Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Derain offspring is a wonderful ornamental shrub that can decorate a garden plot throughout the year. Plant care is simple, the species is almost not affected by pests and diseases. It multiplies quickly and grows after pruning.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Description of offspring deren

The shrub grows naturally in North America. Plant height from 1,8 to 2,8 m, crown diameter 2-3,5 m. A feature of the species is the production of a large number of root offspring, due to which the shrub captures new territories. Easily rooted and drooping to the very soil branches of the offspring deren. Depending on the variety, flexible shoots with shiny bark of different colors, from red-brown to yellow and light green.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

The leaves of the offspring turf are oval, with a sharp apex, large, up to 10-12 cm long, oppositely arranged. There are variegated varieties that turn yellow or reddish in autumn. Buds are formed on 5-6-year-old plants, collected in corymbose inflorescences, petals are small, white or cream in color. Blooms in late May or early June. From the second decade of August, berries ripen – white or lilac-blue inedible drupes.

Derain offspring is moisture-loving, shade-tolerant. Frost resistance is average – it tolerates temperatures – 22-29 ° C, given the humidity of the air and protection from cold winds. The best location is light partial shade.

Important! The bark of the offspring derain loses its decorative effect as the shoots age.

It is recommended to cut bushes every few years strongly, up to 10 cm above the ground. The branches grow quickly and delight with the saturation of colors.


Through the efforts of breeders, several picturesque garden varieties based on offspring deren have been bred, which are distributed in the temperate climate of Europe and Asia.

Derain offspring Flaviramea

Known among the representatives of this species is the offspring turf variety Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea. It is valued because of the picturesque shoots in the cold season. Bright, yellow-green, with shades of olive color, the bark of the Flaviramea derain, as seen in the photo, gives a touch of joy to the gloomy landscape. The bush is vigorous, rises to 2-3 m. Upright branches form a rounded crown, up to 2,5 m in diameter. The leaves are opposite, oval, with a pointed tip, light green. Inconspicuous white-yellow inflorescences with a diameter of 4-5 cm. From afar, at the time of flowering, the bush is illuminated.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

According to the description, Flaviramea sod grows 20 cm per season. The plant is resistant, develops in the shade, at the same time drought-resistant, can be planted in the sun, providing regular watering.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Deren offspring Kelsey

A low grade of derain offspring Kelsey grows up to 50-80 cm. Branches with green-yellow bark form a hemispherical crown. The tops of the branches and young shoots of a reddish hue retain this feature in winter. The oval leaves are bright green, at the tops they are painted in a burgundy-red tone. In autumn they turn yellow-purple. Kelsey offspring derain bushes are photophilous, they are placed in illuminated areas, light partial shade is allowed. The plant does not tolerate drought well. The soil is constantly moistened.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Derain offspring White gold

Vigorous growing bush of turf offspring White Gold extends to 3 m in height and width. Olive-colored shoots form a rounded crown, which is easy to cut, quickly recovering. During the season, the shoots grow by 20 cm. The lanceolate green leaves are slightly pubescent from below, wide, 7-8 cm long. The edges are bordered with cream stripes. Small flowers with white petals bloom in May, June. The foliage is yellow in autumn.

Derain bushes of the offspring variety White Gold endure urban smoke, are resistant to winds, and require regular soil moisture. Young shoots in bright sun may suffer, it is better to plant in partial shade.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Derain offspring Nitida

A variety with tall, dense stems that rise to 2-3 m. The bark of young shoots is bright green, competing in brightness with oval leaves, pointed to the top. The leaf blade has expressive graphics of veins. The bush is easy to form, prefers partial shade for development. It tolerates short-term flooding, like all varieties of offspring deren.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Deren offspring Cardinal

