Omega-3, or valuable fatty acids for human health [EXPLAIN]

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Omega-3 fatty acids are compounds that exhibit a number of health-promoting properties. They have a positive effect on the work of the brain, heart and eyesight. Natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish, vegetable oils and animal fats. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be supplemented. What is the importance of omega-3 fatty acids in the daily diet and how to ensure that you get the right amount?

Fats in the diet – characteristics

Omega-3 fatty acids are compounds that belong to the group of fats that constitute a very important part of the daily diet. A balanced and well-composed diet of a healthy person should meet his energy needs and contain all the ingredients that are necessary for the proper functioning of all organs, development and maintaining good health.

The richest source of energy in human food are fats, which on average provide the body with about 9 kcal of energy for each gram contained in food. On the other hand, fats are a source of fatty acids, which are divided into saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. While saturated fatty acids should be limited in their diet, an adequate supply of unsaturated fatty acids can positively affect both the figure and human health. Unsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized in the human body, therefore, in order not to lead to their deficiency, they should be supplied with food. Omega-3 fatty acids belong to polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What should you know about saturated fat? Check: Saturated fats – what are they? Sources of saturated fat, their functions in the body and impact on human health

What are omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are also known as n-3 or ω-3 fatty acids. These are acids that belong to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the omega-3 fatty acid molecule, the last double bond in the carbon chain is at the third-from-terminal carbon atom.

Omega-3 fatty acids are not synthesized in the human body, and those supplied with food can undergo enzymatic changes. During this process, physiological substances necessary for the proper functioning of the body, such as prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes and lipoxins, are formed.

To supplement your diet with valuable omega-3 fatty acids, it is worth using OmegaMe Health Labs – Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA from fish, i.e. a dietary supplement in the form of capsules. Also try OmegaMe Vege Health Labs – Omega 3 DHA fatty acids from sea algae. Both supplements are available at at promotional prices.

What are omega-6 fatty acids and what should you know about them? Check it out: The black side of omega-6

Types of omega-3 fatty acids

An important distinction between unsaturated fatty acids is the division into omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are further divided into:

  1. eicosapentaenoic acid (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA) – is an acid that is found mainly in fish and primarily affects the proper functioning of the nervous system. It is a polyunsaturated fatty acid in which the carboxyl group is at the end of the 19-membered hydrocarbon chain containing 5 double bonds;
  2. docosahexaenoic acid (docosahexaenoic acid, DHA) – is an acid that belongs to fatty acids that are not synthesized in the human body, although in small amounts it can be formed from linolenic acid. It contains 6 insulated double bonds. The source of docosahexaenoic acid are algae and fish that eat algae;
  3. α-linolenic acid (α-linolenic acid, ALA) – is a polyunsaturated fatty acid with eighteen carbon atoms in the chain and three double bonds. The best source of alpha-linolenic acid is linseed, rapeseed, or soybean oil.

An additional source of docosahexaenoic acid can be a supplement available in Medonet Market’s offer in capsules with DHA acid or BiΩ Omega3 D2000 Xenico. We also recommend Omega 3 + D3 4000 IU YANGO – a dietary supplement for seniors.

For more information on fatty acids, see Fatty Acids

Properties of omega-3 fatty acids for the human body

Omega-3 fatty acids have strong health-promoting properties, so you should include them in your daily diet. Among properties of omega-3 fatty acids lists:

  1. antitumor effect – by supporting and regulating anti-cancer immunity, omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of breast, colon and prostate cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent the development of cancer by activating genes related to the functioning of the immune system and blocking the development of tumors;
  2. supporting the work of the brain – omega-3 fatty acids have a strong effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Their influence on the processes of thinking, understanding and remembering was found. According to studies, people who took the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease;
  3. improving the work of the organ of vision – omega-3 fatty acids are one of the components of the eye’s retina. A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids in the diet can lead to serious vision problems, which in old age can result in macular degeneration. It is the most common cause of permanent vision loss in adults;
  4. supporting the work of the heart – omega-3 fatty acids thin the blood, so blood cells do not stick to the damaged vessel walls. This, in turn, prevents the formation of blockages and clots. Omega-3 fatty acids also lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol and raise the level of good HDL cholesterol;
  5. strengthening bones and joints – the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet affects the health of bones and joints. The risk of arthritis is reduced and the symptoms of rheumatoid diseases are significantly alleviated. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids support the absorption of calcium, which significantly affects the structure and condition of bones;
  6. counteracting allergies and strengthening immunity – omega-3 fatty acids naturally increase immunity by stimulating the immune system to function more efficiently;
  7. beneficial effect on the skin – omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, especially in the case of diseases with a proven immune mechanism, e.g. atopic dermatitis or psoriasis.

Fatty acids such as omega-3 rebuild the natural protective barrier of the epidermis and moisturize. They are part of many cosmetics for dry skin, such as Vianek moisturizing and regenerating body oil.

If you want to know what a fat diet is and what its principles are, be sure to read: Fat diet – effects and effects of a fat diet

The causes of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency in the body

Nutritionists say that Omega-3 fatty acids are the most deficient fats in the human diet. The deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids is caused by a negative trend in daily nutrition based on highly processed foods, which are rich in unhealthy trans fats. The main reason for the deficiency of omega-3 acids in the diet is the restriction of fish consumption.

