😉 Greetings to friends and guests of the site “Ladies-Gentlemen”! In the article “Oksimiron: biography, personal life, facts, video” – information about the popular Russian-speaking rapper. If you don’t know who Oxxxymiron is, meet an interesting personality and his history.
In 2001, a man from London appeared in Russian rap. More precisely, he appeared on the Hip-Hop.ru forum. It was a sixteen-year-old teenager, the son of a Russian émigré, Miron Fedorov, who yearned for a lack of communication on hip-hop topics in England. This is how he himself tells the story.
Biography of Oksimiron
Miron was born on January 31 (Aquarius) 1985 in St. Petersburg, in an intelligent family. Father – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (now – professor at Queen Mary University of London), mother – librarian. At the age of 9, his father took his son to Germany, to the serious, industrial and university city of Essen.
There, a Soviet schoolboy turned into a gymnasium student, but relations with fellow practitioners categorically did not work out. Myron did not know the language well. The classmates had different values.
Oxy has a scary song “Last Call” about a schoolboy murderer, reminiscent of Columbine and the creepy movie “Class”. It is partly inspired by his real-life relationship with German classmates.
They were “victims of marketing, mass media, cosmetics,” he was a well-read Jewish boy who listened to “Aquarium” with his parents and wrote poetry for Brodsky …
As a teenager, Miron heard rap – it was “The Fugees”. And I realized that I had found my own. I didn’t know how to sing, poetry under Brodsky was not an option either … For rap, all this was not required. At the age of 13, he even created a group (he no longer remembers its name) with a single friend and came up with the pseudo MiF (an abbreviation of the name and surname).
When he was 15, the family moved to England. And here Miron could not find like-minded people – and therefore began to look for them on the Internet. In 2000, he recorded (on a cassette recorder) his first album. In 2001 he took part in the battle of the Hip-Hop Ru forum.
And then he was silent for seven long years. Why? According to him, because he understood that he was giving out a low-quality product. All rappers would have such self-criticism as 16-year-old Miron …
The teacher advised high school student Miron to go to Oxford. He took it and did it. “Without money and cronyism.” To the Faculty of English and Literature. In the Middle Ages specialization, where they read in Old English, they start with Beowulf and finish with Chaucer.
In the process of training, he was slightly “covered” psychologically, and he was expelled due to the diagnosis of “manic depression”. Myron was not going to be left without a diploma and entered the second time.
Later, many will argue: it is not surprising that Oxy’s texts contain Very Clever Words, because he graduated from Oxford! He himself says that it has nothing to do with it. He did not delve too deeply into Beowulf and devoted more time to the social side of student life. And the texts … you just have to read books and not be unicellular!
In addition, Oxford still did not help him make any career other than rapping, and this is understandable. Native Englishmen could count on places in parent companies and connections. And people like Miron were not hired for a normal job – “Your qualifications are too high for us, Oxford, uuuu…”.
Therefore, he: sat at the cash register, translated something, loaded, drove excursions, traded in a stall, taught someone something as a tutor, did an entertainer, sat in an office and was a mysterious “consultant with a hoof.”
During this time, he managed to get married, divorce, settle in a dysfunctional area of Kenning Town, return to rap and hang out in London’s Green Park with other Russian-speaking rappers.
He took the pseudonym Oxxxymiron, under which he performs now. Compound: it contains both a name and a play on words (the word “oxymoron” is played out – a paradox, a combination of the incompatible). The triple X hints at the abundance of obscene language in the texts.
Oksimiron writes Russian rap – but nevertheless Oxford, Keningtown and Green Park have done their job: he gets really high-quality things. Or maybe it’s a matter of reading books and not a doltish attitude to your work?
In 2011 he made his debut with the album “Eternal Jew” and literally blows up rus rap. In 2012, GQ magazine also noticed this and appointed Oxy “Discovery of the Year”, calling him an outlandish and possibly poisonous fish in a pond. By the pond, I meant, of course, Russian rap … The magazine’s assessment of the debut: it seems that the new fish ate all the neighbors …
Why 1703? In 1703 St. Petersburg was founded, a bar called “1703”, where Oxxxymiron played a battle against Johnyboy
Attached to this assessment was a photo of the “discovery” itself, raising an open palm in a rapper gesture and dressed in a three-piece suit from “Prada”. Apparently, the outfit was a protest against the wide trousers, beloved by Russian rappers, which even the stoned imitators of 50 Cent in Harlem gave up wearing long ago.
In the same year, Oxy was noticed (if only it hadn’t done that!) By Booking Machine.
He performed together with the famous Canadian Madchild and the Germans Automatikk, the headliner for Limp Bizkit and The Prodigy, became the first Russian performer to master British grime and was perplexed about his compatriots who always “will do well” …
2015 was a very successful year for him – his battle with Johnnyboy collected a million views on YouTube in a day (now this video has 25 million views, which makes it unprecedentedly popular in the history of battles).
His second album “Gorgorod” was released, which won all nominations in the voting of the rap portal The Flow and three in the voting in the New Rap public.
In August 2017, Oxy lost the battle to Slava KPPS (for the first time and with a devastating score). From this he was not very upset and went to battle with Disaster – to Canada. The battle did not go to court, but Dizaster himself acknowledged Oxy’s unconditional victory and stated that he held up very decently against “the best battle rapper of the whole world” (humble Disaster!).
Oxxxymiron today
Today, Miron Yanovich Fedorov is the executive director of Booking Machine and publishes an advertisement on the search for employees on social networks. The agency is ready to help them become specialists in the music industry.
In January 2018, his second album “Gorgorod” got … no, not in the next top music, but in the long list of the literary award.
There is such an award named after the Soviet writer and philosopher Alexander Pyatigorsky, and its jury considered “Gorgorod” a serious philosophical work, comparable to the works of Proust.
In an interview with the BBC, he expressed the opinion that rap battles, despite their aggressive nature, bring people together who experience the same emotions. And he was glad for the new generation, freer than his own. “These young people are hard to make anyone hate. The main thing is not to close the borders and not turn off the Internet … “
In this video additional information “Oksimiron: biography, personal life”
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