Omicron will complicate our holidays? Surprising words of an epidemiologist from Germany
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While the Omikron coronavirus supernariate is spreading around the world, people are increasingly asking themselves how this will affect the upcoming holidays. Businesses and individuals are starting to cancel parties, and hoteliers are becoming more and more anxious. Meanwhile, the German epidemiologist prof. Lauterbach believes that Omikron can be a “Christmas gift” for us, in a good sense of the word. How to understand? What can this year’s Christmas be like?

  1. The world reacted very quickly to the appearance of the Omicron. Some countries close their borders, others tighten entry rules, and new restrictions have been introduced
  2. Boris Johnson believes people shouldn’t cancel their holiday parties because of the Omicron. However, it is necessary to remember about measures that increase safety (masks, distance, testing)
  3. Prof. Karl Lauterbach, a German politician and epidemiologist, suggests that the “Omikron variant could be a ‘Christmas gift’, could end the pandemic sooner.” Why this opinion?
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Europe and the world are responding to the Omikron super-variant

At the end of November, we heard about a new variant of the coronavirus – Omikron. He was considered “disturbing” and, due to the highest number of mutations to date, was labeled a superwariant. Omicron was detected on November 11 in Botswana, the mutation is also present, among others in the USA, Israel, Australia. It is also spreading across Europe.

Belgium was the first country in the continent to detect an Omicron infection. The presence of the super-variant was also confirmed, inter alia, by Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Spain, the Czech Republic. In the program “Onet Rano.” Dr. Michał Sutkowski did not rule out that he could also be in Poland, although we do not yet have evidence of this.

The rest of the article under the video.

The world reacted very quickly to the appearance of the Omicron. Some countries close their borders, others tighten entry rules, introduce new restrictions.

– I am not surprised that countries are introducing this type of preventive solutions. We all incurred a huge cost in making societies immune to vaccination. As long as no unambiguous answers are known about the speed of transmission of this virus, what are the consequences of contact with it, or if it causes more severe symptoms – everyone wants to protect themselves as much as possible. It is understandable – said in an interview with Medonet virologist Prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska, Department of Virology and Immunology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Entire interview: A virologist reveals how to protect yourself from the Omicron. One thing is most important.

In connection with all of this, more and more questions are being asked about what will this year’s Christmas look like? Is dating loved ones a good idea?

Boris Johnson: People shouldn’t cancel Christmas parties. How To Protect Yourself?

This issue is discussed, among others, by in Great Britain, where several infections with Omikron have already been confirmed. To protect the country from a possible wave of superwariant infections, the COVID-19 vaccination campaign has been expanded, reducing the interval between the second and third doses to three months, and a fourth dose will be offered to immunocompromised individuals. Stricter rules for wearing masks are back. There is growing anxiety among the citizens, and the nativity plays and Christmas parties are canceled.

– Two large catering events have been canceled. It would be 12 thousand. pounds. This is a lot of money for us, especially since we are still paying back loans and rents from the blockade (…) – admitted one of the hotel owners on “I’m nervous about what’s going to happen,” he says.

Do people overreact when canceling Christmas gatherings? Boris Johnson was asked. “People should not cancel their holiday parties for fear of the Omikron variant,” said the British Prime Minister. “This year’s Christmas should be different, it should be better,” says Walesa Prime Minister Mark Drakeford. “That doesn’t mean people should neglect the simple things that still help protect themselves and others,” he emphasizes. What does it mean?

– Think about vulnerable people. If your family members are particularly at risk from the coronavirus – seriously consider visiting them and getting involved in your holiday plans. If you are going to visit a place that poses a higher risk of infection for you and others, do an antigen test, use face masks in crowded public places, reminds Mark Drakeford.

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Prof. Lauterbach: Omicron could be a “Christmas gift”, end the pandemic faster

As already mentioned, the presence of the Omikron mutation has also been confirmed in Germany. The recent words of prof. Karl Lauterbach, a physician and politician dealing with epidemiology and health economics, may cause surprise. “The Omikron variant could be a” Christmas gift “, it could end the pandemic sooner, he said.

Prof. Lauterbach suggested that Omikron has so many mutations, including 32 in the spike protein itself (twice as many as Delta), that it may become less severe as most respiratory viruses evolve. – We have to observe if Omikron is a chance for this softening, or if we still have to wait. For the time being, this question remains unanswered. Here you just need time – said Prof. Szuster-Ciesielska.

Professor Abdool Karim, who served as chief adviser to the South African government during the first wave of the pandemic, notes that it is “too early” to say whether Omikron will lead to more severe clinical symptoms than, for example, Delta. It also recalls that no “red flags” have been raised so far. South African experts believe that compared to previous variants, Omikron causes milder symptoms (at least for the moment).

Prof. Karim points out that existing COVID-19 vaccines should be “highly effective” against the Omikron strain. – Based on what we know and how other worrisome variants have responded to the vaccine, we can expect high efficacy to protect against hospitalization and severe infection – vaccine protection is likely to remain strong.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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