Omega-9 – oleic fatty acid

Omega-9 - oleic fatty acid

Fats, like carbohydrates and proteins, are vital elements for the human body. You should eat right and varied in order to get them in sufficient quantities. Fats serve as a source of energy for the body. This is their main role. They contribute to the absorption of certain vitamins and are involved in the production of hormones.

There are several types of fatty acids. One of them is Omega-9. These fats are monounsaturated and the body produces them on its own. Omega-9s are also found in many foods. To avoid the accumulation of these substances in the body, which can cause the development of many diseases, you should control the consumption of foods that contain such acids. In moderation, they are needed for the normal functioning of organs and their systems. However, according to many dietitians, in the absence of omega-9 sources in the diet, they will still be synthesized by the body.

Useful properties of omega-9

For humans, fatty acids of this type are of particular importance. They can protect against heart disease, including preventing a heart attack. This property is explained by the fact that Omega-9 does not allow cholesterol to be deposited. Thus, the risk of clogging of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots is reduced. The use of foods containing fatty acids serves as a prevention of heart disease. So, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast suffer less from them. This is explained by the fact that in most countries located there, olive oil is used in cooking, and it contains large quantities of omega-9 fats.

Acids of this type prevent the development of diabetes. Omega-9 is recommended for people whose body cells are not receptive to insulin. Because of this, the amount of sugar in the blood cells can increase significantly and lead to diabetes. Fatty acids inhibit this process.

Foods rich in omega-9 can be used to prevent colds. It is recommended to use them during treatment. After all, fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they can help strengthen the body.

Finally, omega-9 fats provide protection against cancer. This is especially important for women. Experimentally, it was found that it is oleic fatty acid that reduces the activity of the gene responsible for the appearance of oncological diseases.

Despite all the beneficial properties of oleic acid, you should not abuse it. Excess in the body of Omega-9 negatively affects the body and even contributes to the occurrence of many diseases.

What foods contain Omega-9?

Omega-9 - oleic fatty acid

To provide the body with a sufficient amount of omega-9 fats, you can regularly eat some nuts. They also contain other useful substances and trace elements. As an alternative to nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds are used. 

Avocado, rich in omega-9 fats, helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis and strengthen the immune system. It serves as a source of iron, phosphorus and potassium necessary for the body.

Ordinary bakery products are best replaced with those that contain flaxseed. It contains fats of various groups. Some of them enter the human body only with food, their synthesis is not carried out. Therefore, it is worth adding dishes seasoned with flaxseed or oil based on it to the diet.

Pork fat is high in omega-9 fatty acids. Therefore, it should be eaten in winter to strengthen the body’s defense against colds. However, it must not be abused. Pork fat refers to high-calorie foods and can contribute to the deposition of extra pounds.

The highest amount of omega-9 fatty acids is found in olive oil. It is no coincidence that some doctors in ancient times considered it a drug that helps with many diseases. It really has a positive effect on blood vessels and even slows down the aging process. Olive oil has an original taste, so it can be added to salads, used to make dough for some bakery products. It is undesirable to fry on it, it is better to season cold dishes with olive oil.

Trout does not have a lot of omega-9 fats, but it is very rich in other beneficial substances. Regular consumption of such fish improves brain function, strengthens the nervous system. Trout has an excellent taste, so it is considered an expensive product.

Table of omega-9 content in food

Omega-9 – oleic fatty acid

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