Office furniture – chairs and armchairs for the perfect office.

Office work is closely related to the performance of professional duties in a sitting position. Increasingly, we spend 8 hours a day constantly staring at the monitor screen. The sad thing is that such work is not conducive to our health. This is where the perfect office chair is needed.

Sitting for hours can cause back pain, back pain, and neck pain, as well as many difficult to treat conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

The human body is designed to move, so sitting for a long time in static is very harmful for us. It promotes diabetes, leads to obesity and increases the risk of heart attack by up to 54%!

Office chair-work sitting

The modern world is becoming more and more computerized, and, as a result, the number of professions that require constant sitting is only increasing. Already 70% of professionally active people do their work sitting. We have no choice! It is difficult to control the computer while standing.

However, we can provide sufficient comfort for ourselves and our employees by investing in comfortable office chairs. A correctly selected model will significantly increase the comfort of our work. And at the same time it will reduce the likelihood of developing all of the above diseases.

It is worth remembering that the efficiency and effectiveness of employees are closely related to the comfort of work. By investing in comfortable furniture and office accessories, we raise the level of our company and increase the profit from the work of our subordinates. office chairs Samara

A professionally equipped office will force your company to work with highly qualified employees who will further enhance the prestige of your brand.

Office furniture – chairs and armchairs for the perfect office.

Flexibility and ergonomics of the workplace

When choosing office furniture, you should consider the ergonomics of each workplace. From the point of view of an office worker, the most important pieces of furniture are the desk and chair. When looking for the latter, pay special attention to the possibility of adjustments in different planes.

Height adjustment is an absolute minimum! The chair should be adjusted for both the height of the user and the height of the table. Sitting on a chair, you should be able to place both feet on the floor, keeping your knees bent at right angles. If your office chair is too tall or you are short, a chair with a footrest is the right solution for you to maintain the correct posture during 8 hours of intense office work.

Office furniture – chairs and armchairs for the perfect office.

Adjustable seat, backrest and armrests.

Pay attention to the possibility of adjustment in other planes. Useful functions are the ability to control the depth of the seat, as well as adjust the angle of the backrest. These options mean that each employee can easily adjust the chair to fit their needs based on the length of their legs or forearms.

It would be even better if our chair had the ability to adjust the armrests and headrest (if any). Remember that each of us is made up differently. There is no universal positioning of chairs, but there are chairs that allow you to adjust furniture for each person. In simple terms, the more levers and knobs that allow us to change the position of the chair, the better for our health.

When choosing chairs for a large group of employees, remember that the comfort of one person does not mean the comfort of all. It is worth checking if the chair is comfortable to sit. But keep in mind that each employee has slightly different needs and, above all, growth.

Office furniture – chairs and armchairs for the perfect office.

Functionality is more important than aesthetics.

If you choose chairs, pay attention first of all to their functionality. Appearance should be secondary to you. It’s good to work surrounded by beautiful things, but more importantly, the health of your employees. However, more and more designer chairs with interesting patterns that will successfully decorate any office space are becoming the most comfortable and functional chairs.

Armchair in the recreation area.

As you set up your business, remember that the work day also includes breaks between tasks. Each employee needs time to look up from the monitor, talk to coworkers, or have a snack. To provide your employees with vital movement and at the same time allow them to sit down, you can install hanging chairs in the lounge area.

It is a combination of a standard chair and a hammock that makes us move. This seat allows you to push off with your feet and swing smoothly. It is the ideal solution for relaxation rooms. This type of furniture guarantees comfort and convenience. And at the same time, it is a design, intriguing equipment.

Office furniture – chairs and armchairs for the perfect office.

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