Olive oil: benefits and harms to the body
The ancient Greeks attributed the divine origin to the olive tree. And for good reason: after all, its fruits carry many useful properties. Together with an expert, we understand the composition of olive oil, its benefits and harm to the human body

Olive oil contains polyphenols and fatty acids, vitamins and minerals important for the human body. It is considered one of the most balanced and useful of vegetable oils. And often included in the diet with proper nutrition. Despite the fact that olive oil is high in calories, in reasonable doses it only brings benefits.

The history of olive oil in nutrition

The olive is called the national tree of the Greeks. This tree has existed in the wild for over 14 years. In ancient Greece, olive fruits were used as a remedy, added to food. 

But it is important to note that the birthplace of olive trees is Southwest Asia. Later they came to the island of Crete and began to spread along the Mediterranean coast.

Olive oil was added to dishes, taken in its pure form, and various diseases were treated with it. It was used for cosmetic purposes, for ablutions. For example, Christians mixed olive oil with balm and spices: the liquid was used for anointing at baptism, confirmation and unction. 

Olive oil became more widespread during the reign of the Roman Empire. The Roman conquerors “left” it in all the territories that they managed to appropriate. Since the XNUMXth century, olive trees have been actively grown in Italy, and in two centuries the country has become the largest producer of olive oil in the world. The Italians made it the basis for many dishes. We can say that the whole world fell in love with this useful product.

The composition and calorie content of olive oil

Olive oil contains 55 to 83% oleic acid, or Omega-9. It helps in the fight against “bad” cholesterol, lowers blood sugar and slows down the division of malignant cells. The oil is rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron. 100 ml contains almost a daily requirement of vitamin E (1). There is also vitamin K in olive oil, which helps fight blood clotting and lower prothrombin levels.

– Olive oil is a highly nutritious product, which contains high concentrations of vitamins. Biologically active substances with a powerful antioxidant effect that protect the body from chronic diseases. Antioxidants are involved in the fight against inflammation, suppress the activity of anti-inflammatory cytokines, and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the blood. The combination of antioxidant effects protects the heart from pathological changes, – says gastroenterologist Tatyana Pozdeeva.

This healthy product contains not only Omega-9, but also Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. One of their main functions is to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Olive oil calories per 100 g898 kcal
Proteins0 g
Fats99,8 g
Carbohydrates0 g

The benefits of olive oil

The oil helps to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, reduces the flow of bile and restores articular cartilage cells.

Linoleic acid, which is part of the product, allows wounds and cuts to heal faster: the compound is actively involved in the process of tissue repair. This acid has another plus: it has a positive effect on the coordination of movements and the state of the visual system. (2)

– Valuable biochemical compounds with antibacterial activity were found in the composition of olive oil. One of the bacteria sensitive to olive oil is Helicobacter pylori, which infects the stomach, causing ulcers or stomach cancer (3), says Tatyana Pozdeeva. 

Benefits of olive oil for women

Olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E, it helps regulate the production of the main female hormone – estrogen. In addition, the oil is completely composed of fats. They have a positive effect on the work of almost all body systems, it is worth noting separately the effect on the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

During pregnancy, olive oil is quite important: the product allows the nervous and skeletal system of the baby to form correctly.

The benefits of olive oil for men

Olive oil lowers bad cholesterol and controls hunger by preventing overeating. It also helps with hair loss, slows down this process, restores their natural shine, strength and radiance.

Olive oil affects the health of blood vessels, improves their permeability and at the same time has a positive effect on the recovery of muscle tissue after a heavy load.

Benefits of olive oil for children

The balanced composition of olive oil has a positive effect on the development and growth of the child. Fatty acids improve brain function, make cell membranes stronger and more elastic. 

The antioxidants contained in the product block free radicals that violate the integrity of cell membranes, while affecting the structure of DNA. Antioxidants are really very important for a child, they help to avoid developmental disorders. 

Phytosterols in olive oil regulate cholesterol levels, thanks to which a sufficient amount of hormones and vitamin D, which is important for the body, are produced.

You can introduce olive oil into your diet quite early – from 7-8 months. But before that, you need to consult with a pediatrician. At first, the portion should be small, only half a teaspoon. And it is best to give raw olive oil in childhood, and not to fry food on it.

Harm of olive oil

Despite the beneficial properties of olive oil, it can also harm a person. This is mainly due to excessive intake of the product: due to the high calorie content, regular consumption of large amounts of olive oil can lead to weight gain. 

With caution, olive oil should be introduced into the diet for patients with cholecystitis and those who are prone to allergic reactions. The abuse of olive oil can lead not only to weight gain, but also to lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar levels.

The use of olive oil in medicine

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common among all diseases: they often cause death. Olive oil helps reduce the risk of stroke due to the presence of monounsaturated fats. The scientists concluded that olive oil is the only source of this type of fat that can influence the course of diseases and protect against stroke. Moreover, more than 800 thousand people took part in the studies, they lasted for a dozen years (4).

Regular intake of olive oil in food reduces the risk of developing type 5 diabetes. The fact is that the substances in the composition affect insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. Importantly, in this study, olive oil was added to meals and the study participants followed a Mediterranean diet (XNUMX).

