Ocular migraine – causes, treatment

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Ocular migraine, otherwise known as migraine with aura, is a condition that is difficult to diagnose. It is a nervous system problem and there can be several causes of migraine. How do you tell the difference between a simple headache and a migraine headache? Which doctor should I go to for advice? Are there any effective migraine medications?

Ocular migraine, otherwise known as migraine with aura, is characterized by the fact that about an hour before the pain attack, a so-called aura appears. The ailment may appear systematically and in such situations the patient should consult a doctor.

Ocular migraine – causes

Ocular migraine is a group of neurological symptoms, including: spots, spots in front of the eyes, flashes, light spectra, problems with visual acuity, flashing waves in front of the eyes, changes in the size of the objects seen, partial loss of vision during an attack. Ocular migraine is also other symptoms, apart from the listed ones, there may also appear:

  1. aphasia
  2. balance disorders
  3. weakness
  4. ear noise
  5. sensory disturbance
  6. clumsiness
  7. double vision
  8. cranial nerve disorders
  9. tingle
  10. hemiparesis
  11. ataxia

Symptoms may vary in frequency and intensity. They can appear singly or all at once. Ocular migraine is a migraine with an aura that can occur one hour before or during the pain. The migraine attack itself lasts several or even several hours.

Unfortunately, ocular migraine is a condition that has not been fully investigated, so the cause of its occurrence is not yet fully known. According to some specialists, ocular migraine may be the result of an overproduction of serotonin, which is responsible for the tension in the blood vessels in the brain. The high production of serotonin causes the vessels to contract and relax, which in turn results in pain that is felt by humans. There is a group of specialists who say that ocular migraine is genetic.

There are factors that can either accelerate the onset of migraine headaches or increase their frequency.

  1. wrong diet
  2. sleep deprivation
  3. intense colors
  4. light
  5. weather conditions
  6. certain medications
  7. stress

Ocular migraine is a complex ailment, therefore it can be listed among several types. Specialists distinguish: basal migraine, migraine with a typical aura, aura only without a headache, familial hemiparticular migraine, migraine with an aura with acute onset, retinal migraine, probable migraine, headache without aura. Often the symptoms are consistent with the description of the disease, but still the symptoms are very difficult to diagnose.

Check it out: Migraine from lack of vitamins

Ocular migraine – treatment

Ocular migraine is a difficult ailment for both the patient and the doctor, because diagnosis and treatment are very difficult in this case. It is very important that the patient is under constant medical supervision. The first interview with the patient is important. The specialist should first of all try to determine what factors may cause or worsen headaches. This is necessary for the correct selection of drugs and treatment. Ocular migraine requires consistency and self-control from the patient. Migraine prevention is also important. During an attack, the patient should lie down in a quiet, shaded place, it is worth putting a cool compress on the eyes. It is important to try to calm your body down. Some people use elements of aromatherapy during an attack. You can also use Yokompres Natural Cotton and Cherry Kernel for Women, the warmth of which will help overcome pain.

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