Olive oil – nutrients and health properties

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One of the oldest oils obtained from the fruit of European olives is olive oil. The use of olive oil is very wide and it is used not only in the kitchen, but also during cosmetic procedures.

Olive oil – nutritional values

Olive oil is now one of the staples of the Mediterranean diet, but its use dates back to 4000 BC Countries such as Armenia, Palestine and India used it to moisturize the skin and used it as a medicine. The Babylonians already regulated its production and trade, while The Romans levied taxes in the form of olive oil.

Olive oil has a unique character and flavor as it is extracted from olives only by mechanical or other physical methods. The Mediterranean diet, in which olive oil is the main source of fat, is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and protection against brain disease and age-related diseases.

The production of high-quality extra virgin olive oil requires healthy and properly matured olives and the control of the entire production process, from the olive fruit to bottling. The quality, identity and authenticity of the olive oil are guaranteed by international standards and regulated limits and analytical methods.

Extra virgin olive oil has remarkable resistance to oxidation if properly stored. This stability, together with the different flavor notes and other distinct characteristics due to the different olive varieties and the differences in processing, make it possible for a variety of culinary uses and the preparation of traditional and gourmet dishes.

1 tablespoon or 13,5 grams (g) of olive oil provides:

  1. 119 calories
  2. 13,5 g of fat, including 1,86 g of saturated fat
  3. 1,9 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E
  4. 8,13 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K.

It also contains trace amounts of calcium and potassium as well as polyphenols, tocopherols, phytosterols and other antioxidants.

Olive oil is found in HealMe Health Labs – an enriched black seed oil that has a positive effect on immunity and well-being.

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Olive oil – taste and aroma

The color of the olives – like any other fruit – is the most important because it indicates the degree of ripeness. While younger olives, obtained from greener olives, have a greener color, a fruity character, and a slightly bitter and spicy taste, ripe olives produce a yellower oil that is sweeter on the tongue and less bitter.

The density of the olive oil should also be taken into account. This is related to the plant variety, the type of crop (dry or watered) and the oil production process.

In terms of taste, extra virgin olive oil can produce several flavors at once – both fruity, bitter, sweet and spicy. The spicy olive oil is very healthy as it has a high content of antioxidant elements.

Olives are used not only for the production of olive oil. Due to its antioxidant properties, the olive is used in supplements. At Medonet Market you will find capsules with European olive leaf extract, which is a source of vitamins and minerals.


There is no doubt that olive oil is something to keep in your pantry: it enriches and adds flavor to many recipes, and is also beneficial to your health.

Olive oil – a source of antioxidants

Regular olive oil is refined and devoid of important nutrients and antioxidants. In contrast, the natural extraction process used to produce the extra virgin olive oil ensures that it retains all the nutrients and antioxidants of the olive fruit.

Olive oil contains over 30 different types of phenolic compoundswhich are powerful antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that damage cells and contribute to the development of many diseases and accelerate the aging process of the body. For this reason, we recommend three cosmetics from Vianek: refreshing and energizing shower gel, energizing and detoxifying peeling and refreshing and energizing body lotion, which leave the skin elastic and properly moisturized.

The fat composition of extra virgin olive oil is also an important factor in its health. It consists predominantly of monounsaturated fats, the heart-healthy fat that is the staple of the Mediterranean diet. About 14 percent. are saturated fats and 11 percent. are polyunsaturated fats such as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

However, the main fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which makes up 73% of the fat. total oil content.

Research suggests that oleic acid reduces inflammation and may even have beneficial effects on genes related to cancer formation.

Research has consistently linked a diet high in monounsaturated fats with beneficial effects on markers of cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke). This includes reducing markers of chronic inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels.

Also read: How important is diet in heart disease?

Olive oil and heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of premature death worldwide.

Interestingly, populations in Mediterranean regions have low mortality (death) rates from heart disease. Although this is due to a combination of factors, their high consumption of extra virgin olive oil is believed to be one of them.

It seems that active compounds in extra virgin olive oil have strong cardioprotective properties – help lower blood pressure and prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). One study found that a lot of olive oil consumption helped reduce the need for blood pressure medications by 48 percent.

One review study, which looked at data from over 840 people, found that the people who consumed the most olive oil were 000 percent. less prone to heart problems and 9 percent. they died prematurely less often than those who consumed the least olive oil.

Moreover, Olive oil lowers inflammation in the bodyprotects “bad” LDL cholesterol from oxidation, improves blood vessel lining and can prevent excessive blood clotting.

See: What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

Olive oil and the risk of stroke

Stroke is the second most common cause of premature death, after heart disease. It is closely related to these diseases and shares many of the same risk factors: high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

One French study that compared the use of olive oil with the incidence of strokes found that the people who consumed the most amounts of olive oil had 41% of the total consumption of olive oil. lower risk of stroke. Many other studies have also found similar results.

These findings make sense because people who add olive oil to their diets are likely to replace other less healthy fats with olive oil. This is due to the high content of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats in extra virgin olive oil.

