Oksana Samoilova did not suspect about her fourth pregnancy for a long time, so much so that complications arose. However, with the help of doctors, the star mother managed to get into a rhythm – now she feels much better and is ready to walk for a long time with a rounded belly.
Oksana Samoilova and Dzhigan
Many began to empathize with Oksana Samoilova when they learned about the difficult circumstances of her fourth pregnancy. There were some adventures: take at least the fact that another child of the rapper and his wife was unplanned. And then – “hellish complications”, ranging from full presentation and ending with detachment with hematomas. Subscribers were worried about Oksana’s condition and wrote her comments with support.
However, very soon Samoilova got better, everything went on a knurled one. “It seems that my body just got on the already trodden path and rolls along it to meet a new person,” the celebrity admitted.
Being in the last stages of her pregnancy, Oksana is doing surprisingly well. She told about this on her Instagram. “My easiest pregnancy. Even in the last month, I ride like a horse through the meadows. It’s not hard for me, my back doesn’t hurt, I practically don’t suffer from heartburn, I even sleep well, which is generally mystic for the ninth month. Even my husband is shocked. He does not understand why I do not want to “kill”, “stolen candy” and do not open the refrigerator with the car keys, “Samoilova said.
The fourth pregnancy of Oksana Samoilova turned out to be very unusual
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As it turned out, Oksana is not at all eager to get rid of the “extra burden” as soon as possible. “All pregnancies were different, each with its own quirks, but they all had one thing in common – I dreamed of giving birth as soon as possible. This time I can walk and walk as if nothing had happened, ”she said.
@ samoylovaoxana / Instagram