Old mom: why is it so scary to give birth after 35

Old mom: why is it so scary to give birth after 35

Our author shared with Woman’s Day her experience of what it is like to get the “old-born” signature on the cover of a medical record.

Old-school gynecologists treat patients over 30 who have not yet experienced the joys of motherhood according to the principle “out of sight, from the residential complex to the family planning center”. In a sense, they immediately predict a bunch of health problems, and with the very possibility of getting pregnant. And if an “old first-born” came to the reception, then they roll their eyes and significantly pull, they say, you understand … They talk as if you have nine and a half months left to live, and they still have a bunch of papers to draw up on the fact of your inevitable death. Extra chores, in general. Distracted by these mothers.

Whichever office you enter, you hear the same thing everywhere: “You are already 35!” Exactly so, with an exclamation, as if age is already a disease in itself, and a terrible one. On the Internet, forums are eagerly discussing that the risks of having a baby with a bunch of problems in “old mothers” are an order of magnitude higher than those of a young parent. There is no smoke without fire? Let’s figure out why it is scary to give birth after 35.

“I will have a sick child”

Most women are afraid of various genetic diseases in future babies. Indeed, with age, the risk of, for example, Down’s syndrome increases. If the basic risk for young mothers is one case in several thousand, then with age it increases to one case per hundred pregnancies. But the features of modern diagnostics make it possible to identify the syndrome in the first months of an interesting situation and make a decision based on the results. In addition, do not forget that women after 35 give birth much less often than in the 18+ group. Therefore, statistics in this case are just numbers.

But by the age of 35, a woman takes more care of her health. She is attentive to the recommendations of doctors and chooses a doctor and a clinic for screening much more carefully than a young future mother. And there are more opportunities and experience. Are you still afraid? Unfortunately, unhealthy babies are born to women, regardless of their age, marital status, social status, hair and eye color.

“I can’t find a common language with the child”

It is believed that when there is an age difference of 18-20 years between a mother and a baby, it is easier for them to find a common language. More often, young parents are called older sisters, they say, with her and in the club, you can brag to your friends, and be frank. It’s another matter if there is 35-40 years between you and your child. The fashion has changed, you are afraid that you will no longer be able to “catch the chip”. And you are unlikely to go to the club, because by this moment you will be over fifty. But almost every day you run the risk of hearing, they say, mom, you do not understand me.

Let’s put aside reflections on plastic surgery, but believe me, at 50 you can be young in body and soul. Just don’t try to live in the past. Usually, mothers after 35 are distinguished by grooming, because you know how to take care of yourself, and most importantly, you most often have funds for this. And it is also distinguished by its democratic views, because gradually you will adjust to the needs of your growing child.

“I will be considered the grandmother of my own baby”

“And my health is not very good. Either paws ache, or the tail falls off. ” Sharik from Prostokvashino hardly suspected that in the 35st century age would no longer be synonymous with disease. Doctors say that the younger generation suffers from more ailments than children born in the eighties. It is understandable, we did not have gadgets, we walked in the fresh air, played bouncer and hide and seek. They did not even hear about the terrible GMO then, our immunity was based on safe products, and we spent the summer not lying under the TV, but breaking our knees into the blood of our grandmother in the country. Sheer benefit. Believe me, many women XNUMX+ can easily pass for graduates, if not school, then certainly institute. You just need to choose the right outfit and do not forget to take care of yourself.

Are you still afraid of being mistaken for your grandmother? Sign up for a salon, buy a fitness membership and remember about proper nutrition. You will look great and your health will be excellent.

“My social status will go down”

At 20 you only dream of a career, at 35 you already have a job, established habits, favorite restaurants and clothing brands. At 20, going on maternity leave, you have nothing to lose, at 35 you will have to give up many familiar things. It is understandable: there is less money, there will not be enough “Wishlist” for all. In addition, a considerable amount will have to be spent on the child. Here it would be in the maternity leave.

But at 35, you can at least count on these maternity ones. Young mothers, as often happens, do not work yet or do not have a stable income. And even after 35, you already know how to properly manage money and are unlikely to throw them without counting on completely unnecessary things for yourself and your baby. You won’t buy a dozen of the same cute blue jumpsuits that your baby will grow up from earlier than a month later. But you will choose a mattress for the bed of the correct shape, after which you will not have to spend extra money on massage. You will approach everything rationally, besides, you will be able to go to work at any time, because at least you have it.

“The husband will go to the young one because of the midlife crisis”

“Gray in the beard, the devil in the rib.” Women await a male midlife crisis with a sense of hopelessness. You ate a pood of salt with him, and after forty he looks at the young. He knows everything about you, and somewhere beyond the threshold of his house a new unknown life awaits him. The appearance of a baby will only aggravate the situation, because a woman devotes more time to a child, and not to her spouse or appearance. Here and before the divorce, one small step. And then how to raise a baby alone? Even with Sunday dad and stable alimony.

Of course, every family has its own environment. But psychologists believe that late children are the most beloved.

Star Moms Aged

Monica Bellucci gave birth to her first child at 39 years old.

Naomi Watts – 39 years old.

Susan Sarandon at 39

Jennifer Lopez – 39 years old.

Nicole Kidman at 40.

Svetlana Permyakova – 40 years old.

Eva Mendes at 40.

Courteney Cox – 40 years old.

Halle Berry first became a mother at 41.

Salma Hayek – 41 years old.

Kim Basinger is 41 years old.

Marina Mogilevskaya – at 41.

Mariah Carey – 41 years old.

Olga Drozdova – 42 years old.

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