The height of the shoots of the variety is moderate, from 1 to 1,2-1,7 m. The peculiarity of the Cardinal cultivar is the variability of the color of the bark on the branches. In summer, the bark on erect, slightly decumbent shoots of this offspring variety is olive-yellow, turning bright red by autumn. The crown is round, spreading, up to 1,5-1,8 m wide. The leaves are green, with a decrease in temperature turn yellow and redden. Umbrella inflorescences up to 4-5 cm in diameter, bloom all summer, abundantly in late spring. The culture develops well on moist, fertile soils with a slightly acidic reaction, and is not afraid of flooding. Bushes of the Cardinal variety are often planted near water bodies.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Deren offspring Insanti

The Isanti variety is rather short, shoots grow up to 1-1,5 m. The bark of young branches is bright red, retains its color all season. The intertwining shoots of the Isanti shrub create a picturesque picture against the backdrop of snow. The leaves are dark green, turning red-purple from August. Small white inflorescences create a cute calico pattern against the background of foliage in May, June.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Advice! Usually there is a brighter color of the branches of culture from the south.

This fact is taken into account when planning the placement of a bush in the garden relative to the view point.

Planting and care

Offspring turf bushes prefer fertile, moist, including poorly drained soils with neutral acidity. Peat or sand is added to clay. Sandy soils are not suitable for the crop because they do not retain water. The best site is with light penumbra. Derens easily take root along the banks of streams, on swampy soils, where willows and alders grow. Avoid hot and dry places. The interval in group plantations between holes is up to 2,5 m.

Offspring derens are planted in the spring, as soon as the threat of night frosts is gone:

  1. Dig a hole twice the size of the seedling’s roots.
  2. Lay drainage.
  3. The topsoil is mixed in equal parts with humus or compost and the necessary components of the substrate are added, depending on the structure of the soil – clay or sand.
  4. A seedling with open roots is placed in a clay mash for 2 hours before planting. Containers with plants are placed in a large container of water to take out the roots without injuring them.
  5. The seedling is placed on the substrate and sprinkled with earth.
  6. Shoots are shortened by 1/3.
Attention! After planting, the first days the seedling is shaded from the midday rays of the sun.

The trunk circle is cleared of weeds, the earth is loosened. Watered during dry periods. Over the years, it is necessary to limit the independent expansion of the bush by pruning it or digging it into the ground along the path of the roots of solid barriers made of iron, slate. A haircut can give the bush different shapes.

Every spring, the plant is cleaned of old, damaged branches. pruned 1/3 last year’s growths leave 2-3 buds. Pinch the tops of the branches at the end of June. They do not cover for the winter.

The degree of pruning depends on the role of the plant in garden design. If the deren is planted because of the decorative bush in winter, a third of the old shoots are cut low in the spring, stimulating branching. For a refreshing view of the green massif in summer, when the uniformity is diluted with flowers and berries, young shoots are not touched.

Comment! Derain offspring is sheared three times until mid-summer.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold


Deren offspring are propagated:

  • seeds;
  • green and semi-woody cuttings;
  • dividing bushes.

Derain seeds with a hard shell, before sowing, they are treated with concentrated sulfuric acid. Autumn sowing on the site implies natural cold hardening. Before spring planting, the seeds are stratified for 2-3 months. In summer, cuttings are standardly rooted in a mini-greenhouse. The shoots are transplanted throughout the warm season.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold

Diseases and pests

Plants of the species are little affected by fungal diseases. But if there is a source of spread, care should be taken to preventive treatment with fungicides in early spring or as needed. Of the pests, derens are annoyed by aphid colonies, which are disposed of with insecticides or folk remedies: infusions of soap, soda, mustard.

Offspring Deren: Flaviramea, Kelsey, White Gold


Derain offspring will give the background of any garden plot a unique charm, especially in the case of lowland areas, which are problematic for most plants. Low grades are planted in mixborders near the driveway, as an undergrowth for decorative deciduous trees. Culture care is minimal, its shape and spread rate are monitored.

Derain offspring white gold (white gold). Brief overview, description of cornus sericea White Gold

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