Omega-3 fatty acids reduce arterial stiffness

Daily consumption of omega-3 fatty acids improves the health of the cardiovascular system of seniors, research reported in Physiological Reports showed.

Researchers from the Pennsylvania State University have studied the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on the condition of the blood vessels of healthy people between the ages of 60 and 80.

For 12 weeks, participants took four capsules daily (two in the morning and two in the evening) containing 1000 mg of omega-3 acids (DHA and EPA). Before and after supplementation, arterial stiffness was tested (based on the pulse wave velocity and the aortic enhancement index). The results were then compared with those of people aged 21-35 who used identical supplementation.

The analysis showed that taking omega-3 fatty acids greatly reduced arterial stiffness in seniors, while it had no effect on arterial stiffness in the younger group of participants.

The authors of the research emphasize that the positive results were obtained in a relatively short time, which confirms that the intake of omega-3 fatty acids can be an effective method of early prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

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