Vivid images of famous beauties, provocative shooting, character, mood – this is how perfume advertising looks today. And how did our grandmothers know her, at the time of their youth? found out what advertising was like in the 40-50s of the last century.
We easily and happily succumb to the mesmerizing pictures of actresses and models staring at us from advertising posters. And with a secret desire to be like, for example, Monica Bellucci, we become the owners of the cherished fragrance, whose face she is. But it was not always so. For example, in the 40s of the last century, perfume advertising was significantly inferior to tobacco and alcohol advertising in terms of ingenuity and beauty. However, the fragrances were sold out. They were in demand during the crisis, war, and even during the difficult years of revolutionary Russia.
Perfume d’Aris, Arys – 1919
Babani, Elizabeth Arden – 1923
Night Flight, Guerlain – 1930
Chanel, Coco Chanel – 1937
Christmas (Gift Set Series) Coty – 1944
Ciro fragrance line – 1944
Mistigri, Jacques Griffe – 1952
Evening of Paris, Bourjois – 1955