Omicron – what are the symptoms compared to previous mutations?
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Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the coronavirus infection has produced non-specific symptoms. Apart from the characteristic loss of smell and taste experienced by many patients, the symptoms could often be easily confused with the common cold or flu. How is the Omikron variant? What are the symptoms compared to earlier SARS-CoV-2 mutations?

  1. The new coronavirus variant was first detected in Africa in mid-November
  2. Omikron is already in Europe, although it has not been found in Poland yet
  3. Although the variety was assessed as “worrying”, the cases of infection to date are characterized by a mild course
  4. The most common symptoms of an Omikron infection resemble the symptoms of a common cold. However, two symptoms that were very typical of the previous variants are missing from the list of symptoms
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Omikron – a new variant of the coronavirus

The new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus first appeared in Africa, in Botswana (the first case was detected on November 11). Line B.1.1.529, as it was then called, quickly spread – within a few days it reached South Africa, Japan, Israel, and after about two weeks also Europe (first to Belgium, then Germany and Great Britain).

The World Health Organization (WHO) called the new variant Omikron and called it “of concern”. The worrying was caused by the number of mutations detected in the pathogen – there were as many as 50. Most of them are concentrated in the zone that interacts with the human cell.

As explained in an interview with Medonet, prof. Agnieszka Szuster-Ciesielska, “32 concern the S spike protein, and 10 include changes at the site of direct recognition of a human cell receptor by the coronavirus spike. All this means that the O variant may be so different from the earlier versions that it will be less recognized by cytotoxic cells and antibodies that arose after infections with earlier variants of coronaviruses, but also after vaccination ».

  1. Also read: Why did Omikron cause so much concern?

Research into the virulence and infectivity of Omikron and the protection it provides against the new variant of vaccination is still ongoing. See you there were no deaths caused by Omikron infection, and the course of the disease is mild.

The rest of the text is below the video.

The most common symptoms of infection with the Omikron variant

So far, the most common symptoms of Omikron infection have occurred so far: severe fatigue, scratching in the throat, slight headache and muscle pain, and a slightly elevated body temperature. The WHO concluded that “there is currently no information to suggest that the symptoms associated with Omicron differ from those of other variants.”

  1. See also: Omikron variant – bad and good news

At the same time, however, in people with it, no loss of smell and taste, even characteristic of the previous variants, was found nor the runny nose that is dominant in Delta infections. Patients also less frequently report breathing difficulties and digestive system ailments (lack of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea).

What symptoms did previous SARS-CoV-2 variants show?

Currently, the variant that dominates in Poland (and around the world) is Delta. Infection with the Indian variant causes various symptoms, the most common being:

  1. sore throat
  2. headache
  3. katar
  4. rash
  5. upset stomach
  6. dry mouth
  7. nausea
  8. diarrhea
  9. vomiting
  10. reddened eyes.

Earlier, in Poland, the variants of the coronavirus that were most often recognized in the tested samples were: the British variant and the South African variant. Both had similar symptoms, the dominant ones being cough, fatigue, sore throat, and muscle pain. Symptoms known from the original (Chinese) coronavirus were also still present, i.e. loss of smell and taste and respiratory problems.

Importantly, the symptoms of coronavirus infection – regardless of the SARS-CoV-2 variant – may not be typical and included in the lists of the most common ailments. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor about any ailment that worries us.

Mild course – is it really good news?

While the observations of the symptoms of Omicron infection seem encouraging, some experts emphasize that this course of coronavirus infection can be tricky.

– If we have milder symptoms, how many people will be tested? The virus is looking for people to attack, and if they feel well enough to leave the house, it will spread much faster, says Rebekah Ann Vreeland Sensenig, an infectious disease expert at the Riverside Health System in Virginia (USA).

Experts emphasize that the assessment of Omikron requires time and more data, especially since the observations so far concerned young patients, most often without additional health burdens, and they are less exposed to the severe course of COVID-19.

  1. New research: Omicron spreads rapidly but may not be as virulent as expected

Protect yourself against coronavirus infection. Keep your distance, disinfect your hands, cover your mouth and nose. You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Is Omikron more dangerous? There are new research findings
  2. How will Omikron affect the pandemic? Dr. Grzesiowski about what could happen
  3. Scientists concerned. They discovered an “invisible” version of the Omicron
  4. How effective will individual companies’ vaccines be against Omikron?

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