Therefore, it can be safely assumed that the cause of the deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in the human body is a poorly composed menu. You can replenish your acid levels by using Omega-3 1000mg – the strength of the heart from the depths of the ocean BLUE Forte. The supplement is available on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

What should you know about lipids? Check: Lipids – structure, properties, functions

Deficiency and excess of omega-3 acids in the body – symptoms

It is very difficult to get a situation where it finds itself excess omega-3 fatty acids in the body. The proportion between omega-6 and omega-3 acids is much more upset. Similarly, in the case of supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, an excess in the body can occur only in the case of gross non-compliance with the recommendations on the leaflet.

How do you know if you have taken too much omega-3 fatty acids? In this case, it is very possible for diarrhea to develop as it is a consequence of consuming excessive amounts of any fats. Caution in supplementing omega-3 fatty acids people who take anticoagulant medications should also behave. Omega-3 acids in too high doses can intensify their effects.

We deal with deficiency of omega-3 acids in the human body. How is deficiency of this valuable compound manifested? The symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency are: weakened immunity, frequent infections, allergies, development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, concentration and memory disorders, fatigue and depression. Additionally, you can notice increasing skin and hair problems. The skin becomes dry, while the hair loses its shine, breaks or simply falls out. Long-term deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to serious diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems or even to the risk of cancer.

  1. Do you want to supplement your diet with valuable omega-3 fatty acids? Order Mega Krill Oil today – Doctor Life dietary supplement.

How to lower cholesterol? Check: Diet to lower cholesterol

Sources of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet

In order not to lead to a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you should include appropriate products in your diet. The richest sources of DHA and EPA fatty acids are:

  1. fresh salmon;
  2. smoked mackerel;
  3. sardines in oil;
  4. trout;
  5. salted herring;
  6. fresh mackerel;
  7. farmed carp;
  8. minty;
  9. bank;
  10. tilapia;
  11. fish oil (buy Moller’s Norwegian Fruit Tran, Norwegian Apple Moller’s Tran or Norwegian GOLD Moller’s Tran available at Medonet Market);

On the other hand, ALA fatty acids are found mainly in linseed, nutcorn, rapeseed and soybean oils, as well as in walnuts, linseed and chia seeds.

You can also choose dietary supplements with omega-3 fatty acids to make up for their deficiency in the body. Buy now at Medonet Market N ° 1 Omega VIT – supplement with Omega 3 acids.

A rich source of omega-3 fatty acids is Bioherba Flax Oil, which lowers cholesterol, improves immunity and soothes skin ailments.

Which fish should you include in your diet? Check: Fish for health connoisseurs

How to choose the most valuable omega-3 fatty acids?

Merely including the right foods in your diet does not always involve delivery valuable omega-3 fatty acids. When composing a menu and buying ingredients, it is worth remembering a few simple rules:

  1. buy small fish – small fish accumulate much smaller amounts of heavy metals than large fish, therefore small fish are healthier for humans;
  2. check where you are catching fish – fishing places should be certified. The South Pacific’s reservoirs are the optimal source of omega-3 fatty acids;
  3. verify processing time – fish oil is easily subject to oxidation processes that are detrimental to health, therefore the healthiest are omega-3 fatty acids, which were obtained in the shortest possible time from catching fish;
  4. check the color of the oil – the lighter the color of the oil obtained from fish fat, the higher the quality of the product;
  5. check the smell and taste – the oil obtained from fish fat should have a delicate and fresh smell and taste;
  6. bet on the natural form of omega-3 fatty acids – omega-3 acids contained in the product should be in the form of triglycerides, i.e. in the form found in fish. Avoid fatty acids in the form of ethyl esters.

Which fish can be contaminated with mercury? Check: Pole made into a fish

What is the body’s need for omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids should be dosed according to the body’s needs. According to the recommendations of the Food and Nutrition Institute the standard of daily ALA consumption in the diet of children, adolescents and adults has been fixed at 0,5% of the energy from the diet. However, in the case of The demand for DHA and EPA fats depends on the age. Therefore, the daily DHA requirement is distributed as follows:

  1. infants and children 7-24 months of age – 100 mg;
  2. children and adolescents aged 2 – 18 years – DHA and EPA 250 mg;
  3. adults – DHA and EPA – 250 mg;
  4. pregnant and breastfeeding women – EPA 250 mg, DHA 100 – 200 mg.

When is it worth supplementing fish oil? Check: fish oil – medicinal properties and contraindications. How to use it to strengthen the body?

Omega-3 fatty acids in pregnancy

Omega-3 fatty acids are especially recommended for pregnant women. During pregnancy, the expectant mother is the child’s only source of omega-3 fatty acids. And it is these compounds that influence the formation and proper development of the brain and eyesight in a child. Therefore, every pregnant woman should enrich her diet with foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. If the proposed or possible menu of a woman is not able to fully cover the demand for omega-3 fatty acids, supplements intended for pregnant women should be considered. For pregnant women, it is recommended to eat products such as fish oil and fatty sea fish. Herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, cod, flounder and halibut will work best.

What supplements should you take during pregnancy? Check: Conscious Choices. Diet and supplementation in pregnancy

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