Ogapovka village and its inhabitants: a story of two murders

🙂 Greetings to fans of interesting stories! The story “The village of Ogapovka and its inhabitants: the story of two murders” is a real story from the life of one dysfunctional family.

In the village of Ogapovka, there was a poor family with six children. The eldest girl, Nina, is just the main character of this story. She had three younger sisters and two brothers – twin boys.

It should be noted that the girl’s family was considered dysfunctional. The fact is that the head of the family was in prison for murder. In a drunken brawl he punched a neighbor’s head.

The children’s grandmother Zinaida, their father’s mother, was a very harsh and evil person. Her eyebrows were always frowned, her eyes were prickly, she spoke loudly, sharply, as if she were giving orders, not a grandmother, but a “saltychikha”! The locals whispered that she, too, took a sin on her soul – she ruined a visiting merchant, and took his money into her hands.

Not caught, not a thief

In Ogapovka, travelers often stayed overnight. And then one day a merchant stopped in that hut, was returning home from a neighboring city, what he was selling, no one really knows. Yes, only he had a lot of money with him. I asked for an overnight stay.

The hostess warmly received the guest, fed him, a glass, or even a few, poured and put him to bed in the summer kitchen. A neighbor saw how young Zinaida was fussing in the yard at that time. I ran to the summer kitchen and back while the merchant was eating in the hut. No one would have paid attention to this if the kitchenette had not caught fire at night.

The roof of the building burned down completely, the clay walls were blackened with soot. The burnt corpse of the merchant was taken to the city in the morning. But it was not possible to prove the arson, everyone blamed on smoking, they say the merchant fell asleep with a cigarette in his mouth.

A little later, the relatives of the deceased arrived: it turned out that he did not smoke or drink even on holidays. A year after this tragedy, Zina not only rebuilt a solid summer kitchen, but also repaired the house and acquired an economy. What money, I wonder?

City “fifa”

In Ogapovka, Diana’s granddaughter came to visit another village granny every summer from the city. Her mother brought her, she herself never worked around the house, she hired a maid. The villagers respected her very much.

The woman dressed beautifully and expensively, neatly gathered her hair into her hair, wore gold bracelets and rings on her arms, and earrings in her ears. Always friendly and welcoming. She herself comes from an intelligent family, but her husband, the son of simple village workers, became a high-ranking city boss.

His wife, Diana’s mother, did not stay in the village for a long time, brought the girl and immediately left.

Diana was fifteen years old during the last summer of her life. A young attractive girl, like two drops of water, similar to her beautiful mother. The village boys rolled their necks, looked at her as an ideal. A sort of city “fifa”.

Diana was a simple and naive girl. Ninka did not give her a pass – she was all imposing her friendship, there were houses nearby. I constantly called her with me: now to a birch grove, now to graze sheep on the outskirts of the village.

For Dina this friendship always came out sideways: then Nina would tear her dress, as if by accident, and then she suggests fixing it – she will sew the torn off hem with large, gnarled stitches; then the long hair is cut off to the shoulders. Then she justifies herself, they say, she just wanted to trim it a little, Dina herself asked.

The grandmother forbade her granddaughter to communicate with the arrogant girlfriend, drove Ninka out of the yard, but she met her ex-girlfriend on the street and called her to the birch grove. Nina prudently prepared an alibi for herself – she led the sheep in the opposite direction from the village, and she made her way into the woods to wait for Dina behind the trees.

She lured the girl with her cunning, was able to interest her in something, that she disobeyed her grandmother and secretly fled into the forest. A strong girl, hardened by village labor, easily threw a stranglehold on Dina and tightened the noose around her neck.

Evidence for the icon

The whole village of Ogapovka was looking for Diana. The birch grove was combed several times. The girl’s corpse was dug in a lowland, in a small ravine, where the locals took sand for household needs.

Investigators arrived from the city with a dog – after running through the forest, she stopped at a ravine and howled. The whole village was horrified – they never had such stories. All the local boys were summoned for interrogation. Who could have suspected a girl of such an inhuman crime? She was not raped and there were no ribbons in her braids.

The grandmother confirmed that the girl always braided braids – from childhood she was accustomed to this. The silver cross and earrings also disappeared. The interrogators understood: the crime was committed by a woman.

Ogapovka village and its inhabitants: a story of two murders

Gradually came to Nina. The earrings and the cross were neatly wrapped in a satin ribbon; they were all found in Nina’s house. She hid the stolen things behind the icon. The juvenile offender was detained.

In the animal kingdom, animals fight for a piece of meat, so Nina destroyed the girl, who got a happier fate. After serving the due term, the killer was released from prison, but never returned to her native village.

During this time, Nina’s brothers grew up and followed in the same footsteps. They sat in prisons for robberies and robberies. The sisters and their children also did not get out of prisons for various crimes, among which were murders for the purpose of robbery, as well as premeditated murders committed with particular cruelty.

The whole family of Nina seemed to be marked with a stigma – to sow evil around itself and take away other people’s lives.

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