Old Moscow

Vodka “Old Moscow” first appeared on the market in 1993. In 2005, the drink won the national award in the “Standard” nomination, and in 2006 it received the Grand Prix at the All-Russian tasting competition and the platinum award of the XII exhibition “National Glory”. The brand belongs to the Moscow plant “Crystal”. The brand’s nostalgic slogan – “A safe haven in the hustle and bustle of life” invites philosophy, memories, intimate conversations, just like the bright domes on the black background of the label.

The history of Kristall began in 1901, when the State Warehouse No. 1 was built on the banks of the Yauza – that was the name of small enterprises for the manufacture and bottling of alcoholic beverages in those days. At first, only three types of vodka were produced here – simple, improved and “boyar”. In 1914, the assortment was doubled, but soon the production was redeveloped: the First World War began, and the plant began to produce dry and medical alcohol for the needs of the army. The production of vodka was resumed only in 1923, when the thunder of guns and revolutionary unrest subsided.

The situation repeated itself during the Second World War: from 1940 to 1946, the plant produced medical alcohol, medicinal tinctures, and even bottled Molotov cocktails. And in the post-war years, they began to actively expand the range. It was then that the legendary Stolichnaya appeared, which for a long time was considered the hallmark of Moscow, Russia and the entire Soviet Union. There was even a tradition to offer foreign tourists a set as a souvenir: a nested doll, a jar of caviar and Stolichnaya.

The plant was named Kristall in 1987, in 1992 the enterprise became an open joint stock company, and in 1999 it became part of the Kristall-Lefortovo holding with five plants, distribution and logistics companies.

The brand case of the enterprise includes such well-known brands as Stolichnaya, Moskovskaya Osobaya, Putinka, Golden Ring.

Characteristics of vodka “Old Moscow”

Staraya Moskva (40%) is a crystal-clear drink with a characteristic vodka aroma, in which you can hear notes of wheat croutons. The taste is soft, not burning, with a barely noticeable hint of wheat grain. The recommended serving temperature is +5-8 °C. Vodka is served with all dishes of Russian cuisine, with pickles, pies, cold and hot appetizers. The drink emphasizes the taste of spicy dishes and sets off the aroma of spicy ones, harmoniously combines with meat and fish cooked on an open fire.

Old Moscow

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