Olmec Tequila: A Guide to Alcohol

Briefly about the drink

Tequila is a strong alcoholic drink made from blue agave exclusively in Mexico. It is one of the few beverages that is a protected denomination of origin, meaning that it is produced only in a particular country.

Olmeca tequila is one of the most popular tequila brands. Thanks to a somewhat aggressive marketing strategy, almost everyone knows about Olmeca, even if they are not familiar with tequila in principle.

One of the reasons for the brand’s success is the variety of the product produced – from affordable mixta drinks to premium samples. Olmeca also produces liqueurs, winning some more market for itself.

The current owner of the brand, Pernod Ricard – a real giant in the alcohol industry – claims that some of the tequila is produced using pre-industrial tachona technology, which consists in a special way of grinding agave.

To promote Olmeca, a special society, Takhona, was created, which conducts seminars and master classes for bartenders in many countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In particular, with the help of this community, a way of drinking tequila with lemon and salt was promoted to the masses, which is not used in Mexico itself, where it is hardly known about.

Consider the types of Olmec

Olmeca is represented by three main lines of tequila, which differ in categories and exposure.

how to drink tequila

Basic line

  1. White Olmec

    Unaged tequila mixta category. It is used in cocktails, it is not used in its pure form.

  2. Olmeca Gold

    A blend of Blanco and short-aged Reposado tequila. Contrary to misconceptions, it contains a sugar color scheme that gives it a beautiful golden color. It differs from Blanco in greater softness, but is used in cocktails.

  3. Olmec Rested

    A mixta tequila aged for six months in a bourbon barrel. It has a richer golden color, has a fruity aroma with notes of smoke, and a little pepper in the taste.

  4. Old Olmec

    The same mixta, aged for 18 months. The aroma becomes more vanilla, fruits in the taste are complemented by honey tones with hints of spices.

  5. Olmeca Dark Chocolate

    A unique mixta with dark chocolate that brings this drink to life in a new way. Aromas of chocolate and cocoa sprinkled with roasted nuts. The taste is mild, with hints of dark chocolate and agave syrup.

Premium line

  1. Olmec Altos Silver

    Unaged 100% de agave tequila. It has a fresh profile filled with fruits and herbs. Used in cocktails, connoisseurs do not use it in its pure form, although it is suitable for this.

  2. Olmec Altos Reposado

    Golden tequila, “rested” in an oak barrel for six months. The fruity aroma turns into a citrus-herbal style, with notes of spices and hints of oak. It will become an excellent component for cocktails, it will show itself well as an independent drink.

Ultra premium

  1. Olmec Tezón Blanco

    An excellent example of unaged tequila. The aroma has bright shades of grapefruit and freshly cut grass, notes of lemon and vanilla in the taste. Surprisingly long and fresh aftertaste for white tequila. A good option for drinking in premium cocktails or neat.

  2. Olmec Tezón Reposado

    Golden tequila “rests” in the barrel for about 10 months, due to which its aroma gains notes of sweet citrus and slightly withered fruits. On the palate are citruses and vanilla, complemented by minerality. This tequila is drunk neat.

  3. Olmec Tezón Añejo

    A truly elite tequila, aged for six months. In the aroma of citruses in caramel and honey, the taste reveals hints of orange and oak wood, sea salt is clearly felt.

How to distinguish a fake Olmec

Since Olmeca is a brand known all over the world, fakes also happen. At present, it is problematic to detect non-original alcohol on the store shelf, but it is almost impossible to identify it only by appearance today.

Shake recommends:

  1. Visit trusted stores that care about their reputation.

  2. Pay attention to the excise stamp and the appearance of the bottle as a whole. Don’t waste time on details.

  3. Use the AntiCounterfeit Alco application (Android and Apple) for the Russian Federation and its analogues in your country. Such applications allow you to identify fake alcohol in seconds by scanning the excise stamp.

tequila cocktails

Relevance: 29.06.2021

Tags: Tequila, Tequila brands

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