Oesophageal mycosis – symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. What could be the reasons?

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Heartburn, belching and the unpleasant sensation that something is still stuck in the esophagus … Who would have thought that mycosis could cause such symptoms? If they occur – rush to the doctor. Oesophageal mycosis is a serious alarm signal. It shows that the immune system is not working as it should.

Opportunist attack, i.e. mushrooms on the attack

The opportunist, in this case the mushroom, cares only about his own interests and, in order to gain as much as possible, deftly adapts to the situation that arises. The same is true of the factor that causes esophageal mycosis. The disease is most often caused by yeasts belonging to the species Candida albicans (white bleach). Another name for mycosis caused by the aforementioned yeast comes from the Latin generic name – candidiasis.

The whitewash is widespread all over the world. It is also a natural element of the microflora inhabiting the human body. It exists in the human body as a commensal, which means that it does not harm, nor does it help in anythingbut, on the other hand, they eagerly use the food leftovers in the host’s system. Thus, theoretically, both humans and yeasts could function in an ideal relationship.

However, practice proves that in the event of disturbance of the internal balance of the host system, Candida from a harmless commensal turns into a dangerous parasite, very difficult to fight. Yeast attacks when the host’s body is weakened and its immune system is not working properly. Then the fungus, which was previously harmless, may rapidly grow and spread. This type of phenomenon is called an opportunistic attack.

Heartburn and a foreign body in the esophagus – symptoms of esophageal mycosis

In the esophageal mucosa, fungi can lead to changes that cause unpleasant symptoms. Inflammatory changes mainly affect the middle and lower esophagus. AT patients with esophageal mycosis Oropharyngeal thrush may be present in parallel.

It is not easy to say that our ailments are symptoms of esophageal mycosis. You should see your doctor when your bite becomes the proverbial bone in your throat and every swallow is painful. All the more anxiety should be caused by the accompanying heartburn, the feeling of a foreign body in the esophagus, which can cause nausea, pain around the sternum (sometimes so severe that it radiates to the back and shoulder blades) or unexplained abdominal pain and a feeling of strange fullness. An immediate visit to a specialist is necessary if bloody vomiting occurs.

Although it is possible to suspect advanced peptic ulcer disease at first glance, a series of tests will be required. This is the only way to confirm that esophageal mycosis is the cause of disturbing symptomsand not stomach or intestinal problems. The yeast that inhabits the mucosa of this part of the digestive system initially forms white, mottled lesions. In the more advanced stage of the disease, the changes are accompanied by swelling of the mucosa. Over time, changes in the esophagus appear in the form of lumps, hyperemia and ulceration of the mucosa affected by the fungus.

W the most serious stage of esophageal mycosis there is a narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus and the mucosa lining this section of the digestive system becomes brittle. The expanding mycelium damages the mucosa. As a result of damage caused by fungal hyphae in the esophageal tissues, the accompanying nausea turns into vomiting, often stained with blood.

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Esophageal mycosis diagnostics – endoscopic image

A patient whose esophagus is attacked by mycosis may initially have a false suspicion of gastric ulcer, but the physician should diagnose mycosis of the esophagus based on clinical symptoms experienced by the patient himself. An additional symptom indicating that the gastrointestinal tract is spreading is the presence of candidiasis white coating on the tonguethat does not disappear when brushing.

Getting a reliable diagnosis will help you get additional tests. Most often, the doctor orders an endoscopic examination. Thanks to this, the patient will find out whether the fungus has attacked only the esophagus or has spread to other parts of the digestive system, including the stomach (whose acidic environment does not kill the yeast) and the intestines. During the endoscopic examination, a specialist may take a mucosa segment for examination, which will allow to determine the species and strain of the parasite and to assess which drugs the fungus is susceptible to.

Radiological examination with contrast in turn, it allows the visualization of some pathological changes in the esophagus. Compared to endoscopy, however, it does not provide as much information about the condition of the esophageal mucosa.

Other conditions, including HSV or cytomegalovirus infection, reflux oesophagitis, and drug-induced or radiation-induced inflammations, may need to be ruled out prior to a diagnosis of oesophageal mycosis.

Reach the source, i.e. the causes of esophageal mycosis

It is said that esophageal mycosis should make both the patient and the doctor think. For a specialist, the diagnosis of esophageal mycosis is information that the patient’s immune system is failing. In some cases, this is a very serious signal as esophageal thrush can be one of the indicators of AIDS.

Of course, HIV infection is not the only cause of this disease, but you should always carefully consider what weakened the immune system to such an extent that the so far calm commensal turned into an aggressive parasite. Other risk factors for the development of oesophageal mycosis include cancers of the blood and lymphatic system, chronic renal and heart failure, hyperglycaemia, and concomitant diseases of the esophagusincluding achalasia.

There can be more reasons – from antibiotic therapy, treatment with corticosteroids, cytostatics or drugs that inhibit the secretion of gastric juice through improperly controlled diabetes, improper functioning of endocrine glands to dietary mistakes and addictions. Antibiotics lead to the sterilization of the body, cytostatics inhibit cell division and interfere with the production of immune cells in the bone marrow. This obviously explains the fungal invasion of the tissues.

Treatment of esophageal mycosis supported by diet

It is imperative to treat esophageal mycosis, as the disease will not go away on its own. What’s more, untreated mycosis of the esophagus it can lead to complications such as spreading yeast to other parts of the body, bleeding, perforation, and the formation of an oesophageal-aortic fistula.

Alcohol abuse leads to avitaminosis, which in turn weakens the body’s defenses. Eating habits are also colossal influence on the development of esophageal mycosis, especially if the causative pathogen is yeast. Candida likes sugar in any form. Especially simple sugars are a good medium for the fungus, so the more sugars in the diet, the better the conditions for the development of yeast infection.

See also: Antifungal diet – how to help the body fight mycosis?

Drug treatment of esophageal mycosis depends on the stage of the disease and is a long-term process. Oral antifungal antibiotics acting locally or systemically are used in the therapy. In severe cases, intravenous preparations are used. The therapy also includes probiotics and prebiotics. Rebuilding the proper microflora of the system increases the chances of defeating the fungus.

Treatment of esophageal mycosis can be successful if, in addition to pharmacotherapy, the patient takes care of a healthy lifestyle – without sugar and its derivatives and without excess alcohol.

Also read:

  1. The digestive tract is home to fungi
  2. Functional disorders of the esophagus
  3. Swallowing disorders – what do they result from?

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