Old greasy stain: how to remove it? Video
Housewives often have to deal with all sorts of stains, many of which are difficult to remove. It is especially difficult to remove stubborn grease stains on fabrics. When modern synthetic means do not cope with this problem, proven improvised means come to the rescue.
Old greasy stain: how to remove it?
The use of synthetic products for removing oily stains
How to remove greasy stains from fabric? You have to deal with such a problem quite often. First of all, many housewives, when they see a grease stain, try to use synthetic products and stain removers. Modern fabric care products, no doubt, are made using the latest technologies and taking into account the characteristics of a particular fabric.
But not always newfangled means justify themselves. It happens that after their application, not only traces of fat remain on the product, but also there are concomitant changes in the structure of the material or in the color of the fabric. This is especially true for delicate fabrics that require careful handling.
Before using synthetic products intended for cleaning fabrics from stains, it is recommended to carefully read the description and use the products exclusively for their intended purpose, following the instructions
Removing greasy stains from fabrics with improvised means
How to remove a greasy stain if synthetic drugs do not help? Removing greasy stains from fabrics can become easier if you apply one of the handy tools that have been proven in practice and are available to most housewives. Usually, a grease stain is considered old if more than three hours have passed since its appearance. As a rule, there are no serious problems with fresh greasy spots.
The product with the stain must be soaked for several hours in a container with hot water, into which you need to add about half a glass of table salt. Salt is excellent at absorbing fat particles. After soaking, the fabric should be washed in the usual way in water with the addition of soap or washing powder and rinsed.
Old grease stains can also be treated with a mixture of equal proportions of refined turpentine and ammonia. In this solution, soak a cotton swab and thoroughly wipe the dirty area on the fabric. Now let it sit for two or three hours. After that, wash the item in warm soapy water.
Ammonia is considered the most effective handy remedy in the fight against old greasy stains.
Grease stains on not too delicate fabrics can be treated with gasoline. To do this, wipe the space around the stain with a cotton swab well moistened with gasoline, after placing a sheet of blotting paper under the greasy stain. When the tampon becomes dirty, it must be replaced with a new one. The treatment is completed by washing the garment in warm water and soap.