Omega-3s A to Z: 26 Health Facts + Food List

What is omega-3?

Omega-3s A to Z: 26 Health Facts + Food List

Omega-3 is a general definition of a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds are necessary for the full functioning of a person. Essential fats include: alpha lipoic (ALA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids, (in the English abbreviation: ALA, EPA and DHA). The body cannot synthesize fatty acids on its own, therefore it is necessary to enrich the daily menu with certain foods.

The long chain fatty acids DHA and EPA are converted by the body from ALA. The transformation reaction proceeds slowly, forming a limited amount of the final valuable compound. As an additional source of EPA and DHA, cardiologists and nutritionists around the world recommend using fatty marine fish (tuna, salmon) and marine crustaceans (crabs, oysters).

EPA and DHA are the most important omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 contains the following fatty acids:

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) – a chemical compound with a long chain. DHA is involved in the formation of neuronal synapses, which transmit signals between cells. The presence of DHA ensures the fluidity of cell membranes. The largest amount of DHA was found in the cells of the eyes (93%) and the brain (97%), and the maximum amount was found in the departments responsible for attention and mnemonic processes.

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) – has a long chain structure. The active substance affects the preservation of health.

  • Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) – has a short chain structure. ALA provides the body with energy and protein to build DHA and EPA. Given the fact that only 5% of ALA is converted to EPA and 0,5% to DHA, its daily dose should be high enough.

How is fish oil different from omega-3?

Fish oil is a fat that is isolated from certain types of fish (tuna, herring, mackerel, anchovies). Omega-3 is an integral part of fish oil. It accounts for approximately 30% of the total volume. The remaining 70% of fish oil is made up of other fats, vitamins D and A.

Omega-3 Benefits: 26 Reasons to Add It to Your Diet

Omega-3 fatty acids have been studied for a long time. It is established that they have a number of useful properties:

  • Lowers blood pressure parameters.

  • Prevent the development of arrhythmia.

  • They inhibit the formation of plaques in the lumen of the arteries.

  • Reduce triglyceride levels.

  • Reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack.

  • Reduce the risk of sudden death in people with heart disease.

A healthy balanced diet should include oily fish at least twice a week. This diet is suitable for people with a low risk of cardiovascular disease.

9 benefits of omega-3 for the heart and blood vessels

Omega-3s A to Z: 26 Health Facts + Food List

1 Ischemia of the heart

The ability to reduce the likelihood of heart disease is most pronounced when omega-3 is consumed by patients with a history of coronary disease. In one study, more than 18 subjects with elevated blood cholesterol levels were divided into two groups. In one of them, participants received 1,8 g of EPA and a statin daily, in the other they received only a statin. After 4,6 years, the results were evaluated. In the EPA group, 19% fewer cases of serious coronary disorders were recorded than in the control sample. Unstable angina pectoris, cardiac disorders without a lethal outcome were also much less common in the first experimental group. [2].

2 Myocardial infarction

In the group of participants who took a daily omega-3 supplement, there was a significant reduction in the incidence of myocardial infarction by 28%. African Americans experienced a 77% decrease, while those who ate less than 1,5 servings of fish per week saw a 40% decrease. [3]. According to another medical experiment, daily consumption of omega-3s reduced the risk of death from heart and vascular diseases by 19%. No similar effect was seen in the placebo group. [4].

The effect of omega-3 on the development of stroke could not be established. Some scientists believe that the expected effect could be observed with an increase in the dose of omega-3. Such a volume of drugs should be taken only under the supervision of the attending physician. Research in this area is ongoing.

3 Lower triglycerides

Daily intake of omega-3s can help reduce triglycerides by 15 to 30%. Participants with higher triglyceride levels showed more of this effect. [5].

4 Protects against blood clots

Platelet aggregation underlies the formation of a thrombus. Omega-3 prevents platelets from sticking together, which means it prevents the development of the pathological process.

5 Protection from atherosclerosis

Omega-3 prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Fatty acids protect artery walls from damage and keep them healthy [6].

6 Increase “good” cholesterol

Under the influence of omega-3, there is an increase in the volume of HDL in the blood [7].

