ocr: how to treat, stars with mental disorders

ocr: how to treat, stars with mental disorders

These celebrities did not hide that they had mental problems.

No matter how rich and successful world famous celebrities are, they, like ordinary people, are not immune from neuroses. And one of the most common is OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, which, to one degree or another, is inherent in so many. According to some reports, only in Russia such a diagnosis can be made to 4 million people.

“With obsessive-compulsive disorder, a person has involuntary, repetitive thoughts, because of which he is forced to repeatedly perform certain actions, – says Roza Melnikova, clinical psychologist… – Minor obsessions (obsessions) and actions (compulsions) are familiar to almost everyone. We may be preoccupied with an upcoming event, for example, an important meeting, trying to get rid of a boring song for several days, or, leaving the house, worry if we forgot to turn off the stove, iron or close the door – and this is not a pathology. Some compulsive actions (such as tapping your fingers on the table) can even improve performance by relieving stress.

The disease is diagnosed only if the obsessions and actions are overly intrusive, take a long time and interfere with daily activities and communication with people.

Wday.ru remembered the stars who faced such a diagnosis.

Koroleva Elizabeth

Details about the disease of the crowned person were revealed only recently, in the new book “The Governess”. The teacher of the then young Princess Elizabeth, Marion Crawford, recalls how she constantly lined the dishes along one line and laid out the writing utensils in a certain order. According to the governess, this made Elizabeth “feel safe.”

In addition, in her memoirs, Marion recalls that the future queen, whom she named Lilibet, was “a very neat child who kept all his books and things in perfect order.”  

“At one time,” she wrote, “I was very worried about Lilibet because of her quirks. She became more and more methodical and accurate every day. Even too much. She jumped out of bed several times during the night to straighten her shoes by the bed and clothes hanging on the chair – it seemed to her that things were not even enough.  

It is not known whether Elizabeth received treatment. But now it is clear where she got such a manic passion for observing all the palace rules. However, it even helps her in the board.

The Harry Potter star has had obsessive-compulsive disorder since childhood. For him, at the age of five, even a simple switch off of the light in the room was overgrown with so many rituals that it could take about ten minutes. Of course, young Daniel’s parents sounded the alarm. After undergoing long-term therapy, Radcliffe learned to cope with the disease. And now, without hesitation, he talks about this in an interview and advises all people with OCD not to be afraid to seek help from a doctor.

For this handsome actor, neurosis not only did not prevent him from making a career, but in a sense, helped in his work. In the movie “Aviator” DiCaprio was able to play amazingly the role of Howard Hughes, who had a pronounced form of OCD, precisely because he himself knew about this disease firsthand. Many neuroses – from the fear of dirt to the strange habit of walking through the doorway several times – have haunted him since childhood.

But Leo’s most obsessive idea is the cracks in the asphalt, which the actor tries to never step on. By the way, on the set of “Aviator” he got used to the role so much that his condition worsened. And sometimes because of this, he could even be late for the site. Accidentally stepping on a crack along the road, DiCaprio came back to do the whole way again, “as it should.”

Jessica has suffered from a whole bunch of illnesses since childhood, including obsessive-compulsive disorder. The treatment has paid off, but Alba is still trying to bring every little thing to perfection. As the actress admitted, this quality helped her a lot in her work. But her loved ones sometimes have a hard time. Especially Cash Warren, Alba’s husband, who is not allowed to disturb the ideal order in their house, where every thing must be strictly in its place.

Once Jessica threw a huge scandal to her beloved. But he just wanted to arrange a romantic surprise and decorated their hotel room with balloons. Alba was horrified by the mess.

The famous football player is also a true fan of order. By the way, isn’t this the reason for his discord with his wife? Poor Victoria – it is probably difficult to live with a man who obsessively makes sure that even all his T-shirts and socks are laid out in a certain sequence. It would be better to scatter them around the house, like most men.

Why are there T-shirts! The Beckhams have three refrigerators at home, one for fruits and vegetables, one for the rest of the food, and the third for drinks. And, by the way, the latter must contain a strictly even number of cans or bottles, the “excess” is immediately thrown away. We hope that at least the athlete does not count the fruits and berries.

In an extravagant singer, obsessive-compulsive disorder manifests itself in a very unusual way. She constantly needs … to brush her teeth. 5-6 times a day is not the limit for her, she said in an interview. Sometimes she spends a whole hour on this simple procedure. And without a toothbrush, Katie does not even leave the house.

Fears and anxieties have haunted the star blonde since her school years. And the main one is the fear of microbes. Cameron washes her hands so often that it’s amazing how their skin hasn’t peeled off yet. Probably, the actress has already spent a fortune on moisturizers. And in public places, she opens doors exclusively with her elbows, so as not to touch the handles and doors, which are teeming with bacteria.

True, at home, the actress still behaves more calmly. It is not surprising: because of her phobia, she does a general cleaning almost every evening. Moreover, she wields the mop herself – how can you entrust such an important matter to a housekeeper?

Another neat star. Any violation of order causes almost physical pain to the famous actor and director. If any thing is displaced by even a centimeter, he will definitely notice it and go into a rage. So his housekeeper is having a hard time. By the way, if Baldwin is still ready to entrust someone with cleaning his house, then he always cleans the windows himself. And he may even be late for the plane because of this – clean glass is most important for him.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder prevents the actress from sleeping peacefully. And most of all she is worried about … ordinary wardrobes. Theron constantly worries that things in them are not laid out the way they should. And he can even get up in the middle of the night to check if things are in the nightstands in their places, and once again put things in order.

Another star for whom furniture has become an obsession. It looks like the celebrity closet for OCD sufferers is the most dangerous thing in the house. True, unlike Charlize Theron, Jennifer is not worried about the contents of the dressers, but their doors. If suddenly it seems to her that some is open, she simply will not be able to sleep. By the way, in some interviews she admitted that she inherited such a craving for ritual actions from her mother – she had a habit of constantly counting steps when she was going somewhere.

The 25-year-old singer admitted her diagnosis only a year ago. According to the star, she constantly needs to follow a certain order. Even the slices of pizza Miley always arranges symmetrically. But, unlike many of her stellar colleagues, Cyrus is in no hurry to see doctors: breathing practices and yoga classes help her to cope with obsessive thoughts and anxieties.

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