“Omicron” in children
A new strain of coronavirus – “omicron” – affects not only adults, but also children. ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells everything that parents need to know about this disease

What is “omicron”

Omicron is a new strain of the dangerous COVID-19 virus, already the thirteenth in a row since the beginning of the pandemic. Appeared in November last year in South Africa and quickly captured the world. Unlike the first strains, this mutation easily infects children. Doctors have already aptly nicknamed him “kinder-covid”. It is believed that the disease “omicron” proceeds more easily, but, alas, this does not apply to children who have not yet been vaccinated.

Signs of “omicron” in children

“The symptoms of covid in children, including Omicron, are highly dependent on the age at which the child fell ill,” explains pediatrician Evgeny Timakov. – The disease begins, as a rule, not abruptly, with mild symptoms of SARS. Then quickly, literally in a couple of days, it increases, or, conversely, passes.

In children from 0 to 5 years coronavirus multiplies mainly in the gastrointestinal tract, penetrating through the mucous membranes. Therefore, the main signs of covid in children under five years of age are abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. Symptoms are similar to rotavirus infection or poisoning.

In children from 8 to 12 years the following symptoms are observed: fatigue, runny nose and cough, sore throat, headache, sneezing and fever. Rarely, rash and diarrhea. (one)

In children after 12 years the respiratory tract is affected: that is, most often “omicron” is manifested by sore throat, hoarseness, cough, runny nose, headache.

In infants covid is often manifested by lethargy, capriciousness, sleep disturbance. If someone in the family is sick with a confirmed coronavirus, then it is likely that even a slight malaise in a newborn is “omicron”.

How does “omicron” proceed in children

Differently. Moreover, it depends not only on the entrance gate of the infection (in children under 5 years old it is the gastrointestinal tract, in adolescents it is the nasopharynx), but also on the viral load. That is, whether the child was in the same room with the sick person all day or just passed by – these are two big differences. Therefore, the symptoms can vary from the usual runny nose or a couple of spots of a rash to serious intoxication, fever, severe headache. And, alas, in many children, “omicron” is still acute, many children with intoxication end up in hospitals.

Dangerous symptoms of “omicron” in children

For younger children (under 5 years old), a doctor’s examination is mandatory. Babies have quite a few atypical symptoms and parents can’t always recognize them. Especially if the temperature is high. In older children, first of all, atypical behavior for a child should alert: fatigue, lethargy, confusion, severe headache, a rise in temperature that cannot be brought down.

It is also important to monitor breathing – it should be even, not hoarse, without shortness of breath.

There should be no intoxication (most often it occurs at a high temperature, but it can occur without it): that is, the child should not feel sick, vomit, there should not be weakness.

Professor, pediatrician-infectionist, deputy director of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor Alexander Gorelov recommends urgently calling an ambulance if:

  • the child has a temperature of up to 38,5 degrees, which does not decrease, but only grows or stands still for three days;
  • intractable diarrhea (in children under 5 years old, this is a frequent sign of “omicron”);
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, a pale nasolabial triangle, it seems that the chest becomes sunken. That is, the more often and more difficultly the child breathes, the more reasons for alarm and call the doctor. The doctor will measure the saturation, calculate the respiratory rate and decide on hospitalization.

Treatment of “omicron” in children

Modern methods

“So far, the treatment protocols have not changed: first of all, from the very beginning we start giving antiviral drugs – alpha interferons in the nose, umifenovir inside,” says Evgeny Timakov. “They are able to reduce the viral load, prevent complications, a serious course of the disease. If there are any somatic manifestations – a violation of the stool (mainly in children under 5 years old), high fever, sore throat, then we begin symptomatic treatment:

  • we give sorbents, probiotics in the treatment of diarrhea;
  • we wash the nose with a runny nose, use vasoconstrictors, but not more than 7 days;
  • at high temperature (above 38) – antipyretic;
  • for sore throats, gargle with antimicrobial solutions, use local anti-inflammatory agents.
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Diagnosis of “omicron” in children

First of all, an examination by a doctor, measurement of saturation, a survey of parents about contacts. Unfortunately, testing for “omicron” is not as informative as for other covid strains.

