- Composition and principle of action
- Drug toxicity
- Form of issuance of funds
- Advantages and disadvantages of the tool
- Price herbicide
- Action herbicide
- Shelf life and storage conditions
- Compatibility with other means
- Analogue herbicides
- Instructions for use of the herbicide Octopus Extra
- How to use the tool correctly
- Preparation of working solution
- Safety measures
Octopus Extra – a remedy for weeds. It is necessary to use the herbicide carefully so as not to harm the flower and, for example, vegetable crops. You also need to take precautions so as not to negatively affect your own health.
Octopus Extra refers to herbicides. The main purpose of the drug is the fight against unnecessary landings. Destroys all plants that have stems and leaves. The drug belongs to the contact-systemic type. Can be used on different types of soil. Suitable for both large and small areas. It can be sprayed with special equipment or manually. The drug is sold in containers of different sizes.
Composition and principle of action
The active ingredient is potassium salt, also called glyphosate. The active additive in Octopus Extra is about 540 g per liter. The chemical is produced in Our Country by Schelkovo Agrohim. After spraying the working solution, it penetrates the plant and spreads rapidly. The liquid enters directly to the root system and blocks the synthesis. After 5-7 days, the weed plantation dies.
The first signs of disruption of the growth process can be seen after 5-8 hours. Leaves turn yellow and dry.
Drug toxicity
Octopus Extra belongs to the 3rd hazard class. The chemical agent will be completely safe if all the rules are followed. It will not adversely affect both humans and animals.
Form of issuance of funds
Octopus Extra has a solid effect. The supplement is available in liquid form. Sold in disposable plastic packaging.
Advantages and disadvantages of the tool
The drug from pest plants has both pluses and minuses. The advantages include:
- high efficiency;
- fast distribution;
- possibility of use at almost any air temperature;
- liquid safety for cultivated plants and soil on the site;
- possibility of use at low concentration.
However, the agrochemical preparation also has disadvantages. A chemical of continuous influence, therefore it is not used at the time of plant vegetation. Otherwise, they can also be eliminated.
If used incorrectly, the mixture can harm the desired representatives of the flora. This happens when the rules are violated. If the concentration is exceeded, then the quality characteristics of the soil can even worsen, which will negatively affect the use of the site for several years.
It is required to adhere to general safety rules. Otherwise, the substances present in the composition will negatively affect the well-being of the person who sprayed.
All risks, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, the farmer determines independently. The positive qualities of an aqueous solution (VR) are many times greater.
Price herbicide
The price is affordable which is another advantage. The cost ranges from 70 rubles for a container with a volume of 120 ml.
Action herbicide
BP when spraying affects all plants. It does not have a certain selectivity. This means that all representatives of the flora in the treated area will be eliminated.
Garden handheld sprinkler in the grass
Mechanism of action
After spraying, the substances penetrate into the cells. Gradually, the mixture moves along the stem of the weed. Then it gets to the root system of the grass.
Octopus Extra block the synthesis of substances that are needed for full growth. This leads to the fact that the representatives of the flora lack minerals. Further existence becomes impossible.
Protective period
Harmful seedlings after irrigation die forever. However, with one spraying, it is not always possible to remove all annual crops. That is why it is recommended to do several treatments per season to remove all weeds in selected areas.
The chemical acts only on fully formed weeds. It will not affect the seeds that are in the ground. For this reason, constant repetition of processing is required.
Impact speed
The mixture starts working instantly. After 7-8 hours, you can notice that the weed is losing its former appearance. Within 7 days, the foliage of the plant turns yellow.
After 2 weeks, the plantings completely dry out on the treated area. They die within 20-30 days.
What weeds does it suppress?
Octopus Extra is effective from a number of representatives of the flora. The chemical demonstrates maximum effectiveness in relation to:
- wormwood;
- nettle;
- bindweed;
- purslane;
- straw;
- maple;
- thistle;
- thistle;
- swan.
The herbicide is effective against annual and perennial plants.
Possibility of resistance
Owners of large territories are forced to use Octopus Extra on a regular basis. In this case, the question arises about the possibility of the emergence of resistance.
You can use the mixture all the time. Weeds do not become addictive after multiple sprays.
Shelf life and storage conditions
In the closed state, the mixture of continuous action can be stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture. During this time, the chemical will remain highly effective.
If the container is opened, then you will have to take care of the tightness. Otherwise, the tool will lose its effectiveness.
Important. After working with the chemical, the lid must be wrapped with tape or tape. This will preserve the characteristics of the mixture.
After opening, subject to the recommendations for tightness, the drug can be stored until the next year. In the third year, spraying with its use will be useless.
Do not leave the drug until spring in unheated buildings. The recommended temperature regime is 15-30 degrees. When deviating from the minimum and maximum limits, the chemical begins to crystallize.
Compatibility with other means
The potassium salt-based chemical does its job well on its own. But if desired, you can mix it with similar ones. However, it is recommended to mix a small amount beforehand. You can use them together only if there is no sediment.
Compatibility with pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides is poor.
Important. Do not use the chemical with fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides.