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Olive Oil and Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the reduced effectiveness of insulin, the hormone that carries glucose (sugar) from the blood into the cells and is used as energy.

The phenolic compounds present in olive oil are believed to aid in the metabolism of glucose and to improve the sensitivity and effectiveness of insulin.

One analysis found that including olive oil in your daily diet can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 13 percent. Compared to a low-fat diet, a diet high in olive oil has also been found to help normalize blood glucose levels in people who have already had type 2 diabetes.

These beneficial effects are even more evident when combined with a Mediterranean-style diet. One study found that a Mediterranean diet enriched with nuts or olive oil reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 50%.

Olive oil can be found, among others in the composition of Organic dark chocolate 70% Torras cocoa 100g available at Medonet Market.

See: Does diabetes cause cancer?

Olive oil and cancer

It is known that what and how we eat can affect the development of cancer. Observational studies have shown a lower incidence of certain cancers in regions where olive oil consumption is high.

An analysis of 19 studies found that people who consumed more olive oil were less likely to develop breast and gastrointestinal cancer.

Scientists suspect that the unique content of oleocantal in olive oil may play a protective role against cancer. Interestingly, Oleocantal is an antioxidant that is made from virgin olives and is not found in any other food… not even olives.

We cannot say with certainty that olive oil has anti-cancer properties, but the current evidence is promising and more research is required to investigate these relationships.

Olive oil can support the body in preparation for oncological treatment and support its regeneration during this treatment. It is included in food for special medical purposes, which you can buy on Medonet Market at promotional prices, including:

  1. ONCORIA IN – Prehabilitation before oncological treatment,
  2. ONCORIA IN – Regeneration during oncological treatment,
  3. ONCORIA IN – Forte regeneration during oncological treatment.

Also read: Find out which tumors are hereditary

Olive oil and the metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that work together to increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. These conditions include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

The authors of the 2019 meta-analysis concluded that Olive oil in the Mediterranean diet can improve the characteristics of the metabolic syndromesuch as inflammation, blood sugar, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol. On the other hand, it appears to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol.

See: Cholesterol promotes breast cancer

Olive oil – health properties

In 2016, scientists suggested that adding extra virgin olive oil to your diet could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. This may be due to its protective effect on blood vessels in the brain.

The authors of a mouse study published in 2019 observed that Eating extra virgin olive oil high in oleocantal can help slow or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Some research suggests that extra virgin olive oil particles may help prevent or repair liver damage. Oleic acid and its phenolic compounds are likely to contribute to the prevention of inflammation, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, and other changes that can damage the liver.

Inflammatory bowel disease causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are types of inflammatory bowel disease.

The phenols found in olive oil can help to increase the immunity of the gut and reduce the risk of contracting the diseases mentioned above.

Olive oil in the kitchen

Still not convinced that olive oil should be your main cooking oil? Research shows that cooking with olive oil can even increase the nutrient content of your food. This is because the antioxidants in olive oil are so heat resistant that they do not break down and are instead absorbed by the cooked food.

In addition, it also helps the cooked food to retain some of the nutrients that are usually lost during cooking.

Order Olive Oil in OstroVit spray today, which is available at a promotional price on the Medonet Market.

The effect of olive oil on beauty

Olive oil as an oil of plant origin is often used in natural cosmetics. Cosmetics responsible for moisturizing and nourishing the skin often contain olive oil. Most often, olive oil is used by producers of natural cosmetics that use this oil in the production of such cosmetics as: shampoos, lotions, hand creams, lipsticks and shower gels. A wide range of olive oil products is offered by the Tadé Pays du Levant brand. The assortment includes not only olive-laurel soaps and lotions, but also complete handy sets, such as the Lavender care set Stop in Marseille or the Cologne Fraîche handy care set, which in addition to cosmetics include towels and soap dishes,

Unsaturated fatty acids, which are part of olive oil, benefit the condition of the skin, causing it to moisturize, regenerate and nourish it. It works effectively as a natural protection against ultraviolet radiation. Olive oil is dedicated to dry, mature, couperose and sensitive skin. Thanks to the positive effect of olive oil on the blood supply of the skin, it affects its elasticity and reduces wrinkles. It is also used in the production of cosmetics for children. We can find it, for example, in the Anthyllis Baby Body Oil of 4 vegetable oils or in the Gentle Body Soap for Babies with Olive Oil and Anthyllis Baby Marigold.

To improve blood circulation in the skin and strengthen the epidermal barrier, try the all-natural Orientana oil for problem skin with sandalwood and turmeric with the addition of olive oil. Order also a smoothing body scrub with carrot and oat flakes Green laboratory and a cleansing and detoxifying body scrub with parsley and rosemary Green laboratory, which effectively exfoliate dead epidermis without causing irritation, and thanks to the addition of olive oil, they provide the skin with an appropriate level of hydration. Olive oil also works well in hair care – it protects it from drying out. You will find her, among others in Sylveco smoothing hair conditioner.

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