— Malignant tumors are among the main causes of death in the world. Among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries, cases of oncological diseases are recorded less frequently than in other regions. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to the high consumption of olive oil in the daily diet. The antioxidant compounds in olive oil protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. A number of scientists believe that oxidative damage is the main cause of malignant cell transformations. Biochemicals in olive oil have been shown in laboratory experiments to inhibit the growth and development of cancer cells (5), adds gastroenterologist Tatyana Pozdeeva.

In addition, olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties: oleocanthal in the composition is also called an analogue of ibuprofen (6).

The use of olive oil in cooking

Olive oil is widely used in cooking: as a base for sauces, as an addition to side dishes, as a salad dressing, as an ingredient for second and main courses. Baking thanks to olive oil becomes softer and more magnificent: just a couple of drops are enough. Often they are replaced by other oils, such as sunflower. Olive oil has a more pronounced aroma and taste, while it can both soften the dish and give it a piquant, unique taste.

Greek salad

The classic dish of Greek cuisine is familiar to the inhabitants of our countries 

Chees Feta160 g
Pitted olives100 g
Tomatoes2 piece.
cucumbers2 piece.
Bell pepper1 piece.
Red onion1 piece.
Специи2 Art. spoons
Olive oil4 Art. spoons
Lemon juice1 Art. spoons
Salt pepper to taste

Mix olive oil with spices, lemon juice, salt and pepper: beat well with a whisk. Cucumbers cut into halves, and tomatoes into slices. Bulgarian pepper cut into pieces, mix it with vegetables, olives, feta cheese. Drizzle dressing over salad and serve.

show more

fast lobio

This recipe does not require much time, and the taste does not lag behind the original version.

Canned Beans800 g
Walnuts50 g
Cilantro20 g
Bow 1 piece.
Garlic3 g
Olive oil3 Art. spoons
Salt and pepper to taste

Drain the beans in a colander, let the excess liquid drain. Saute the onion in olive oil with salt and pepper. Finely chop the garlic, cilantro and nuts. Place the mass in an immersion blender and blend into a single mass. Add fried onion to it and chop again. Mix the mass with beans, serve in portions. 

Submit your signature dish recipe by email. [email protected]. Healthy Food Near Me will publish the most interesting and unusual ideas

How to choose and store olive oil

Depending on the quality and type of processing, olive oil is divided into several categories. 

  • natural olive oil, it is suitable for cold use. Such oil is most often added to salads and sauces are made from it, it is also called Extra Virgin. Manufacturing technology allows you to save all the useful properties and substances contained in the fruits of the olive. 
  • Purified olive oil after pressing, it undergoes refining, that is, cleaning. Then it is mixed with natural olive oil and sold in this form on store shelves. Refined olive oil is more commonly used for frying, but it can also be added to salads. It is more versatile and cost effective.
  • Pomace olive oil. It is referred to as the second pressing type, and is obtained in the process of pressing olive fruits left over from those that were used for Extra Virgin oil. It is less useful, but with good and high-quality workmanship, it may well be used for cooking.

Olive oil has a short shelf life: when choosing, be sure to pay attention to the date. Usually the product is stored in the closed and already open state for 1 year. Do not put the oil in the refrigerator: at temperatures below 12 ° C, it will change color and may even begin to crystallize. 

It is better to store in a cool place protected from light. And it is important to remember that olive oil should not taste bitter. If you feel that the taste is not what it should be, it is better to choose another product.

Popular questions and answers

Gastroenterologist Tatyana Pozdeeva answered popular questions.  

Can you fry food in olive oil?

Yes, but you should use refined olive oil for this. It has more fatty acids: this makes the smoke point much higher. 

How much olive oil can be consumed per day?

If you want to maintain energy and general tone, you can take up to 30 ml of olive oil during the day. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to drink up to 15 ml of oil per day. The best time to take it is in the morning, before breakfast. Eating on an empty stomach promotes rapid and complete absorption. After taking olive oil, it is not recommended to drink water, any drinks, eat food for 20-30 minutes.

Who should stop taking olive oil in food?

Allergy to olive oil is quite rare. Some people find it difficult to take the product on an empty stomach. There are contraindications in which you should refrain from taking olive oil in large doses. These are hypersensitivity to the active substances of the olive, gallbladder disease, acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of stomach ulcers.

Sources of

  1. Marta Piroddi, Adriana Albini, Roberto Fabiani Nutrigenomics of extra-virgin olive oil: A review/ 
  2. Lukas Schwingshackl, Georg Hoffmann. Monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil and health status: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies/ 2014. URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25274026/  
  3. Manuel Castro, Concepcion Romero, Antonio. Assessment of Helicobacter pylori Eradication by Virgin Olive Oil /2012. URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1523-5378.2012.00949.x
  4. Lisa Parkinson, Russell Keast. Oleocanthal, a phenolic derived from virgin olive oil: a review of the beneficial effects on inflammatory disease/ 2014. URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25019344/ 
  5. New Potential Health Benefit Of Olive Oil For Peptic Ulcer Disease/ 2007. URL: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070212101701.htm 
  6. Gary K Beauchamp, Russell S J Keast, Diane Morel, Phytochemistry: ibuprofen-like activity in extra-virgin olive oil/ 2005. URL:  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16136122/ 

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