Analogue herbicides
To save the garden from weeds, you can use analogues. There are many such chemicals. Before mixing, be sure to read the instructions for similar mixtures. Analogues include:
- Tornado 500. The product has a similar composition. The amount of the main component is 500 g per 1 liter. The liquid is effective against one- and perennial dicotyledonous and cereal weeds. Unnecessary vegetation dies in 3-5 days. The chemical is produced in 10-liter canisters. They are easy to store and use. It is best to deal with annual vegetation when two green leaves appear and before flowering, and with long-growing vegetation when buds are formed. When the lid is tightly closed, the chemical fully retains its qualities for 5 years, which is a significant advantage. Once prepared, the chemical cannot be stored. Tornado is not dangerous for seeds and does not interfere with their development in any way. The chemical works at temperatures up to +50 degrees. The protection is short lived. The mixture affects only already formed cereals and dicots.
- Roundup. It helps to cope not only with weeds, but also with woody shrubs. The mixture quickly spreads over dicotyledonous and annual cereals. Roundup is not phytotoxic. You can mix it with analogues in one package.
- Helios. The concentration is 663 g per 1 liter. The contact chemical has good rain resistance. Unexpected precipitation will not affect performance in any way. The mixture protects against woody shrubs, annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.
- Glyphovit. To preserve potatoes and other vegetable crops, lawns, flower beds from unnecessary vegetation, the chemical is mixed with water before use. The consumption rate is about 5-9 liters per hundred square meters of land. You can do one treatment per season. According to the instructions, mechanical cleaning is carried out no earlier than after 7 days. It is by this period that the planting completely burns out from the inside. Do not mix with fertilizers.
- Napalm Forte. Recommended for use to protect melons, legumes, oilseeds and other crops. Already 3-4 days after treatment, the doused cultures change color and dry. Napalm is not used in conjunction with fertilizers. The mixture copes even with difficult-to-eradicate weeds, such as field thistle. The chemical has low toxicity to insects, such as bees, as well as birds and animals.
All mixtures have the same manufacturing technology. They differ only in the dosage of the main component.
Instructions for use of the herbicide Octopus Extra
The use of weed control chemicals must be strictly adhering to the rules. The main recommendations are presented in the table.
Processing object | Weed | Consumption rate l/ha | Spray Features | Number of treatments |
Fields that are being prepared for planting crops cultivated with minimum technical requirements | One- and perennial dicotyledonous and grassy weeds | 1,4 – 4 | Spraying before sowing or growing season | 1 |
Fields that are intended for sowing various crops, both ornamental and vegetable crops, such as potatoes. | One- and perennials | 2,5 – 4,5 | Irrigation of vegetative weeds | 1 |
Non-agricultural areas of the holding, e.g. roadsides, paths, lawns, hedges, industrial areas. | All kinds of unnecessary weeds of grassy and woody type | 2 – 4 | Irrigation at the time of the best growth | 1 |
Territories required for lawn | All unwanted weeds | 84 g per 10 liters | Processing 10-15 days before the sowing procedure as a preparation | 1 |
Soils not intended for cultivated plants | Any unwanted plants | 50 ml per 3 liters of water | Irrigation at the time of active growth | 1 |
In spring, autumn and summer, one use of a chemical is enough to clean the desired area. The procedure is repeated when new weeds appear.
How to use the tool correctly
Protective influence is achieved only if all the rules are observed. Recommended:
- Carry out the procedure on a moderately warm day. It is better to choose early morning or late evening. In this case, the plants will have good absorption capacity.
- If possible, choose days after rain. The procedure does not give the greatest result if the foliage is covered with dust. However, it is important that about 6 hours pass before the next precipitation. This time will be enough for the components to be absorbed.
- Choose a windless day. Otherwise, the mixture will fall on crops.
- Large-scale processing to carry out in September after harvest.
- Do not irrigate at temperatures below 5 degrees.
- So that, in addition to pests, not to destroy the necessary plantings, be limited to manual processing at the time of accelerated growth.
- At the rate of consumption, one use per season is enough. The procedure is repeated in too clogged areas.
Preparation of working solution
The main purpose of the chemical is to protect the economy from excess growth. The mixture will work when prepared correctly.
How to dilute the remedy
The chemical is diluted immediately before use. The tank is filled by a third and stirred with the entire dose. Then the rest of the water is added there and mixed thoroughly.
With aviation irrigation, the chemical is prepared in a similar way, but at a stationary filling station that is designed for this purpose.
The dose per 10 liters of water for the working fluid is 84 ml. For a faster and more intense effect, you will need to use 56 ml.
Consumption rate
When used in a private yard, they take into account which plantings need to be dealt with:
- 1,5-2,5 liters per 1 hectare for new 1-year-old and perennial undersized plantations;
- 3-5 liters per 1 hectare when used in relation to shoots with a tree-like stem.
When looking for ways to more economical consumption, it is not advisable to reduce the recommended indicators.
Safety measures
Products that burn out unnecessary landings require careful handling. It is recommended to wear protective:
- glasses;
- respirator;
- rubber apron;
- headdress;
- gloves.
Do not drink, eat or smoke during the procedure. If everything is done correctly, then the expected result will not keep you waiting.