Odorless braga: recipes and tips from a professional

Each specialist has his own secret of cleaning an alcohol-containing drink. The most common of them: the addition of milk, manganese, the use of technical filters, re-distillation, activated carbon and others.

All of these methods have the effect that oils and other mixtures in the drink are eliminated from the liquid, thereby solving the problem with a foul odor and cloudy appearance.

Tips from a pro

Experienced moonshiners claim that beginners make an unmeasured number of mistakes when making mash. Here are some of them:

  1. Use quality raw materials at all stages.

  2. Potatoes or pure sugar are most suitable for odorless moonshine.

  3. Keep your work area clean.

  4. Do not use plastic containers for mash and for everything containing alcohol.

  5. Try to keep an eye on the quality of the water for your distillates. Spring water is best.

  6. Make sure that the mash does not sour. If a characteristic smell appears, immediately add sugar and yeast.

  7. Failing to follow distillation technology is a common cause, as beginners are more concerned with experimenting than following instructions.

  8. The decanting step is mandatory for all types of mash, both fruit and pure sugar.

  9. Check the moonshine for malfunctions before starting the distillation.

  10. Use coal. This is a substance that cleans the content of mash. Coal relieves the drink of various organic compounds, ammonia residues and other useless elements. The only thing you need to understand: it is not recommended to overdo it with coal. An excess of coal in the mash not only deprives it of unpleasant odors, but also neutralizes the natural taste of alcohol. The result is a tasteless swill.

  11. To achieve high product quality and odor removal, only fractional distillation in two steps should be used.

  12. Make the drink rectified. Rectification is a process in which foreign impurities are separated from alcohol. Alcohol, which is rectified, is nothing more than homemade vodka without taste and aroma. The alcohol content in such a drink is about 96%.

  13. If the smell remains, freezing will help. Raw alcohol must be frozen. Only oils will freeze, and a clean product will remain in the container.

  14. Another way is to add potassium permanganate to raw alcohol. The proportion is 1 g per 1 liter of alcohol. Potassium permanganate should be stirred well and wait until a precipitate forms. Then strain the alcohol.

Odorless mash recipes No. 1

  1. Fill a distillation vessel with mash.

  2. Heat the product to 75 degrees. After heating it is necessary to reduce the fire.

  3. When the first drop falls, check the temperature of the mash and remember it (or better, write it down).

Temperature control is very important. Distilled liquid should be dripped at least three times per second. In some cases, the mash pours in a thin stream. Make sure that the thickness of the jet is not wider than a gypsy needle.

Temperature should be measured regularly. The correct indicator is no more than 30 degrees. If the temperature has increased, you need to increase the supply of cool water in the tube.

If you want to get a high-quality, odorless mash as a result, do not forget to fractionate it.

Odorless mash recipes No. 2

The basis of the second recipe is soda.

  1. Baking soda is taken (12-15 g per liter of mash).

  2. Add soda to drink and stir. The liquid should “defend” for at least half an hour.

  3. After settling the mash, mix the contents again and leave the drink for 12-15 hours.

  4. After the time has elapsed, drain the top layer, it is unusable.

  5. Remove the sediments that have formed on the bottom.

The recipe with soda is quite budgetary, but using it, you will have to spend a lot of time.

Less common methods for getting rid of odor are the use of birch and violet.

The first method is characterized by the placement of birch charcoal in a gauze fabric, through which the mash is passed.

The second – by insisting the drink on the root of the violet. After two weeks, the mash loses its smell and unpleasant aftertaste.

Relevance: 21.04.2018

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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