“Omicron” during pregnancy
A new strain of covid “omicron” is increasingly affecting pregnant women. Together with the gynecologist Alexander Zakharov, we analyze the symptoms and possible consequences

“Pregnancy is accompanied by natural immunodeficiency: the body temporarily reduces immunity so that a miscarriage of the fetus does not occur (since the mother’s body perceives the fetus as a foreign object to some extent,” says gynecologist Alexander Zakharov. “Therefore, the state of pregnancy makes a woman vulnerable to many infections, including coronavirus. But in general, the risk of catching “omicron” in pregnant women is no higher and no lower than that of any other person. That is, given its contagiousness, the chance is very high. However, it must be said that even in pre-Covid times there was practically not a single pregnant woman who, in 9 months, would have done without contracting SARS, in a mild or more severe form. Therefore, I always recommended expectant mothers to observe hygiene more carefully in the autumn-winter period, wear a mask and bury interferons in the nose if they had to be in public places. The omicron flash is no exception. Carefully monitor your condition, wear masks and try not to be nervous.

What is “omicron”

“Omicron” is the thirteenth strain of coronavirus, the causative agent of COVID-19. In Our Country, he first appeared on January 9, 2022, is very contagious. In just a month, the number of people infected every day has exceeded 200. It is believed that the disease “omicron” proceeds more easily, but, alas, the disease is always a lottery, especially if the pregnant woman is not vaccinated.

Symptoms and signs of “omicron” during pregnancy

In terms of its symptoms, “omicron” is similar to most SARS (acute respiratory viral infections). However, it is impossible to predict how the virus will recoup on a particular person: someone suffers it asymptomatically, someone has a serious ailment. As a rule, the symptoms of “omicron” in pregnant women are the same as in other people.

Possible symptoms of “omicron” in pregnant women:

  • nasal congestion, sneezing, often runny nose;
  • sore throat, sore throat;
  • headache;
  • often severe night sweats;
  • body aches, muscle “lumbago”, lower back pain;
  • severe fatigue, cognitive problems – impaired short-term memory, irritability;
  • sometimes low temperature – up to 38, more often 37,2-37,5.

The flow of “omicron” during pregnancy

Unfortunately, there is still not enough static data on how Omicron manifests itself in different trimesters of pregnancy (recall that the new version of the coronavirus began its journey through Our Country only on January 9, when the first case was registered). Today we can only talk about the observations of individual doctors.

As told Chief freelance obstetrician-gynecologist of the Ministry of Health of the Tver Region Lyudmila Grebenshchikova: “Any infection during pregnancy, especially covid infection, has a fulminant and unpredictable course. If today you feel well and it seems that you are carrying the infection in a mild form, then tomorrow you may already be in the infectious diseases hospital. Therefore, it is very important to contact your local doctor in time and inform your gynecologist that you are sick.”

“Omicron” in the 1st trimester

Most often, it proceeds easily, because pregnant women take care of themselves more than before, observe hygiene, wear masks, drink vitamins.

“Omicron” in the 2nd trimester

Symptoms may be similar to those of ordinary patients. Severe lower back pain may also be added, as the stomach is already beginning to grow.

“Omicron” in the 3st trimester

“If in the early stages of pregnancy there is still a chance to transfer the coronavirus more easily, then after the 22nd week of pregnancy, patients often end up in the intensive care unit,” says the chief freelance anesthesiologist-resuscitator in obstetrics and gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Tver region Alexander Ronenson. – The disease is often more severe, with lung damage up to 70-80%.

In hospitalized patients with a severe course of the disease, a complication often develops – preeclampsia, accompanied by multiple organ failure, severe edema, as well as thrombosis, blood clotting disorders. After childbirth, some recovered patients received venous-thrombotic complications. However, with careful monitoring of health and following the recommendations of a doctor, the chances of avoiding such adverse effects are high.

Treatment of “omicron” during pregnancy

Treatment of covid in pregnant women depends on many factors, so only a doctor can prescribe it. Especially antiviral drugs: their appointment depends on the well-being of the pregnant woman, possible threats, since most of these drugs have quite a lot of side effects. That is, the attending physician always has to weigh a lot of pros and cons.

With a slight flow of “omicron”, the doctor may recommend interferon therapy (interferon-alpha preparations in the nose), be sure to drink more water (if there is no threat of edema), follow the regimen, switch to a lighter diet (refuse fatty, fried foods, so as not to overload intestines and stomach, which are most susceptible to damage during covid).

It is also safe to rinse the nose with saline solutions, gargle.

Diagnosis of “omicron” during pregnancy

Standard, as for all patients: at the first signs of the disease, you need to do a PCR test (a swab from the throat and nose). When receiving positive results, it is important to monitor the condition, not to self-medicate.

