Octagonal gazebo: how to build a pavilion for a summer residence from wood and metal, a drawing with dimensions and execution step by step

A do-it-yourself octagonal gazebo in the country house is a practical and creative solution that will serve as a place to celebrate with friends and relax in silence, as well as where you can spend time with your family.

What materials can be built

Today, the market offers a significant list of raw materials for construction. In order to choose the optimal one, you need to study the characteristics and correlate with the intended purpose of your future building.

Octagonal gazebo: how to build a pavilion for a summer residence from wood and metal, a drawing with dimensions and execution step by step

The beam is considered one of the most versatile materials for the construction of such pavilions. The raw material is used both for the installation of pillars and for rafters. One of the advantages of such a building is the possibility of erecting different building options: closed, glazed, with or without a crate.

The tree is practical, presentable, but difficult to care for. You can use logs and boards, which are easy to install, and the range of configurations is quite wide: you can build a pavilion in different stylistic trends, make an open or closed version, add glazing or create various roof shapes.

The gazebo made of metal comes out strong, monolithic and durable. It has an attractive appearance, especially if you add forged elements. However, there are two main nuances – the high cost of raw materials and additional labor due to the large number of elements and the complexity of the work.

Octagonal gazebo: how to build a pavilion for a summer residence from wood and metal, a drawing with dimensions and execution step by step

The next option is foam blocks. This is an inexpensive and easy-to-install material, but without additional plating it looks inconspicuous. To add beauty to the structure, you will need to cover the walls with additional cladding.

Brick is also popular. It is more often used for hexagonal structures, however, it is also suitable for eight faces. This is a durable, heat-saving raw material. Red brick looks attractive in a summer cottage without additional cladding.

Before starting construction, study the materials in detail. A responsible approach to work will allow you to independently build a solid and attractive octagonal gazebo.

Design Ideas

An important detail that catches the eye is the roof. So, you can use the following types:

  1. Round roof. The main task is to lay the skin evenly.
  2. Double tier roof. Design with a twist in the form of a turret or a small second tier. We are not talking about a full-fledged second floor, but only about an element of decor, which, nevertheless, in some cases can be used as an additional storage space.
  3. The cone-shaped roof visually adds height and massiveness to the building. At the same time, the construction is quite simple – you only need rafters and sheathing. An additional advantage will be that precipitation will not linger. Thus, the possibility of leakage will be reduced.

Pavilions, depending on the type of structure, are divided into the following types.

  1. A patio is an open structure, usually large in size. The floor is laid immediately on the ground, inside it is equipped with a grill or barbecue.
  2. Terem is a tall and compact structure, often placed on piles. In this case, an additional ladder is attached. The log tower looks organic.
  3. Bungalow. An open structure, in most cases without walls. Suitable for hot climates. A roof lined with natural material harmoniously fits into this type of construction.
  4. A gazebo is an open structure raised above ground level. A feature is the use of living plants to form walls.

An important point when choosing a building is its style. Structures in the ” style” are mainly made in the form of a tower. For this, a log is used, and for the roof – planed boards. The main focus of such a building is naturalness and naturalness.

The English style is characterized by simplicity and straight lines. The building itself is quite spacious and can be built from any raw material.

Oriental style is popular. And you need to distinguish between Chinese style and Japanese. The first uses bamboo and a large number of decorative elements, up to a stone-walled pond. The Japanese style is distinguished by simple and graceful lines with the addition of natural details.

DIY design

Having chosen the material and configuration of the house, you need to move on to the next stage of work. Follow each of the instructions step by step, while always thinking about your own safety, because you are doing traumatic work.

Where to begin

Before construction begins, preparatory work must be completed. To begin with, choose a place, it should be flat and spacious, preferably not in close proximity to the fence, illuminated by the sun and not far from the house. Next, you need to clean it from debris and possible weeds.

The main stage of preparation is the development of the project. It includes the location, design of the structure, including decorative elements (if you plan to place them). The third element of the project will be a list of building components.

Octagonal gazebo: how to build a pavilion for a summer residence from wood and metal, a drawing with dimensions and execution step by step

The project can be done independently, but it is better to order from a professional to eliminate possible inaccuracies. You should also contact the relevant institutions, since this building may fall under the category of unauthorized construction.

When drawing up drawings, it is required to make an even octagonal pattern. This can be done from a circle – by drawing and dividing, or from a square.

Video “Constructing a regular octagon”

The video shows how to quickly and correctly draw an octagon for a drawing.

Geometry – Building an octagon


To make a foundation, you need to take 12 cement blocks measuring 20x40x40 cm. Dig a hole for them and lay them at an angle one at a time, 4 more blocks under the floor logs. From above, the blocks must be covered with a layer of waterproofing, for example, roofing material.

Next, 8 bars must be laid on the blocks and fastened with metal corners at an angle of 135 °. Under the same slope, you need to cut each beam on both sides so that they are organically connected to each other.

Octagonal gazebo: how to build a pavilion for a summer residence from wood and metal, a drawing with dimensions and execution step by step

You can take the 90° angles, but bend them before fastening. When tightened with self-tapping screws, they will take the desired shape.


For a gazebo of the chosen shape, standard poles made of timber 10×10 cm are suitable. Fastening will be done with metal corners at the top and bottom of the structure. The main task during installation is installation according to the level, otherwise the roof will turn out to be unstable.


The upper trim, like the lower base, is made of 8 bars with a connection angle of 135 °. The roof device itself is slightly different from the hipped one. On the bars you will need to install a crate of slats. Before starting fasteners, take all measurements and then install the rails around the perimeter.

Next, lay the roofing material to protect yourself from precipitation, and install the roofing material. You can choose any raw material, but it is recommended to take the same as on the roof of the house. Tiles and ondulin are considered optimal. Leaving a wooden roof, be sure to treat with special substances that protect against decay and paint. Edge joints must be protected with a ridge template.

Wall coverings

Various decorative elements, such as arched openings, will add additional attractiveness to the building. You can buy them at the store or make your own. You can also glazing, install doors, paint in your favorite color or add other elements.


Prepare the boards and select the masonry pattern. When laying, leave a gap between the boards of 3-4 mm. To keep the gaps even, make plywood or plastic inserts.

Octagonal gazebo: how to build a pavilion for a summer residence from wood and metal, a drawing with dimensions and execution step by step

Floor details are fastened with self-tapping screws. But before that, the places for mounting the fasteners must be drilled, making the hole diameter equal to the screw head. After completing the fasteners, it is better to decorate the holes with rounded plugs, they can be made from construction waste.

To prevent insects from entering the gaps for ventilation, it is recommended to install mosquito nets under the flooring.

Close the lump of boards with skirting boards.

Decor inside and out

At the decor stage, the building is painted, the outer walls are clad, and the wooden crate is built.

As a decor, you can use a hedge, build various figures nearby, lay out a stone path, or even make a small pond nearby.

Inside the room, depending on the configuration and goals, you can put furniture, a fireplace, cover it with carpets, if the intended purpose allows, or install a barbecue.

So, building an octagonal gazebo with your own hands does not have to turn into hard work. You can carry out construction work without excessive costs by studying the technology, choosing the right material and following clear instructions. As a result, you will get the result you dreamed of.

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