Odra river near the Polish border. The epidemic continues in Ukraine

The Ukrainian government will provide free measles vaccination to adult citizens of the country. Better late than never – nearly 20 people fell ill with measles in our south-eastern neighbors. people, of which 40 percent. are adults.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine informed that due to the high percentage of adults suffering from measles, it was decided to finance free vaccines for adults at risk of contracting the infection.

This is primarily about doctors, teachers, military personnel, students (living in dormitories) and other groups that have daily contact with a large number of people.

Only during the week May 28 – June 3 registered in Ukraine 1132 cases this dangerous disease – 463 among adults i 669 in children.

From our point of view, it may be disturbing that the most cases in 2018 occurred in the oblasts adjacent to the Polish border – Lviv (2639), Zakarpattia (2442), and also in the neighboring oblasts – Ivano-Frankivsk (2332). From the beginning of the year, 1362 people fell ill in the Ukrainian capital, and 1782 in Odessa.

Ukrainian sanitary authorities purchased an additional 392 thousand. doses of measles vaccine, and another batch is to be ordered soon.

Measles is an infectious disease. It is caused by the rapidly spreading measles virus (paramyxovirus), which makes it very contagious. Infection with measles occurs through droplets, i.e. through direct contact with an infected person. The characteristic symptoms of measles are cough and rash.

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