Omicron prevention methods for pregnant women at home

Unfortunately, due to its high contagiousness (contagiousness), “omicron” is difficult to prevent. If someone in the family gets sick, then with a high probability an unvaccinated pregnant woman will also get sick.

If there are sick people, it is important to monitor the microclimate in the apartment so that the disease proceeds more easily: ventilate the room, humidify the air. Drink more water to relieve possible symptoms of intoxication, monitor the condition of the mucous membranes: rinse your nose, gargle.

The main and most effective way to avoid severe complications and adverse effects of covid for pregnant women is vaccination.

As I said in one of the online lectures doctor-therapist of the highest qualification category, scientific and medical expert Alexei Vodovozov: “pregnant women can and should be vaccinated with Sputnik V”.

“You can be vaccinated and revaccinated from the 22nd week,” explains Vodovozov. – The order of the Ministry of Health states that pregnancy is a contraindication for vaccination with some vaccines, but not with Sputnik V. During the year of vaccination, a lot of data was collected and it was proved that Sputnik V does not increase the risk of preterm birth, as well as the risk of miscarriage and does not affect the weight of the fetus.

But the transferred covid in unvaccinated pregnant women, depending on the severity, increases the risks, including:

  • the need for hospitalization becomes 2 times higher,
  • admission to the intensive care unit is 3 times higher,
  • the need for mechanical ventilation is 2,9 times higher,
  • also increased the risk of premature birth, miscarriage and other possible complications during pregnancy.

Popular questions and answers

What effect does “omicron” have on pregnant women and the unborn child?

It has been proven that the virus can be transmitted in utero, (1) that is, a child can be born with a coronavirus infection. As a rule, the newborn suffers the disease easily, but is always under the supervision of doctors. Nevertheless, unpleasant consequences are possible for an infected baby: about one in three has difficulty breathing, 25% of children had low body weight. Other complications were observed due to preterm birth.

Of course, this does not always happen (according to some reports, every tenth child is infected in utero). That is, the baby can be born completely healthy.

By the way, vaccinated mothers pass on their immunity, antibodies to the child. This was proven by a study (2) published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). According to American experts, six-month-old babies born to vaccinated mothers are more likely to have antibodies against the virus in their blood than babies born to unvaccinated mothers who have been ill during pregnancy.

How do pregnant women tolerate Omicron?

Varies, but still often more severe than non-pregnant women.

(2) Pregnant women with severe to moderate COVID-19 are more likely to need a caesarean section, according to American doctors published in the journal JAMA. They are also more likely to have preterm birth, postpartum hemorrhage. They are more prone to miscarriage or death in the neonatal period. There are cases of intrauterine fetal death in severe cases of covid in pregnant women.

There is no data yet on the “omicron”, but in view of its contagiousness, a sick pregnant woman should be especially careful about her condition.

Data from other strains of covid suggests that infected pregnant women are more likely to die than other women. According to an international study conducted by scientists at Oxford University in 18 countries around the world (including Our Country), (3) the risk of severe complications is increased for both the mother and the child.

The most severe complications can occur in pregnant women with the following pathologies:

• diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension;

• chronic lung diseases, bronchial asthma;

• diabetes;

• obesity;

• chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.

What can be done to help a pregnant woman recover faster after Omicron?

The recommendations are the same as for men, women and children who have undergone Omicron:

• follow the regime of the day – get up and go to bed at the same time, even on weekends;

• get enough sleep (sleep at least 8 hours a day);

• Eat more vegetables and protein (fish, meat should be cooked sparingly – baking in the oven at a low temperature or in a sleeve, stewing in a slow cooker), try to limit sweets;

• walk more often and more, but not to the point of fatigue, leisurely;

• learn how to breathe deeply and evenly while walking, and even better – master breathing meditative techniques for calmness and prevention of possible pulmonary complications;

• if there were problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you can drink a course of probiotics;

• Strictly follow the recommendations of doctors – therapist and gynecologist, take scheduled and additionally prescribed tests and examinations on time (you may need to do ultrasound more often, in particular Doppler – checking the child’s heartbeat).

Sources of

  1. At what time is covid most dangerous for a pregnant woman and is the infection transmitted to a child. URL: https://www.Healthy Food Near Me/daily/27254.5/4385161/
  2. Nir Kugelman; Chen Nahshon; Pninit Shaked-Mishan. Maternal and Neonatal SARS-CoV-2 Immunoglobulin G Antibody Levels at Delivery After Receipt of the BNT162b2 Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccine During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2021. URL: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2787270?resultClick=1
  3. Research uncovers high risk to pregnant women from COVID-19. 2021. URL: https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-04-23-research-uncovers-high-risk-pregnant-women-covid-19

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