In books and psychological articles, we can often read about the mysterious-sounding Oedipus complex. This concept has been known for many years, and at various times in the history of psychology it enjoyed greater or lesser interest. What is the Oedipus complex really? What are its symptoms? And where did the whole concept come from?
Oedipus complex it is a phenomenon that was first described and analyzed by the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. This concept has its origins in Greek mythology. It describes the story of Oedipus, a Theban king who did not know his true ones parents and as a result of various situations he killed his biological father and then married his biological mother who gave birth to his children. Why did Sigmund Freud choose this mythical character? This, of course, has to do with the described one Oedipus complexwhich is just about a specific type of relationship with parents. This phenomenon was originally described as a desire for a sexual relationship with parent the opposite sex. It is said that it usually affects children from 3 to 5 years of age, because this is when the psychosexual development of children occurs. In addition to the sexual desire of one parent at the same time, the child perceives the other parent as a rival. That is why there is anger and jealousy in children towards one of them parents. However, these are not the only emotions that can come to light. At the same time the child can admire the given parent precisely because he was chosen by the other parent. According to Freud, these mixed feelings can lead to the so-called castration anxiety. Psychoanalysis describes this phenomenon as a fear of castration, which would be caused by the father’s desire for revenge. Freud believed that this stage of a child’s development is very important, and if it is disturbed in some way, it could have an impact on subsequent sexual, emotional and social disorders.
Modern psychology does not accept Freud’s concept in the way it was originally described. First of all, the erotic desire of the child towards one of the parents. Some trends in psychology see in the archaic concept of Freud the beginning of distinguishing in the life of the child a period in which he is more aware of his physical separation from the mother. Today Oedipus complex it is therefore interpreted as a fear of losing the mother’s love. This is where the jealousy of the father and the desire to compete, as described by Freud, may come from.
In most cases Oedipus complex it is resolved naturally. The child receives love from both of them parents and begins to understand that separation from mother is a natural state and does not necessarily imply a lack of love. It happens, however, that families are unable to cope with this moment in their lives and Oedipus complex in a child, it has an impact on his further life, and above all on relations in adulthood, especially with the mother and with other women, especially partners.
An adult male who, in this childhood phase of his development, does not understand the need to separate from his mother may have narcissistic tendencies, and his separation from his mother in adulthood can become very problematic and sometimes even impossible. In order for the child to develop properly, it is important to remember about it during the period of its survival Oedipus complex set limits and defend them firmly. It is important, however, to simultaneously give your child a sense of security, love them and not make them feel guilty, even if we do not like their behavior. Remember that this is an important stage in development, so if we have a problem establishing some rules and principles of living together with the child, we can always consult a child psychologist who will indicate the right course of action.