Oceans of planet Earth: table

Below is a table with 4 oceans of the Earth, which contains their names, water surface area (in millions of square kilometers), volume (in millions of cubic kilometers), average and greatest depth (in meters), as well as the percentage of the World Ocean and geographical features.

океана» style=»min-width:15.1882%; width:15.1882%;»>Название


(Зондский желоб)»>7729

(Зондский желоб)

2. Содержит наименьшее количество островов и морей.»>1. Большая часть океана расположена в Южном полушарии.

2. Содержит наименьшее количество островов и морей.

(Гренландское море)»>5527

(Гренландское море)

(Марианский желоб)»>10994

(Марианский желоб)

Average depth, mMax. depth, mPercentage of the World OceanFeatures
14,7518,0712254,1%The coldest, smallest in area and least deep ocean, the ice sheet in the center of which persists all year round.
Quiet178,68710,36398449,5%The largest and warmest ocean on the planet with the greatest depth.


Ocean – a large body of water that is part of the oceans. It is located between, actively interacts with the atmosphere and the Earth’s crust, has a water circulation system, etc.

World Ocean – the water shell of the Earth, which surrounds the continents and islands. Covers almost 71% of the surface of our planet. The area of ​​the World Ocean is approximately 361,26 million km2, and the volume is 1340740 thousand km3.

They also conditionally distinguish the “fifth ocean” – South, which is a collection of the southern parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans surrounding Antarctica. Its area is about 20,327 million km2.

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