delight with a richer taste.
Margarita, 46 years old, Tver
OMU universal fertilizer For strawberries, a neighbor in the country advised me. She has been using it for a long time both for growing seedlings and for top dressing. According to her, the drug is ideal for beginner gardeners, because it is almost impossible to harm the plant even in case of an overdose. I bought universal fertilizer in liquid form, but now I buy it exclusively in granules, since it is much more convenient to use. Strawberries ripen quickly, and the taste and aroma of berries has become more pronounced.
OMU fertilizer Universal. For a good start.

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