Old Kakheti

Cognac “Old Kakheti” is produced by the Georgian company “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” and is supplied to 14 countries of the world. The Russian market accounts for 35-40% of exports of KTV products. The total annual sales volume is more than 10 million bottles.

Historical reference. Although the company “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” was established in 2001, its history goes back to the end of the XNUMXth century and is associated with the name of one of the most famous winemakers of Georgia, Antimoz Chkhaidze. He had the best marani wine cellar in the village of Askana, the master devoted many years to studying the local varieties of grapes Chkhaveri and Tsolikauri, to the search for new technologies for making wine. At the end of the XNUMXth century, the family business was revived by the great-grandchildren of Chkhaidze Gocha and Jimsher, who founded the Askaneli Dzmebi (Askaneli Brothers) brand. The success of the enterprise prompted the creation of a subsidiary company “KTV”, which was headed by the third brother – Zurab.

Today, KTV is one of the largest wineries in Georgia. The main focus is on the production of various types of wines: red, white, rose, sparkling, as well as traditional chacha. In the cognac line, in addition to “Old Kakheti”, the collections “Iveria” and “Heart of Aragvi” are presented. An additional mechanism for product quality control has been created at the enterprise: the decision to start bottling a new batch of cognac is made by the “Council of Elders”, elected from among professors-oenologists and representatives of well-known wine-making families in Georgia.

In 2016, a new plant for processing grapes and smoking cognac spirits was built in the Gurjaani region. The capacity of the enterprise, equipped with Italian and German equipment, is 12 million bottles of cognac per year. All operations – from harvesting to bottling of finished products – are localized as much as possible. The company has its own raw material base: for the production of wine materials, the autochthonous white grapes Rkatsiteli, grown in vineyards in Manavi, Vachnadziani and Kindzmarauli, are used. Double distillation of grape spirits takes place in a classic copper alambik.

Aging barrels are made from a special variety of Georgian oak, also called Iberian (Quercus iberica). Studies conducted by Georgian scientists have shown that in barriques made of wood with a large number of pores and a high content of tannins and lignin, alcohols acquire a richer aroma, tart taste, and density.

Old Kakheti


Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair (Hong Kong):

  • 2012 – Bronze medal (“Old Kakheti” 5-year-old);
  • 2014 – Silver medal (“Old Kakheti” 17 years old).

TERRAVINO International Wine Competition (Israel):

  • 2011 – Gold medal (“Old Kakheti” 5-year-old).

National competition of winemakers of Georgia:

  • 2010 – Gold medal (“Old Kakheti” 5-year-old).

International professional tasting competition “Wine & Spirit Awards. Ukraine” at the exhibition “WinExpo Ukraine” (Kyiv):

  • 2011 – Bronze medal (“Old Kakheti” 5 years old), honorary diploma (“Old Kakheti” 7 years old).

Winner of the Brand of the Year 2012. Ukraine” in the nomination “Import Cognac”.

How to distinguish a fake “Old Kakheti”

Cases of falsification of Georgian cognac are not rare, therefore, when buying, you should pay attention to the packaging features inherent in KTV products:

  • a narrow bottle has a characteristic elongated shape;
  • the bottom is noticeably concave inward, a convex pattern in the form of strokes is applied to the rim;
  • above the label – a relief inscription in Georgian, below it – in Russian;
  • cork type “camu” – the handle is made of natural cork oak bark and is equipped with a plastic cap.

Interesting Facts

Through the efforts of the company, the annual festival “Georgian Soul” is organized, dedicated to various types of creativity – music, poetry, painting. Folklore concerts, art exhibitions, presentations of cultural projects, awarding of laureates of the literary prize are held within the framework of the festival.

In the best traditions of Caucasian hospitality, “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” develops the direction of enogastronomic tourism. The program of stay for the guests of the plant is thought out to the smallest detail and includes:

  • visiting the wine museum in the ancient village of Velistsikhe;
  • excursion to a natural spring;
  • tasting of local cognacs and wines;
  • participation in the baking of Georgian bread and the preparation of traditional churchkhela;
  • visiting a salon-shop where you can buy cognacs and wines in glass bottles and original pottery.

Old Kakheti

Types of cognac

“Old Kakheti” 3 years, 40%

The youngest cognac in the line. It is made from cognac distillates aged for at least three years. Grapes for the production of spirits are grown in the company’s own vineyards in the southeast of Kakheti. In a sweetish, non-alcoholic bouquet, tart woody notes are intertwined with a pronounced aroma of apricot confiture. As the taste develops, hints of candied fruit and gingerbread are added. The finish is long, warm, with tones of oak and walnut plume. Can be an excellent base for cocktails.

“Old Kakheti” 4 years, 40%

Cognac of high transparency, has a rich amber color with a hint of buckwheat honey. The bouquet combines aromas of ripe fruit and lime blossom. The taste is full, textured, rounded, with notes of dried apricots, candied quince and cashew nuts. The drink can be served as an aperitif, and will also make a good pair with chocolate with a melting texture – white or milk.

“Old Kakheti” 5 years, 40%

The flagship cognac of the brand, repeatedly awarded medals at international tasting competitions. Cognac spirits for blending are aged for at least 5 years, thanks to which the drink acquires a balanced and rich bouquet. The range of aromas is dominated by tones of dried fruits, old port wine, dressed leather. When scrolling the snifter, the resinous-balsamic theme is clearly revealed. The taste is oily, enveloping, with velvety shades of nutshell and vanilla-chocolate tones.

“Old Kakheti” 7 years, 40%

Vintage cognac, assembled from 7-year-old spirits. The bouquet is rich in nuances of dried fruits, chestnut, licorice. Full-bodied taste is characterized by notes of rancio, dark chocolate, cream. The aftertaste is pronounced, slightly astringent, with a predominance of vanilla and raisin tones.

“Old Kakheti” 10 years, 40%

The palette of cognac, which belongs to the category of “old”, is formed by spirits of at least 10 years of aging. The drink in the glass needs to be “breathed” so that the bouquet opens up in all its fullness of shades: old port wine, candied pear, gingerbread, morocco leather. The harmonious taste of cognac is characterized by fruity and spicy notes, complemented by subtle nuances of citrus and cinnamon.

“Old Kakheti” 17 years, 40%

Cognac is distilled according to the classic Charente technology and aged for at least 17 years in Iberian oak barrels. Long exposure gives the drink an excellent concentration of aromatic substances. Expressive notes of angelica honey, dried figs and dates dominate in the bouquet. The taste is soft, balanced, with silky tannins and notes of almonds. The manufacturer recommends drinking this cognac at the end of the meal – as a digestif.

Old Kakheti

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