Ochojska: I don’t have cancer anymore, now I’m slowly recovering from the effects of its treatment

– I feel better and better, slowly recovering from the disease, from the effects of cancer treatment – said Janina Ochojska, who was a guest of Beata Tadla in the Onet Rano program. – I don’t have cancer anymore, but the effects of the treatment have remained – added the head of the Polish Humanitarian Organization and the MEP.

As explained by Janina Ochojska, she managed to cure her cancer, but her organism still requires careful care in the process of getting back into shape. – Radiation and the intake of chemicals leaves long-lasting traces in the body. On top of that, I am disabled, so it has affected my physical fitness. I am not walking yet because of my symptoms. But everything is on the right track – she explained.

As she added, cancer requires great patience.

– In this disease you need patience. For people suffering from cancer, I recommend patience, nothing comes quickly, recovery does not come quickly, you recover mentally from long-term treatment, medications are not good for health either. You have to deal with it – she said in an interview with Beata Tadla.

Janina Ochojska appreciates the fact that thanks to the Internet she is still professionally active. – Fortunately, being able to work online helps me to participate in the work of the European Parliament. Now is parliament recess. Then, probably until the end of the year, I won’t be able to go to Brussels. but early next, I hope to start attending in person, of course as long as COVID-19 allows us to do so. After all, Wiole indicates that COVID-19 will still keep us at home – Ochojska said in the Onet Rano program.

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