7 Cancer Prevention

The published results of studies on the effect of omega-3s on cancer development do not show any pattern. Some experts say that high doses of fatty acids reduce the likelihood of colorectal cancer and breast cancer.

8 bowel cancer

Several medical studies followed by analysis have shown that eating omega-3s reduces the chance of bowel cancer by up to 34%. [10], [11], [12].

9 Stroke and heart attack protection

In 2019, an extensive study was conducted, which included 8179 people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Initial laboratory tests found that all subjects had high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. For 4,9 years, the first group of subjects received daily 4 g of Vascepa containing 4000 mg of purified 96% EPA, and the second group received a placebo.

In conclusion, data were published on the ability of Vascepa to reduce negative outcomes:

  • Cardiovascular death – by 20%,

  • stroke (non-fatal, fatal) – by 28%,

  • myocardial infarction (non-fatal, fatal) – by 31% [37].

Benefits for Women: 6 Reasons to Add Omega-3s

Omega-3s A to Z: 26 Health Facts + Food List

1 Eases menstrual pain

Gynecologists define monthly menstrual pains, cramps as dysmenorrhea. Most women are aware of this condition, caused by strong uterine contractions as a result of the action of prostaglandins. Two authoritative studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can relieve menstrual pain. This is due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory properties of substances [13], [14].

A gynecological experiment showed that the use of omega-3 is much faster and more effective in eliminating menstrual pain than ibuprofen [15].

2 Reduces the risk of breast cancer

An extensive Singapore China study of 35 women aged 298 to 45 found that omega-74 intake reduced the risk of developing breast cancer. After 3 years, the incidence of breast cancer in the omega-5,3 group was 3% less cases than in the control sample [8].

Another experiment involving 35016 women in the 50-76 age group lasted 6 years. The final results showed that women who took fish oil preparations reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by 32%. [9].

3 Relieves rheumatoid arthritis

According to statistics, women are almost three times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than men. As a rule, the disease develops in the middle age group.

The results of studies in 2012 and 2017 showed that the use of fish oil preparations alleviates the feeling of morning stiffness and swelling of the joints, relieves pain, alleviates the symptoms of inflammation. On the background of omega-3 patients take less NSAIDs [16].

4 Prevents osteoporosis

Osteoporosis affects postmenopausal women. The disease develops as a result of a decrease in estrogen. In 2012 and 2019, studies were published showing that omega-3 supplementation improves bone mineralization. With the joint intake of calcium, this effect is enhanced. [17], [18].

5 Protects against depression

An analysis of 26 studies found that eating large amounts of fish reduced the risk of depression by 17%. [19]. It is noted that with severe depression, the effect is not observed. Omega-3 intake helps reduce aggression.

6 Moisturizes the skin, removes wrinkles

The body’s own DHA was found in the structure of the skin. It ensures the normal state of cell membranes. The healthier the cell membranes, the softer, more elastic the skin. EPA, contained in omega-3, has a positive effect on the skin:

  • Stimulates the synthesis of its own oils.

  • Moisturizes.

  • Prevents the formation of small red nodules that appear in the process of hyperkeratinization of hair follicles.

  • It slows down the processes of premature aging.

  • Prevents the appearance of acne.

Omega-3 active substances protect the skin from the negative effects of solar radiation, prevent the destruction of collagen in the dermal layers.

Omega-Xnumx during pregnancy

Medical studies that have taken place over several years have led to the conclusion that the consumption of seafood by pregnant and lactating women has a positive effect on the health and development of newborns. DHA, found in fish oil, stimulates the formation of hand-eye coordination in babies up to 3 years of age [20].

At the same time, several other data were published. The organizers of 11 controlled experiments presented facts proving the absence of any benefits from the use of omega-3 during the period of bearing and feeding a child in relation to the formation of visual and cognitive functions.

Women who are breastfeeding are recommended to introduce at least 200-300 mg of DHA into their daily diet. A sufficient amount of valuable elements in breast milk is obtained by eating fish dishes 1-2 times a week.

Protecting your child from allergies in the future

Observations of pregnant women made it possible to establish that the regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids in the mother’s body protects the child from allergic diseases in the future. [21].

[Video] Nutritionist Ekaterina Didyk – why drink Omega-3 and how to choose it?

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