Firstly, “omicron” goes deep very quickly, so literally the next day the viral load on the nasal mucosa becomes minimal.

Secondly, in children, in principle, a different mechanism for the spread of viruses, so often the tests are false negative. Perhaps the only informative test is taken on the second or third day after infection – a smear from the palate, the back of the throat, the root of the tongue. And the child should not eat or drink before the test. In other words, it is very difficult to catch the moment of the most effective test in children. Especially if the child releases a small amount of the virus (has been in contact with the sick person for a short time). And besides, it’s quite difficult to buy a test now, and sitting in line to get a free test at a clinic is much more dangerous than knowing for sure that a child has an “omicron”.

Prevention of “omicron” in children at home

Unfortunately, if someone in the apartment is sick with “omicron”, then it is almost impossible to protect the child from infection. The only option: complete isolation of the sick person, quartz treatment and constant use of respirators. But this is a difficult plan. At the same time, hygiene, washing the nose, gargling with saline, using sprays with interferon alpha in the nose can reduce the viral load – that’s for sure.

Popular questions and answers

What is the main danger of omicron for children?

It masquerades as other diseases. And it is important not to miss the symptoms of other diseases, not to mistake them for “omicron”.

– Severe, sharp pain in the abdomen – possibly appendicitis. But “omicron” gives similar symptoms.

– Temperature and a sharp sore throat – it is possible to attach a bacterial sore throat and here you can not do without antibiotics. But only a doctor can prescribe them.

– A severe headache can be a sign of a neurological disease. Especially if it does not stop for several days.

– The back pain that often occurs with “omicron” in children can be a symptom of kidney problems.

How do children tolerate “omicron”?

We do not know if Omicron will cause post-COVID syndrome in children, but it has been proven that other strains, including Delta, cause it in about 13% of recovered children. And this is a violation of cognitive abilities, a violation in neurology – children have strange fears, suicidal thoughts. That is? Coronavirus seriously affects the nervous system. And it can also cause systemic inflammation – affect any organ or several at once.

Also, the virus erases immunological memory, that is, it “kills” antibodies in other viruses and the child picks them up again, becomes often sick. That is why now there is literally a wave of endless diseases in kindergartens and schools. After all, even an asymptomatic coronavirus can cause a lot of trouble in a child’s body.

Says doctor Alexander Solovyov in his telegram channel: “children after COVID-19 require special attention.” And he cites the possible risks of post-covid syndrome:

– the risk of developing a multisystem inflammatory syndrome (after 4-6 weeks),

– risk of heart failure for at least 3 months,

– the risk of developing diabetes in the first 6 months,

– the risk of neurological disorders within 7 weeks.

What can be done so that the child recovers faster after “omicron”?

It all depends on how the disease proceeded. And too little time has passed since the start of the omicron epidemic. However, there are general guidelines.

1. Take a blood and urine test two to three weeks after the illness. An alleged complication after “omicron” is a violation of kidney function. Analyzes will show if there is an inflammatory process.

2. “Omicron” often has a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if there were problems with the stool, it is worth drinking prebiotics for at least a month. They will not interfere in any case, because a healthy intestinal microflora is needed for strong immunity.

3. “Omicron” affects the nervous system. Therefore, if there is no weakness, you need to walk more. Learn a few breathing exercises to “pump” the lungs and calm the nerves. Follow the daily routine: go to bed and wake up at the same time. And try not to get overwhelmed.

Additional recommendations from doctor Alexander Solovyov:

– refrain from active sports for at least 6 weeks,

– ECG monitoring after suffering COVID-19 and in case of violations after 3 months,

– control of blood sugar levels for six months (at least 1 time in 3 months) and once the level of glycated hemoglobin after 4-6 months. It is important to maintain a healthy diet after experiencing COVID-19 by limiting sugar intake,

– in case of manifestation of neurological symptoms (headache, fatigue, dizziness), rehabilitation is necessary as after a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Sources of

  1. Omicron is infecting more kids than any prior variant. Here are the most common symptoms in children, according to experts. Business Insider. URL: https://www.businessinsider.com/most-common-symptoms-omicron-children-per-experts-zoe-2022-1

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