Omega-3 fatty acids: mental performance and a source of health
Omega-3 fatty acids: mental performance and a source of health

The right dose of omega-3 fatty acids does a lot of good for the body. They help prevent disease, improve mood and make us look and feel younger for longer. They are especially important in the diet of young children and pregnant women.

Omega-3 fatty acids are an important and unique building block of cells. They make our life processes work better because they improve the functioning of the cell membrane. They are very important in the diet of future mothers and their children. It is estimated that a woman who consumes adequate amounts of these acids during pregnancy has a chance to give birth to a larger and more intelligent child. Thus, they affect the work of the brain and its formation from the very beginning of fetal life.

Faster thinking, better concentration

Systematic supplementation of omega-3 acids makes us better thinking, reasoning and remembering abilities, and also supports creativity. It is worth taking care of providing them throughout your life. According to research, people who eat large amounts of fish, as they get older, suffer less from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, and they also have much better mental performance.

This is because omega-3 fatty acids improve the blood supply to the brain, and thus improve the flow of nerve stimuli between the white and gray matter. That is why it is worth giving children large amounts of fish and other foods rich in these fatty acids – thanks to this, they will be more mobile, focused and overall it will significantly improve their development. Moreover, children who do not eat fish are more susceptible to eye diseases or have poorer vision. It is important to consume this ingredient during pregnancy to avoid retinopathy of prematurity (a condition that can result in blindness).

Efficient heart, increased immunity

In addition to the beneficial effect on the mind and eyes, fatty acids Omega-3 also affects other health aspects. According to statistics, eating more than one fish meal a week reduces the risk of heart disease by as much as 50%. It is recommended to eat them especially for people after a heart attack, as it reduces the risk of another one by as much as 42%. These acids also counteract arrhythmias and thin the blood, thanks to which they prevent the formation of blockages and blood clots.

They lower the level of bad cholesterol, increasing the amount of good, and thus prevent atherosclerosis. In addition to matters of the heart, this ingredient also has a positive effect on our bones. They protect against arthritis, relieve rheumatic diseases, and are also used in the treatment of osteoporosis, as they facilitate the absorption of calcium.

According to recent studies, omega-3 fatty acids are also an excellent remedy for allergies and a natural way to increase the body’s resistance to disease. Women who eat large amounts of fish have a lower risk of breast or uterine cancer, and men of prostate cancer.

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