Diseases of various kinds are so common among the elderly that a special term has been developed for them: diseases of old age. The greater the number of seniors in society, the more often they occur – and both Polish and German societies are inevitably aging. So, as you can imagine, the number of sick elderly people will gradually increase. This means that more and more people will need help in their daily lives and in the fight against disease, and the profession of caregiver for the elderly will become even more respected.
Why does the senior get sick, or the causes of old age diseases
The most common cause of age-related diseases is the passage of time. As the aging process progresses, the human body “wears out” and its individual elements no longer function as well as before. This problem mainly affects the respiratory system. Older people have lower lung capacity, find it harder to breathe and are more likely to develop lung-related diseases. The cardiovascular and skeletal systems also age, and the muscles atrophy, so the risk of fractures increases. The veins are also weakened. In old age, the body’s natural immunity decreases, which is why the elderly are more likely to suffer from seasonal infections.
Why do older people suffer from chronic diseases so often? The reasons are genetics, the environment in which they live, and the lifestyle they lead. If for many years a senior has cultivated unhealthy habits, such as smoking, hard-to-digest diet, lack of physical and mental activity – he is more likely to fall ill. Chronic everyday stress also has a negative impact on health. Caring for such a person is a challenge for a babysitter. Therefore, we should prepare in advance for the fact that we will quickly come into contact with sick people under our care. That is why it is worth reading about the most common diseases of the old age before going on holiday. This knowledge will allow us not only to perform our duties better, but also to react in the event of the first symptoms of illnesses. In many cases, early diagnosis of the disease and initiation of treatment helps to inhibit its development.
Diseases of charges: what carer for the elderly she should know
Nervous system disorders
The most common diseases among the elderly are diseases of the nervous system and dementia. The latter include Alzheimer’s disease and others, often similar to it. Their symptoms are: dementia, significant deterioration and loss of memory, confusion, inability to judge the situation. There is still no cure for such diseases, and the only thing that can be done is to ensure that the patient’s condition does not deteriorate too quickly.. The carer of the elderly person should therefore pay attention to symptoms such as: gradual loss of contact with the environment, problems with remembering information, getting lost even in a known area. It is worth knowing that in the initial stage, the disease does not look serious yet, while in the advanced stage, the patient needs help in the simplest activities – such as eating or using the toilet.
Another disease that is taking its toll among seniors is depression. It can be one of the first signs of developing Alzheimer’s disease, and sometimes the symptoms are completely different from those of young people. So what should alert us? Certainly the general weakness reported by the mentee. Many elderly people with depression have sleep disturbances, muscle aches and lack of appetite. So it is good to look at how long the symptoms mentioned above last and if they are not a symptom of other diseases. Thanks to our vigilance, it will be possible to make a diagnosis and start treatment faster.
Civilization diseases in seniors: atherosclerosis, diabetes, neoplastic diseases
Other conditions that are common among the elderly are atherosclerosis and diabetes. The first is the gradual narrowing of the blood vessels and their hardening. As a result, the tissues do not receive enough blood and die. Diabetes mellitus, on the other hand, is a disease in which the patient’s body is unable to “manage” the supply of carbohydrates. It affects over 25% of seniors over 65. The important thing, however, is that each of these diseases can be dealt with – even before it occurs. The key to success is to lead an appropriate, healthy lifestyle. An elderly person, regardless of age, should maintain a healthy diet and take care of regular physical activity as much as possible. The babysitter, through her commitment, can help the senior in introducing new habits.
Among seniors, cancer is also diagnosed more often than in younger people. Some of their varieties are more dangerous in old age. Lung cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in the elderly. 30% of people over 60 die of it. Colorectal cancer, breast cancer (in women) and prostate cancer (in men) are in second place. Among the patients with these cancers, seniors aged 60-79 are the most numerous. Other cancers that are dangerous for the elderly are: cancer of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas and intestine.
Arthritis and osteoporosis
Seniors often have problems with the skeletal system – the mentioned osteoarthritis affects about 10% of men and 13% of elderly women. The reason is the gene pool that the elderly person has received, as well as the lifestyle that puts strain on the spine. Sedentary work and aversion to physical activity negatively affect the condition of bones and joints. Joint pain is the first symptom of the disease, followed by “crackling”, limited movement and mobility problems. The sick, especially in the last stages of the disease, need the constant support of an elderly carer. The joints are visibly crooked, the slightest movement hurts, and the senior is unable to perform everyday activities.
On the other hand, osteoporosis is a problem among older women. The bone is gradually deteriorating – it looks like a sponge and can break very easily. Women in their 70s are the most vulnerable to osteoporosis. Fractures in osteoporosis are very dangerous for the patient because of the complications and also the high risk of death.
Other diseases of old age
Old age is not only the aforementioned diseases. It is also a bit “less” ailments, but no less unpleasant for the patient. These include: incontinence (urinary incontinence), allergies, cataracts and glaucoma, as well as hearing loss or even senile deafness. All these diseases are associated with great discomfort for a senior, so he needs help in everyday functioning. It is worth knowing, however, that a carer for an elderly person employed by Veritas, for example, is not a doctor or a nurse. It does not have to recognize, diagnose and treat every disease of old age. However, her presence is invaluable – it is she who can notice the first symptoms and tell the doctor about them. It is also good to know the specifics of the most common diseases of the elderly in order to know how to help the senior in everyday life.