Oily scalp: causes and care rules

In the morning they washed their hair, and after a couple of hours the strands look dirty and untidy – terribly unpleasant, right? Owners of oily scalp are well aware of this problem. We figure out what to do and how to reconcile oily roots and dry ends of the hair.

Causes of oily scalp

“Oily scalp can be natural,” says Ekaterina Turubara, medical expert at Vichy. – Most likely, such people also have oily facial skin. In this case, the cause of increased fat content, as a rule, is the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to androgens, namely dihydrotestosterone, which is genetically inherited.

One of the causes of oily scalp is heredity.

Sometimes we ourselves are to blame for the fact that the scalp begins to produce excess fat. And here are a few reasons that increase the fat content of the scalp.

  • Errors in nutrition

    Often, an increased fat content of the head is caused by a “special” diet rich in fatty and fried foods, spicy dishes, alcohol, and sugar.

  • Illiterate daily care

    Too frequent washing or, conversely, the rare use of exfoliants for the scalp, the wrong shampoo – all this provokes the sebaceous glands to secrete more sebum. This leads to the fact that the “fat” head becomes already in the evening after washing.

  • Regular use of heat styling tools

    Without a hair dryer, curling iron and hair straightener, it is difficult to imagine the beauty arsenal of a modern girl. But too hot blowing mode and high temperatures of styling gadgets do not have the best effect on the scalp.

  • Wrong washing technique

    Unfortunately, most people rub their hair along the entire length, while in the first place it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the scalp.

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Rules for the care of oily scalp: what to do to keep hair clean longer?

The most difficult hair to care for is oily. “To understand if you have this type of hair is quite simple,” says Alla Mimikina, an expert at L’Oréal Paris. And lists its main features.

  • The need to wash your hair arises daily. After washing, the strands look clean, but by the evening – the head is “greasy”.

  • The ends of the hair do not split.

  • Strands are practically not electrified (or very rarely).

  • Hair is easy to style, however, the hairstyle quickly loses volume.

It is impossible to determine the type of scalp once and for all. Her condition is constantly changing, because it is influenced by the hormonal background, the work of internal organs (liver, pancreas), the state of the environment, and lifestyle.

When washing, you should first clean the scalp, not the hair.

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Special Knowledge: How to get rid of oily scalp

Oily scalp: what to do? Definitely wash! And since oily hair quickly loses its fresh look, it is better to wash it daily. Periodically it is worth using shampoos for deep cleansing and those that say “to add volume.” Both categories of products contain active cleansing ingredients that dry out hair, so you should not use them more than once a week.

For daily care of oily scalp, look for shampoos with the following ingredients:

  • extracts of currant leaves, nettle, chamomile, birch, coltsfoot, horsetail, sage, willow bark;

  • tea tree and rosemary oils;

  • clay;

  • vitamins A, C, E;

  • selenium and zinc;

  • ceramides.

Shampoos for oily hair

Tonic Shampoo Botanic Therapy, Garnier

Contains natural tea tree oil – an ancient source of energy and tone, extracts of aloe vera and orange blossom. Regulates sebum production and refreshes the scalp.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo Dercos, Vichy

Designed for oily hair and scalp prone to itching. Eliminates dandruff, soothes the skin due to selenium, ceramides, salicylic acid, vitamin E.

Balancing shampoo “Three valuable clays” Elseve, L’Oréal Paris

Three types of clay: green, white and blue – absorb excess sebum, silicone-free, designed for hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the tips.

Treatment for very oily scalp

Deep cleansing shampoo-peeling Dercos against dandruff, Vichy

Piroctone olamine eliminates oily dandruff and relieves itching. Salicylic acid and exfoliating microparticles provide exfoliation and intensely cleanse the skin.

Botanic Therapy Tonic Balm Conditioner, Garnier

Intensively affects the hair, fills them with vitality, does not weigh down. Apply to the entire length of the hair for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

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Tips for every day

The scalp will produce the optimal amount of sebum if you follow a competent care regimen.

  • Wash your hair daily or every other day, paying special attention to the scalp. Water should be moderately warm: exposure to hot and cold water negatively affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • Give preference to special shampoos for oily scalp, which contain anti-inflammatory and deep cleansing components (the latter have a sebum-regulating effect).

  • Once or twice a week, use special products for deep cleansing – masks or scrubs. So getting rid of very oily scalp will be easier.

The condition of the scalp is constantly changing.

Remember the correct technique for washing your hair.

  1. Lather the shampoo at the roots of the hair, then rinse it along the entire length under the shower.

  2. With conditioner, do exactly the opposite: apply it to the ends of the hair and distribute to the middle of the length, without affecting the roots. Otherwise, the tool will make the strands heavier.

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Professional help

“If you can’t cope with the increased fat content of the scalp on your own, it makes sense to turn to a trichologist,” advises Ekaterina Turubara. Among the recommendations, most likely, there will be such procedures.


In salons, chemical peeling of the scalp is usually carried out with compositions that contain 30–40% acids (such products are not suitable for home care for oily scalp, since they require professional application and a multi-stage neutralization system). This will not reduce fat content, but it will significantly reduce the risk of developing dandruff and blockage of the mouths of hair follicles.

Recommended course of professional peeling: 3-5 sessions once a week. Then – one maintenance procedure once a month.

It is better to wash oily hair daily.

Electromyostimulation and darsonvalization

Hardware techniques with which it is possible to balance the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Electrophoresis with vitaminized solutions and antioxidants

This procedure will prevent the oxidation of squalene to squalene peroxide, which is one of the causes of itching.


Under the influence of cold, there is a sharp narrowing of the capillaries of the skin, and then their expansion, accompanied by an influx of arterial blood. Cold awakens dormant hair follicles, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.


Injection procedure based on the introduction of special cocktails with vitamins and minerals, as well as active substances into the skin:

  • stimulates hair growth;

  • improves blood circulation;

  • strengthens the walls of the follicles;

  • normalizes the balance of oily scalp.

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