Oftagel for dry keratoconjunctivitis. How to use?

Oftagel is a drug used for dry keratoconjunctivitis and the symptomatic treatment of other forms of dry eye syndrome. The active substance of the drug is carbomer, which forms a protective layer in the cornea and adheres well to its surface. Before using Oftagel, remove hard contact lenses from the eyes. The drug is an over-the-counter eye gel.

Oftagel (Santen)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
eye gel 0,0025 g / g (10 g) OTC (over-the-counter) karbomer (carbomer)


Oftagel is an eye lubricant.

Oftagel – indications and dosage

Oftagel is used for dry keratoconjunctivitis and the symptomatic treatment of other forms of dry eye syndrome.


Oftagel is an eye gel that is applied to the conjunctival sac. The drug can be used for a month after opening the package.

  1. 1 drop into the conjunctival sac 1-4 × / d.

Oftagel and contraindications

A contraindication to the use of Oftagel is hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation.

Oftagel – warnings

  1. Soft contact lenses should not be used while using Oftagel, and hard contact lenses should be removed before using the drops, insert at least 15 minutes after instillation.
  2. Immediately after administration, Oftagel may temporarily reduce visual acuity; Wait until these disturbances are resolved before driving or using machines.
  3. The preparation is intended for external, local application (to the conjunctival sac).
  4. Oftagel contains benzalkonium chloride as a preservative that can build up in and damage contact lenses (cause discoloration).
  5. Pregnant and breastfeeding women may use the preparation only after consulting a doctor.

Oftagel – interactions with other drugs

In the case of using other drugs into the conjunctival sac, Oftagel should be administered last, 15 minutes after the last drug was administered.

Oftagel – side effects

Immediately after using Oftagel, you may experience:

  1. baking,
  2. blurred vision,
  3. local irritation.

Allergic reactions may rarely occur.

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