Odra contamination. Poles are looking for Lugol’s fluid. Pharmacists are warning

The contamination of the Odra river is unfortunately a fact. Although the German study did not confirm the previous reports on the presence of mercury, it is still not known what toxin we are dealing with and what the effects of contact with it may be. This is very worrying. Lugol’s fluid, which was used after the Chernobyl disaster, began to be searched for in pharmacies. However, pharmacists warn: Lugol’s solution is not a cure for chemical poisoning, and they explain what to do.

  1. «We have officially received the current water test results from the German side. No mercury was found »- Anna Moskwa informed on August 13
  2. However, it is still unknown what caused the contamination of the Odra River and to what extent the substance is dangerous to humans
  3. The Lower Silesian Pharmacy Chamber in Wrocław advises you to urgently see a doctor if you notice symptoms of poisoning.
  4. She also urges us not to use detox drugs recommended in social media and on the Internet
  5. “Lugol’s solution is not a cure for chemical poisoning, including mercury poisoning,” he warned
  6. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

No mercury has been confirmed in the Oder river, but it is still unknown what caused the contamination

On August 12, in the evening, the Government Security Center sent an SMS alert to residents of the entire Lower Silesian Voivodeship about the contaminated water in the Oder and the reservoirs through which it flows. Earlier, the RCB sent out alerts for some poviats in the province. Lubuskie and West Pomeranian voivodeships. “Attention! Polluted water in the Odra River and in the reservoirs through which it flows. Do not go into the water and use it. Don’t eat or catch fish. Track messages »- informed in the SMS.

On August 11, local television in Germany reported that research by the German state laboratory showed a high presence of mercury in the water coming from the Oder River. The next day, the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paweł Jabłoński, announced that the German side replied that the information about the contamination of the Odra river with mercury was media information that had not been confirmed by any laboratory tests. “Of course, we absolutely cannot rule out anything,” he emphasized.

The water analyzes, however, continued. «We have officially received the current water test results from the German side. No mercury was found »- Anna Moscow, Minister of Climate and Environment, tweeted on 13 August. “Analyzes on both sides of the border show high salinity”. It is still unknown what exactly caused the contamination of the Odra River.

Still, however, the appeal of prof. Adam Tański from the Department of Hydrobiology, Ichthyology and Reproductive Biotechnology at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. The scientist reminds that no matter what the toxin it is, it can be harmful to people – people who engage in help cannot forget about it. «All work should be carried out under supervision so that someone does not enter the water by himself. First of all, you need to be protected with long gloves, glasses and a mask, because you don’t know what it is »- warned the specialist.

Odra contamination. What to do in case of poisoning? The Lower Silesian Pharmacy Chamber advises

However, the current situation causes great anxiety in people about their own health. Due to numerous questions from patients and disinformation prevailing on the Internet, the Lower Silesian Pharmacy Chamber has published the most important rules of conduct in the event of poisoning caused by contact with water from the Odra River.

If you suspect poisoning, you should not use any medications for detoxification on your own – appeals the pharmacy chamber. He also reminds that there are no drugs available in pharmacies for severe chemical poisoning, nor is Lugol’s solution such a measure.

If you notice any symptoms of poisoning, you need to see a doctor urgently.

Source: dia.oia.gov.pl. Odra contamination. Tips of the Lower Silesian Pharmacy Chamber

Dr. Eryk Matuszkiewicz, a specialist in clinical toxicology and internal diseases, also warns against picking up dead fish. “Let us leave it to the specialized services that are prepared for it and have adequate safeguards in this regard” – he emphasized.

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